You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2349 Mysterious Youth

The moment she opened it, she was stunned. There were several resources written on the book that they were thinking about.

For example, Enlightenment Pill, Body Forging Grass, Dragon Song Grass, Solid Yuan Pill...

These resources are in short supply for the human race today. As the book continued to turn, Zhuge Yunyu's eyes became brighter and brighter. Looking at the price behind him, Zhuge Yunyu made rapid calculations in his mind.

"Ten thousand enlightenment pills, ten thousand solid yuan pills, ten thousand catties of dragon chant grass, ten thousand catties of star sand..."

After hearing Zhuge Yunyu's name, Wang Fugui began to record quickly in his heart, and his eyes became brighter at the same time. He had really met a big business owner.

This time, a big profit is guaranteed.

And Liu Yun was also shocked. The human race is so rich?

The Enlightenment Pill, even if it is just a heaven-level Enlightenment Pill, costs one hundred lower-grade immortal stones, and the opening price is ten thousand...

She was also shocked.

However, Zhuge Yunyu didn't pay attention to their shock at all. She was discussing the purchase with the talented people of the human race behind her. After all, what they brought with them this time was all the wealth of the human race for thousands of years.

The sum of the fairy stones accumulated by the human race for thousands of years is a terrifying figure.

This is also considering that Ye Lin will face the dilemma of having no resources when he leaves the human race in the future, so this time, he will keep the basic training needs, and use the rest to purchase resources and do his best to cultivate geniuses.

What everyone didn't know was that Ye Lin's figure had disappeared at this time.

Sitting in a remote corner of the trading floor was a young man in tattered clothes. His hair was messy and there was only a broken jade bottle in front of his eyes.

The jade bottle looks ordinary, and there are even traces of knocks on the surface. Only the paintings on the surface look more beautiful.

"Boy, if I guess correctly, the bottle should be the Tianyuan bottle. If it is really the Tianyuan bottle, you will make a fortune."

Not far away from the young man, Ye Lin stood there and looked at him, and the sound of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar entered his mind.

Ye Lin was silent for a moment and took a few steps to the young man.

"How to sell this jade bottle?"

Ye Lin squatted in front of the young man and asked slightly. As soon as he squatted down, an unspeakable smell came into Ye Lin's nostrils, but Ye Lin didn't mind at all.

"This bottle is not for sale, you just need to agree to my request."

came the young man's hoarse voice.

"Oh? What's the request?"

Ye Lin was a little surprised when he heard this. This young man had a strange temper.

"You just need to kill one person for me."

The young man's voice came again. Although his voice was very calm, Ye Lin could clearly feel the murderous intention contained in the young man's tone.

"Who to kill?"

"Tian Lang Tian."

The young man gritted his teeth and spoke word by word. The three words contained overwhelming murderous intent and anger.

"What kind of cultivation is it?"

After Ye Lin finished asking, the young man raised his head and looked at Ye Lin.

Usually when he says Lang Taotian's name, everyone who hears it calls him crazy.

Lang Taotian is a famous bounty hunter in this remote place. He will do anything for money. His own cultivation is at the peak of immortality. No other race is willing to provoke him.

And the young man in front of him has never even heard of the name Lang Taotian?

The young man looked very delicate, but there was a terrifying scar five to six centimeters long on his face, which added a ferocious look to his delicate face.

"If you help me kill him with the peak cultivation level of a heavenly immortal, this bottle will be yours."

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