You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2361: Five Thousand Years of Seclusion, Nine Suns Supreme Law


There was a loud noise, and the scene in front of Ye Lin changed instantly, and the whole starry sky was gradually shattered.

In the dark and silent starry sky, a big sun slowly rose, shining on the boundless universe.

"Sunlight is the root of living things. It represents hope, represents the future, and represents endless life."

Gradually, Ye Lin was addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

Outside, Cang Zhong watched Ye Lin standing still in the same place. He looked at Li Mu, and finally left with Li Mu.

And the hall has been completely sealed.

One year, two years, fifty years, a hundred years.

In the blink of an eye, five hundred years passed.

"Five hundred years of retreat, tsk, worthy of being a true immortal, retreating casually starts at a hundred years."

Cang Zhong stood at the door of the hall with envy on his face. Since becoming a human race venerable, he hasn't been in retreat for a long time. Every day, every moment, there are countless things waiting for him to deal with.

Cang Zhong looked at the motionless hall and turned away.

During this period, Cang Zhong came to watch once every hundred years.

At the same time, during this period, the human race developed rapidly. In just a thousand years, the human race had produced three powerful celestial immortals, plus the previous six powerful celestial immortals.

Since then, the human race has completely established its foothold in this remote place, and other races have never dared to provoke the human race because they are afraid of the mysterious true immortal of the human race.

In the blink of an eye, another two thousand years have passed.

Li Mu stood at the door of the hall.

"Senior, have you understood it?"

Li Mu murmured to himself. This picture has been in his hands for tens of millions of years. No matter how he comprehends it, he can't see any mystery, but he just feels that this picture is not an ordinary thing.

Unexpectedly, this thing fell into the hands of the senior, and just a glance at it made the senior fall into a state of retreat.

He was very envious.

He envied this kind of understanding.

After Li Mu left, Cang Zhong came again. After Cang Zhong left, other celestial immortals of the human race also came.

At the same time, this hall also became a forbidden place for the human race, and only celestial immortals could not approach it.

It is also the most heavily guarded place for the entire human race.

"Youngster, have you realized it?"

Suddenly, an extremely majestic voice came, and the sound exploded in Ye Lin's ears like thunder.

Let Ye Lin come back to his senses immediately.

"Senior, I have realized it."

Ye Lin apologized and bowed to the figure in front of him.

"Hahaha, okay, youngster, remember, this deity, Jiuyang Star Lord, you and I are destined to meet, and we may meet again in the future."

A hearty laugh surrounded Ye Lin's ears, and the scene in front of him gradually broke, and finally turned into nothingness, and Ye Lin's consciousness completely returned.

"Are you back? What a powerful method."

Ye Lin murmured as he looked at the gradually broken painting in his hand.

As the painting was completely broken, he gradually came back to his senses.

Jiuyang Supreme Method.

This is the name of this method.

It is a true supreme method, and the grade is even the middle-grade supreme method.

"Nine Suns Supreme Law, there are nine levels in total. The first level can transform into a sun, and the ninth level can transform into nine suns. When the nine suns appear, they suppress everything."

Ye Lin said, and a sun phantom gradually condensed behind him.

"Five thousand years have passed just to comprehend?"

After counting with his fingers, Ye Lin realized that he had been in seclusion for five thousand years.

This was also the longest time he had been in seclusion.

But he was not surprised, because such a long time of seclusion would be as common to him as eating and drinking cold water.

At his current level of cultivation, it is not possible to break through it just by saying so.

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