You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2392 Shen Yunxue takes action

"Find a chance to escape. Although they are not as strong as you, they have something that can suppress all strength."

"Once that thing comes out, even if you are Taiyi Xuanxian, you will become a mortal in the end."

Yu Meigui sent a voice message to Ye Lin.

Ye Lin nodded. He was just wondering why Wang Feng dared to rob him with a group of cultivators below the fairyland?

It turns out that the reason is here.

"Beautiful lady, it is not good to fight. I don't want to fight with you in essence."

Looking at Shen Yunxue who was entangled in golden flames, Wang Feng shook his head with regret, and then waved his hand gently.

A chain appeared in the hands of the soldiers around at the same time. The chain was pitch black, but there were a lot of obscure runes engraved on it.

"This is the thing that suppresses strength. It is immune to all attacks, but once it is touched by the chain, it will immediately become a mortal."

"This is the basis for Tianyong City to become the overlord of this place."

Looking at the chain, Yu Meigui's eyes flashed with a trace of fear.

"Just you?"

After watching them take out the unknown chains, Shen Yunxue's face flashed with disdain.

Then the flames on her body turned into two golden dragons that wrapped around her body, and extremely strong auras spread around.


The next moment, countless figures from all around came to encircle Shen Yunxue, and Shen Yunxue just pressed down with both hands, and suddenly two roars rang out in the field.

The golden flaming dragon roared and rushed towards the group of people.

"Chain formation, rise."

A crisp voice sounded, and the next moment, the chains in the hands of these soldiers were thrown out one after another, countless chains intertwined with each other, and the extremely majestic golden dragon instantly turned into ashes after hitting the chains.


Seeing this scene, Shen Yunxue was shocked. What on earth was this?

"Five-door chain, suppress."

Another voice sounded, and the next moment, a huge iron net composed of chains covered Shen Yunxue.

Shen Yunxue burst out with a strong aura and began to resist, but the next moment, her face changed slightly.

I saw bursts of mysterious aura coming from the chain, which was suppressing her aura step by step.

The iron net above her head was also falling continuously.

"Damn it, if I am locked by this chain, it's over."

There seemed to be a voice in Shen Yunxue's mind saying.

Once she was completely locked by this chain, she might never get out again.

"Damn it, what on earth is this?"

Shen Yunxue's hands continued to release extremely powerful pressure, but her pressure was constantly suppressed by the iron net above her head. She was originally suppressed by 90% of her strength, and now it was constantly weakened and suppressed again.

It is impossible to break the siege now.

In this way, a fairyland cultivator was beaten by a group of ordinary cultivators who were not even fairies and could not fight back.

"What on earth is this chain?"

Ye Lin's face was slightly gloomy. Even if he was far away, he could feel the strong suppressive force emanating from the chain.

"Once the chain is touched, you will turn into a mortal. No matter what you use, it cannot be blocked. Even if you are wearing clothes and gloves, you will be suppressed."

"And these chains are only useful for immortal monks, so we will go to rescue you, you wait here."

Seeing that Shen Yunxue was dying, Yu Meigui said calmly, and then she gave a look to Niu Hanshan and Yu Ruyi in the distance, and the three of them immediately rushed towards the group of soldiers.

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