"The great formation of heaven and earth, rise."

Li Mu raised the cane in his hand and hammered the ground heavily. Suddenly, countless silk threads flashing various lights appeared on the ground.

These silk threads intertwined with each other, and suddenly formed a huge formation that wrapped Tianxuan in it.

"Old man, is this all you have?"

Tianxuan sneered, and a long ice cone appeared in his hand. As he shook his hand, the ice cone shattered instantly, and a transparent long sword emitting a strong chill appeared in his hand.

"Old man, let's see how long you can hold on."

In an instant, extremely terrifying aftermaths broke out on the ring, and the sound of explosions was endless.

Thankfully, there was a barrier on the surface of the ring that blocked all the aftermath of the battle, otherwise the aftermath caused by the two Tianxian strongmen would be able to destroy the entire Fanxing Building.

The Tianxian is an existence that can destroy thousands of stars in a single thought, and the movement caused by the battle is naturally huge.

However, for people below the Tianxian, this viewing experience is extremely poor.

Because the ring was shrouded in various lights, they could not see the details of the battle clearly.

Even the several immortals present had a hard time watching.

Only Ye Lin supported his chin and watched with relish.

"Old man, you seem a little weak, why are your attacks so weak?"

Tianxuan was very cautious at the beginning and had been passively resisting, but later, he thoroughly understood the old man's tricks in front of him.

So he became more and more rampant.

This old guy was indeed affected. His injuries had not healed, and his attacks were weak, which did not pose any threat to him at all.

And as time passed, he could detect that the old guy's face was getting uglier and uglier, and it seemed that his injuries had broken out.

So he became confident, and he threw away his previous caution and took the initiative to attack.

Seeing the former legendary figure being suppressed by him, he became more and more excited, and all kinds of sword moves were performed by him.

And Li Mu's face suddenly became painful, and he stepped back step by step until he stood in the corner of the ring.

Suddenly, Li Mu's face changed and he spat out a large mouthful of blood. He knelt on one knee with a cane in his right hand, and covered his chest with his left hand to prevent coughing up blood.

His breath became weaker and weaker.

Tianxuan approached with a long sword in his hand and a confident look on his face.

"Old man, it's not good to have an old injury relapse, right? You can't hold on for such a short time. Don't worry, old man. When you die, I will kill all the members of your Earth Spirit Clan one by one.

Listening to Tianxuan's words, Li Mu raised his head with difficulty and pointed at Tianxuan with his finger, wanting to say something, but the next moment, he spat out another large mouthful of blood, and his breath became weaker.

It seemed that he was going to fall in the next moment.

"Elder, elder, admit defeat quickly, admit defeat quickly, the Earth Spirit Clan cannot live without you. "

"Elder, admit defeat, elder..."

The members of the Earth Spirit Clan in the spectator seats shouted loudly. Seeing Li Mu spitting blood on the ring, they felt heartbroken and tears fell from their eyes.

Everyone present grew up under the elder's watch. In their hearts, the elder is their grandfather.

How can they bear to see the elder suffer so much?

They can't bear it. They can't bear it.

They would rather they were the ones standing on the ring.

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