You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2387: Exchange for the Deliverance Stone

"Okay, I'll count it now."

The middle-aged man took the bag handed by Ye Lin and started to count it. He counted it very quickly and it took almost no time.

"The count is complete. The value is very high. It can almost be exchanged for a third-level stone of salvation."

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Lin after he finished speaking.

Ye Lin's mouth curled up. Just now, he had already understood the basic value and basic function of the stone of salvation with a glance of his mind.

Because there was a book next to the middle-aged man, and the content on it was exactly the information of the stone of salvation.

What's more, the middle-aged man in front of him was only a celestial being at best, and it was unknown how much strength he could exert now.

So, he couldn't detect his mind fluctuations at all.

If he asked about the level and function of the stone of salvation at this time, he would probably be immediately regarded as a newcomer, and then he would probably find it difficult to leave.

But now, he knew.

The stone of salvation is divided into three levels.

The first level, which is also the lowest, can reduce the suppression force by 30% and last for ten days.

The second level, one can reduce the suppression by 50%, which lasts for one month.

The third level, which is also the highest level, can reduce the suppression by 80%, which lasts for one year.

In other words, if he buys the third level of the Duyou Stone now, the suppression on him will be suddenly reduced.

And it can last for one year.

However, this suppression is not what he thought. The suppression is increasing every moment. The role of the Duyou Stone is to reduce the suppression by 80% every day.

In other words, the suppression is still there, but it has been weakened. If the suppression is 100 a day, then if you have a Duyou Stone, the suppression will be reduced by 80 a day, and the suppression on you every day is only 20.

The role of the Duyou Stone is just to delay your death time. In the final analysis, it is still a chronic death.

At the beginning, 90% of the strength is suppressed, and then it continues to be suppressed on the basis of 90%.

For tens of millions of years, even if you are a true immortal, you will be suppressed to the point where mortals are inferior.

So the three people of Jade Rose were still very strong. They could still exert their celestial strength for a short time after bearing the suppression force for tens of millions of years.

It was unimaginable.

"According to what you said, then the exchange for the second-level Duyou Stone is ten, right?"


The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

"Of course, if you use the corresponding resources, you can also exchange it. For example, one hundred lower-grade immortal stones can be exchanged for one first-level Duyou Stone, one thousand lower-grade immortal stones can be exchanged for the second-level Duyou Stone, and ten thousand lower-grade immortal stones can be exchanged for the third-level Duyou Stone."

Hearing this, Ye Lin nodded silently. There must be several strong people behind Tianyong City who are controlling everything.

They are secretly collecting resources.

Their own suppression force is one aspect, and cultivation is another aspect.

Without the nourishment of immortal energy, even immortals will fall.

No wonder Tianyong City can monopolize the Duyou Stone and no one dares to resist. Even Taiyi Xuanxian will have to kneel.

Moreover, being able to control Tianyong City for such a long time, there must be the shadow of Taiyi Xuanxian behind it.

Otherwise, if a Taiyi Xuanxian descended to Shuiyue Cave Heaven, he would probably be invincible here.

Even if his strength was suppressed by 90%, he was still a Taiyi Xuanxian, far beyond the reach of other cultivators.

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