You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2371 Water Moon Holy Beast

Boom, boom, boom.

There were several more sounds of water breaking, and several snow-white water-moon holy beasts drew a beautiful arc in the sky and bit towards Ye Lin.

They open their mouths wide, and there are so many teeth in their mouths that it makes your scalp numb.

Ye Lin pulled Shen Yunxue and hurriedly backed away, and at the same time, he slapped the water moon sacred beasts into the water with Ye Lin's palm.

"Thank you, but do you really think that I am a vegetarian?"

Shen Yunxue thanked Ye Lin, and then she frowned and made a quick gesture with her hands.

After all, she is a genuine immortal. Although her brain is not very good, she is still a true immortal.

"Give me a period."

Shen Yunxue snorted softly, and in an instant, the seawater in front began to roll violently. Countless seawater floated in the air, and there were even a few water-moon holy beasts swimming in it.


Shen Yunxue held her right hand, and the sea water in the air exploded instantly, and several water-moon holy beasts were directly blown into blood mist.

"Damn it, the strength is suppressed too hard. According to rumors, the stronger the strength is suppressed, the harder it is to suppress. In the end, he may become an ordinary mortal."

Shen Yunxue said with an ugly expression. In the past, she could have evaporated the entire seawater with a single thought, but now she could feel the magic power in her body being rapidly depleted after just casting a small spell.

And it's not as powerful as before.

While Shen Yunxue was thinking, Ye Lin raised his head and looked into the distance.

At the end of the sea, a huge object is looming. If you look closely, it looks like a continent.

"Come on, let's go over there."

Ye Lin pointed directly at the phantom of the mainland in the distance.

"Ah? How to get there? It's about a mile away from here. Since we can't fly, we can only walk on the waves, and there is a Water-Moon Sacred Beast just waiting to move under the water."

Shen Yunxue was surprised at first and then complained. This was simply unacceptable.

It is not known whether there is a water-moon holy beast in the true immortal realm under the water. If you rush there now, you will easily put yourself in a disadvantageous position.

Staying on this island, at least the most basic life safety is guaranteed.

"You'll never get out if you stay here, come with me."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he pulled Shen Yunxue towards the water. The two of them walked on the waves and quickly moved closer to the front.

In front of the true immortal, there is no such thing as a mirage.


Suddenly, Ye Lin pushed Shen Yunxue far away, then jumped up, and under his feet, a big mouth full of teeth bit him.


Ye Lin swung his sword downwards with both fingers. In an instant, a shocking sword sound was heard, and the Water Moon Sacred Beast under his feet was cut into two halves.

"You go first and leave the rest to me."

After speaking to Shen Yunxue in the distance, Ye Lin retreated and was alert.

The water in front of him fell into calm temporarily. Behind him, Shen Yunxue was running as fast as possible, with Ye Lin following closely behind.

"The blazing sun burns the sky, open."

Shen Yunxue in front of Ye Lin suddenly let out a roar, and then Shen Yunxue's whole body began to burn with golden flames, and the flames continued to evaporate the seawater under his feet.

Ye Lin could clearly see several white figures in the seawater under Shen Yunxue's feet. After noticing the flames around Shen Yunxue, these white figures began to move away quickly.

Seeing this, Ye Lin's mouth corners rose.

"I'm afraid of fire. This will be easy to handle."

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