You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2329 Mu Changfeng

"So, fellow Daoist, where do you want to go this time?"

Mu Changfeng waved his fan and looked at Ye Lin. Most of the people who came to the Starry Tower came to relax. After all, there were strong people in the Starry Tower in charge, and the safety was basically beyond doubt.

The strong people who were tired of working outside liked to choose to rest and relax in the Starry Tower.

There were also strong people who came here with stolen goods to sell.

"In that case, let's go to the 400th floor."

Ye Lin was quite interested in this battle field.

"Hahaha, okay, then let's go to the battle field, fellow Daoist, you are right, there is a good show to watch in the battle field today."

Mu Changfeng smiled mysteriously at Ye Lin, and then took Ye Lin to a teleportation array.

Because the Starry Tower was too huge, going to other floors required passing through this teleportation array.

"Who built this Starry Tower?"

In the teleportation array, Ye Lin's mind moved and asked Mu Changfeng beside him.

"I don't know. It's just that according to rumors, this Starry Tower came out of nowhere, and no one knows where it came from."

"In the end, the Starry Tower was occupied by the powerful people in this remote place, and they formed the Starry Tower Alliance to jointly manage the Starry Tower."

"As time passed, this Starry Tower also became the most prosperous place in this remote place."

Mu Changfeng said with a smile.

While chatting and laughing, everyone had already reached the 400th floor.

What caught their eyes was a huge arena, on which all kinds of creatures were fighting.

Every move was a killing move, without any reservation, and they were completely rushing to take the opponent's life.

On just one floor, Fang Yan looked around and saw tens of thousands of arenas, not to mention that this battle field had a full 100 floors.

There were rooms on the circular wall, which were specially used to watch the battle, and correspondingly, there were places to place bets.

"Daoyou, why don't you play? After watching this floor, I will take you to see the big show, how about it?"

Mu Changfeng rubbed his palms and said with intention.


Ye Lin nodded, and the people behind him had no objection.

They were all young and full of vigor, and seeing these bloody scenes, it was obvious that their hearts were also boiling with blood.

Moreover, watching the battle was also very beneficial to them.

Ye Lin's goal was to train these little guys behind him and then leave here.

They were all of the same race, and this was all he could do. As for the life and death of the human race in the Tianhe Galaxy Cluster, it had nothing to do with him.

Following Mu Changfeng, he came to a hall.

"This hall is a special service area, where you can buy our rooms, and then you can go to the corresponding room to watch the battle."

After Mu Changfeng finished speaking, he walked in first, followed by Ye Lin, and Zhuge Yunyu behind him followed Ye Lin like a bodyguard.

The rest of the young men and women looked around, sneaking around.

Walking into the hall, the scene in front of them changed instantly, and everyone came to a hall, and there was a platform in front of them, and a middle-aged man stood on the platform.

There were all kinds of races around, and during this time, Ye Lin even saw a creature with three heads and six arms, which could be called a true three-headed six-armed creature.

And the three heads had their own ideas, which was indeed somewhat magical.

"So it turned out that there was also Master Mu..."

The middle-aged man smiled like a flower after seeing Mu Changfeng, but was stunned after seeing Ye Lin and his group.

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