You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2351 Ancient Ancestor of the Human Race

Human race, what kind of blood do they have?

It is strange to say that all races have more or less powerful bloodlines in their bodies, but only the human race does not have such bloodlines.

This is also a very magical thing.

"Who said the human race has no bloodline? Your generation of humans all have extremely weak ancient ancestor bloodline in their bodies. As long as the ancient ancestor bloodline in your body can be stimulated, any divine body or immortal body can be defeated at will."

The slightly excited words from the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar came, which surprised Ye Lin.

"Guzu? Who is it?"

Ye Lin asked as he left this place.

"In ancient times, this galaxy and the world had just been born. At that time, the energy of chaos filled the entire starry sky, but the physical bodies of all races born in that era were extremely powerful."

"If you randomly pull out a race and put it in modern times, I'm afraid they will all be physically invincible."

"Just like now, the physical body of Fei Taiyi Golden Immortal cannot resist the invasion of the energy of chaos."

Ye Lin was shocked when he heard this. The body of Fei Taiyi Golden Immortal couldn't withstand this so-called chaotic energy?

Doesn't that mean that any creature pulled out from the so-called ancient times is as powerful as Taiyi Golden Immortal?

"But Taiyi Golden Immortal can only resist the energy of chaos for a short time. During that period, the creatures born were all abnormal, each one more tyrannical than the last."

"And at that time, a guy named Gu Zu was born. As soon as he was born, a vision came from the sky, and golden lotuses surged from the ground. The entire galaxy and the universe were filled with such visions."

"He was invincible from the moment he was born. With his extremely powerful body, he almost dominated the entire world at that time. No race could be his enemy."

"In the end, the Galaxy Universe became stable, order was born, the energy of chaos gradually disappeared, and the ancient ancestor also left the Galaxy Universe to go to a more distant place, and you humans are the descendants of that ancient ancestor."

"But as time goes by, this so-called ancient ancestor's bloodline is getting thinner and thinner in you, and now it is so weak that it is almost non-existent."

"But with the existence of this Tianyuan bottle, you have a glimmer of hope to awaken the blood in your body. If you can successfully achieve reversion to your ancestors, the so-called divine body and immortal body will not be your enemy."

Ye Lin was also a little excited after hearing what the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar said. If he really awakened the blood of the ancient ancestors in his body as the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar said, his physical body would be so tyrannical that it would be inhuman.

"But, you'd better not have any expectations, because the blood in the human race of this generation is extremely weak, so weak that there is almost no blood in the body. Even if there is a Tianyuan bottle, it may not be able to awaken the blood in the body."

"But it is true that it can make your bloodline purer and your body stronger."

In order not to hit Ye Lin, the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar still spoke politely.

However, Ye Lin didn't care about this. With good luck, he awakened the ancient ancestor's bloodline and became the group of people who were physically invincible, both physically and mentally.

Bad luck means bad luck, and he didn't have high expectations for this thing.

In the past, he had taken the path of both physical and mental training, but that was no longer the case.

Now, his realm has reached the middle stage of True Immortal, but his physical strength cannot reach the peak of Earth Immortal.

It was too difficult to achieve both physical and mental strength, but fortunately, he had the Eternal Unparalleled Demonic Body, which just made up for his weak physical constitution.

"It's okay. I didn't have high expectations anyway. This Tianyuan bottle can be considered an unexpected gain."

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