"Okay, let's do our own thing."

Ye Lin looked at the people behind him who had not yet lifted their guard and waved.

It was their first time to come to Fanxing Tower, and it was their first time to be so far away from human territory. They still felt very insecure in their hearts.

Be extremely vigilant at all times.

After hearing Ye Lin's words, these people finally relaxed a little and began to find places to play.

Only Zhuge Yunyu stood beside Ye Lin like a loyal bodyguard.

"How to place a bet?"

Ye Lin looked at the battle between the major creatures below and said with a change of expression, he just didn't have much inventory in his hand.

Just take this opportunity to earn some fairy stones.

As for packing up Fanxing Tower and taking it away, this is just an idea.

After all, Fanxing Tower must have been able to stand here for such a long time. Otherwise, it would have been eaten up by other strong men just by a group of immortals.

In this world, if you are powerful enough, you can really do whatever you want, and the reason why Fanxing Tower can still exist is that there must be stronger people guarding it secretly.

"You just need to tell me to place your bet, and I can operate it."

"But it's okay here."

After Liu Yun finished speaking, he came to a bedside, turned on the button on the bedside and pressed it. Suddenly a transparent light curtain appeared in front of him, and there were numbers on the light curtain.

"These numbers represent each arena. You only need to select the number corresponding to the arena to enter the betting page."

"But fellow Taoist, I kindly remind you that before placing a bet, bet according to your own financial resources. If you lose the bet and are unable to pay, you will be detained by Fanxing Tower."

"It's even serious enough that you have to use the people of the clan behind you as collateral."

Liu Yun said with a serious face.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, looked indifferent.

After coming to the bedside and getting familiar with it, Ye Lin sighed with emotion. The formation was really exquisite.

On the mysterious island, I still wanted to kill a genius of formation, but in the end I was never able to do what I wanted.

So far, Ye Lin has not studied the formation deeply.

"Okay, fellow Taoist, you can play by yourself. When you've had enough, you can tell me where you want to go."

"By the way, fellow Taoist, if you are interested, you can also play in person. If you win one, you can get one thousand low-grade immortal stones. If you win two, you can get five thousand. If you win three, you can get thirty thousand."

"If you can keep winning, the immortal stone can be doubled later."

Liu Yun didn't know what he thought of, and said slowly towards Ye Lin.

As for losing, if you lose, you will die and have nothing.

But Ye Lin just smiled and ignored it. If he ended up personally, he might be able to defeat the Fanxing Tower.

But he was not so poor that he had to perform a battle with a group of ants.

"I'll press this, press this."

"Fart, that guy is thin and malnourished at first glance, and his cultivation level is even more unsightly. He is only in the middle stage of God Transformation, while the guy opposite him has the peak level of God Transformation. Comparing the two, of course the latter wins. ”

"That's not as good as pressing both sides. I'll press a hundred lower-grade immortal stones first to test the waters."

A group of young people looked at the arena in the distance and said excitedly.

On the ring, a thin man looked around timidly, while his opponent was a majestic-looking creature with purple light all over his body.

The creature had four arms, a pair of wings behind it, and a bloodthirsty light shining in its eyes.

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