As time passed, not long after, Zhuge Yunyu led a group of people into the hall.

These people all looked excited.

The younger generation of the human race, no matter how evil they are, can only stay within the boundaries of the human race and are strictly prohibited from going out.

Because if you go out, you will definitely be killed.

So each of these young people was almost driven crazy. Now that they have an opportunity to go to Fanxing Tower, how can they not be excited?

So they all tried to save their lives and wanted to go, but Zhuge Yunyu had no choice but to select a dozen relatively talented people to bring here.

"Senior, I'm ready."

"Let's meet our seniors."

Everyone below clasped their fists and bowed towards Ye Lin. The male monks looked at Ye Lin with eyes full of admiration, while the eyes of the female monks were full of strange emotions.

Since ancient times, beauties love strong men, and so do they.

"Well, okay, let's go."

Ye Lin put down the tea cup in his hand and said calmly, while Zhuge Yunyu below looked happy. She was originally worried about bringing so many people, for fear of offending Ye Lin.

But now it seems that this strong man is still easy to talk to.

It had been a long, long time since they had seen such a kind and powerful human being.


Ye Lin walked all the way, and these disciples followed Ye Lin respectfully. When the group walked out of the hall, they immediately saw a huge war boat suspended in the air.

The war boat was full of light and looked extremely beautiful. There were three cannon barrels at the front that were thicker than a human being.

"Senior, this is a high-grade heaven-level war boat. It was acquired from our human race's trade with other races."

Zhuge Yunyu introduced Ye Lin intimately, with a hint of pride in his tone.

The war boat itself is extremely difficult to build, because each war boat must be engraved with runes on it, and every detail must be carefully polished, not to mention the extremely huge body of the war boat.

Therefore, every war boat consumes countless energy.

A heaven-level high-grade war boat can indeed be regarded as a treasure.

It is more precious than ordinary immortal weapons.

However, Ye Lin just smiled lightly and said nothing, minding his own business and boarded the war boat.

All the disciples behind him boarded the war boat one after another.

After everyone stood firm, under the control of Zhuge Yunyu, the war boat began to set off and sail.

In the blink of an eye, the war boat disappeared into the sky and drove slowly towards the depths of the starry sky.

"When we return this time, our human race will surely rise."

The three great lords of the human race watched the war boat leave and smiled one after another.

It's not that the human race doesn't have geniuses, but it's a pity that these geniuses don't have the resources to cultivate them.

Their resources themselves are extremely scarce, and most of the resources must be provided to them first, because these resources must be used to consolidate their cultivation.

Only if they exist can the human race have a place to survive.

The resources of the human race are already scarce. After they are allocated to them, the remaining resources are divided again, and each monk gets pitifully few resources.

Therefore, even the genius cannot grow.

Throughout the ages, which genius has not spent huge amounts of resources to grow up?

But this time, as long as they can return successfully, the strength of their human race will definitely grow a lot.

Because all the fairy stones in the clan have been taken away, I hope they can make a big purchase.

With Ye Lin in charge, this trip will be worry-free.

The war boat traveled very fast. Three days later, the war boat had left the human territory.

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