You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2382: Fairy rain falls from the sky into the mortal world

Ye Lin's face flashed a trace of fatigue as he retracted his strength, and then he came to the ground.

"Let's go."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, several people left here again.

After a few turns, several people had arrived at a safe area.

"Why did you come back again?"

Niu Hanshan looked at Ye Lin and the others and said, he didn't understand, let alone guess Ye Lin.

Everyone has selfishness. If it were him, he might not be as decisive as Ye Lin.

"I don't like to owe people things. You give me the fragments, and I save your life. We are even."

Ye Lin frowned and said, then tried hard to hide his own breath. After he made a move just now, he felt that the suppression of this world on him became stronger and stronger.

"Try not to make a move with all your strength, otherwise the suppression will become stronger and stronger until you become like us."

Looking at Ye Lin's uncomfortable face and a little weak, Yu Ruyi said with concern.

After all, Ye Lin became like this in order to save them, and she felt very distressed.

"Thank you."

Yu Meigui, who had been silent and stern all the time, spoke for the first time. After she finished speaking, she turned her head and looked into the distance.

"Let's go. Time is running out. We need to get to Tianyong City as soon as possible."

After Yu Meigui finished speaking, she quickly rushed forward without leaving any time for everyone to rest.

"Let's go. I recognize you."

Niu Hanshan laughed and patted Ye Lin's shoulder. Then he followed Yu Meigui with two big knives. It was obvious that Yu Meigui was the big sister of the two.

"Let's go. Follow them."

Ye Lin gave Shen Yunxue a look beside him, and then dragged his tired body behind the three people.

The speed of the few people was very fast. Even if their strength was suppressed, their speed was not slow.

All along the way, everyone did not talk to each other at all. They just kept on going.

In this way, everyone ran for a whole day and night.

During this period, Niu Hanshan could hardly open his eyes. He had experienced a great battle before, his body exploded once, and he was under great pressure. He almost started the extreme sublimation. His body had already reached the limit.

At this time, cracks appeared on the surface of his body, and dazzling light emanated from the cracks.

His hands holding the long sword were trembling slightly. At this moment, his spirit and body had reached the limit.

It seemed that he would collapse in the next moment.

Tick, tick, tick.

At this time, drops of rain fell on the ground, and Yu Meigui, who was on the road ahead, stopped immediately.

"Damn, it's raining."

Yu Meigui cursed in a low voice, and Yu Ruyi behind her quickly cut down all three large trees around and then put them on the heads of several people.

"Don't get wet in the rain. Once you are contaminated by the rain, your own strength will be suppressed and you will become a complete mortal."

Yu Ruyi explained to Ye Lin and Shen Yunxue very considerately.

Ye Lin's face changed when he heard this. His cultivation was suppressed by the rain?

This Shuiyue Cave Heaven is really weird.

"Brother Niu, what's wrong with you? Brother Niu?"

Suddenly, Niu Hanshan beside him fell to the ground, and the big knife in his hand suddenly fell out of his hand. He lay on the ground with a weak face, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

His face was also extremely ugly, extremely pale, and bloodless.

This scene made Yu Ruyi even more anxious. After tens of millions of years of getting along, the three of them have regarded each other as family members.

At this time, seeing Niu Hanshan like this, she was naturally very anxious.

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