You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2389 Martial Arts

I didn't expect these people to be so weak that they couldn't even withstand a trace of my breath.

"Damn, the breath of immortals, your cultivation can be so stable?"

The young man just now said with an ugly face. He had no intention of fighting at this time. Martial arts could not beat immortals anyway.

Not to mention that Ye Lin still had such a strong aura of immortals. He was completely an immortal.

I didn't expect that after such a long time, there were still people who could maintain their own immortal realm.

You know, the realm of people in Tianyong City has long fallen into the immortal realm, but some people can only burst out the immortal realm combat power for a short time.

And Ye Lin's immortal realm is so stable, which he didn't expect.

"Tell me, why do you practice martial arts?"

Ye Lin is very interested in this aspect.

"There are no resources here, not even a bit of immortal energy, and after such a long time, our realm has already fallen from the immortal realm to the mortal realm."

"If there is no immortal energy, we will sooner or later become mortals, and even the immortal body will be transformed into a mortal body under strong suppression, and then there is only one way to go."

"But the martial arts are different. To practice the martial arts, you don't need the so-called immortal energy. You only need to swallow a lot of flesh and blood every day to replenish what you need. So we switched to martial arts, just to stay alive."

The young man said bitterly. Anyway, he couldn't beat Ye Lin, so he told him the truth.

Martial arts vs immortals, the mortal realm can still touch, but the one standing in front of him is a real immortal.

"I see."

Ye Lin understood at this time.

There is no immortal energy in Shuiyue Cave Heaven, and even the resources on them have been exhausted. If they want to survive, they can only switch to martial arts, so that there is still a way to survive.

At least there is the Shuiyue Holy Beast here. It is not a bad way to practice with the flesh and blood of the Shuiyue Holy Beast.

No matter how strong the suppression force is, it will not suppress the brain.

Even a terrestrial immortal can create a large number of martial arts secrets in a short time by himself.

"You have a strong immortal aura, and you must be at least in the realm of heavenly immortals. The realm of heavenly immortals can remain so stable. Are you... new"

Before the young man finished speaking, Ye Lin flicked his finger, and the young man's head in front of him was instantly shattered, bursting like a watermelon.

And the next moment, a series of loud noises sounded, and the heads of the young people around exploded like watermelons.

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Lin shook his head speechlessly. At this time, he also knew the temptation of a newcomer to these people.

Newcomers represent a lot of resources, and for those who have no resources and can only switch to martial arts, it is the hope of walking and the future of walking.

He didn't want this information to be exposed.

But when he came in, Shuiyuedongtian had already arrived at the Tianhe Galaxy Cluster, right? He would be sucked in when he saw it. It seems that there should be a lot of newcomers coming in during this period of time.

Shaking his head, Ye Lin stopped thinking about it and continued to follow Yudie on the road.

This time, Ye Lin's speed was very fast. It was because Yudie's flying speed was too fast that he had no choice but to hurry.

In a short time, he had arrived at the place he had left before. It was still raining heavily in the original place, and in front of him was a strong shelter built by trees.

Among them, Yumeigui and others were discussing something in front of a fire.

Fire is hope and dawn. Even if you have become a cultivator, you can't avoid this idea.

It seems that fire is something engraved in the deepest part of the human race and cannot be forgotten.

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