You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2373 Three Heroes of Mirror Moon

"Let's go ahead and take a look."

Observing the leaves, Lin finally said.

It's a little too evil here.

Behind him, Shen Yunxue grabbed Ye Lin's arm and moved forward bit by bit.

"Get away."

Suddenly, Ye Lin pulled Shen Yunxue away, and saw a white light flash in front of his eyes, and disappeared directly into the ground.

"What was that just now?"

Shen Yunxue touched her beating heart and said with lingering fear.

"I don't know. I was so fast that I didn't see it clearly. Is Shuiyue Cave Heaven so mysterious? Is it always a fairy or a true immortal?"

Ye Lin couldn't help but wonder at this time, what level was this Taiyi Golden Immortal's spear? An inner space was comparable to a large world, let alone breed such a powerful creature.

"I don't know, but as time goes by, this spear has developed spiritual intelligence. By the way, if we find the weapon spirit of the spear, can we get out?"

As she spoke, Shen Yunxue's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, yes, as long as they find the weapon spirit and let them out.

"Do you think the method you came up with can't be thought of by others? Maybe many people have tried this method. Remember, there is never a shortage of smart people in this world."

Ye Lin rolled his eyes at Shen Yunxue and said.

"here we go again."

Ye Lin issued an emergency warning in his heart, which made Ye Lin retreat quickly, while not forgetting to pull Shen Yunxue.

This Shen Yunxue is a pure silly girl. Of course, Ye Lin has the last guarantee, which is to kill Shen Yunxue if he really can't get out.

The power that was forced out of Shen Yunxue's body was comparable to the power of the Golden Immortal, and should be able to break a hole for him.

Of course, this is just a last resort.

At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared in front of Ye Lin and the others. The white light was very fast, but it was approaching Ye Lin's eyes in an instant.


Ye Lin quickly raised his hand and pushed it out with a palm, and the most powerful power in his hand transformed into a big sun.


A scream came from the front, and the sun directly suppressed the white light on the ground. Finally, the sun dissipated, leaving only a corpse on the ground.

Only then did Ye Lin see the true face of this mysterious object.

It has long white hair all over its body, two extremely thick arms, a ferocious face, and two extremely sharp teeth exposed.

"What the hell is this?"

Shen Yunxue tentatively stepped forward and kicked the mysterious monster.

"That's also a type of Water Moon Sacred Beast, called the Long-haired Demon Ape."

At this moment, a cold voice came, and three figures were seen walking in front.

One was wearing a purple dress, with a cold face, a strand of hair hanging between his eyebrows, and a long sword in his hand, with blood dripping from the sword that had not yet dried up.

The other one is petite, with two white bunny ears on his head, and his round face gives people an extremely cute feeling.

The remaining one was naked from the waist up, with a stubble on his face, and in his hands was a broadsword that was taller than the others. The blade of the broadsword rubbed against the ground, making a rustling sound.

"Who are you?"

Seeing these three people, Shen Yunxue strolled back towards Ye Lin, her face full of vigilance.

At first glance, these three people are not good people.

"We are the Three Heroes of Mirror Moon. Looking at you like this, you must have just entered the Water Moon Cave, right?"

The petite girl walking in the front slowly spoke, looking at Ye Lin and Shen Yunxue with a trace of

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