You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2314: In a Moment

Hearing this, the old man standing in the center of the human camp looked at the Star Warship with hope. At this moment, he hoped that the human race could have helpers and support from powerful people.

At this moment, the human race has reached a life-and-death crisis, the most dangerous moment, and the race will be exterminated if they are not careful.

After seeing the scene on the Star Warship, the old man's eyes dimmed.

The last glimmer of hope was also extinguished.

He knew that this person was the master of Tianxin Hall, a terrestrial immortal. At this moment, a terrestrial immortal could not change anything.

There was only one more death.

"This warship is good, I will accept it with pleasure."

The middle-aged man who spoke just now continued to speak, and then changed his palm into a claw and grabbed the Star Warship.

However, the next moment, Ye Lin just raised his eyelids and looked at the man, and then spoke.

"I am the only one who robs others, no one else robs me."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, an almost suffocating pressure swept across the entire ancestral land of the human race. The next moment, no matter what race, what creature, or what cultivation level, they all fell to the ground like dumplings.

These guys who were high up just now were now kneeling on the ground with dust on their faces, and other races were kneeling all over the ground.

Even the high-ranking immortals were kneeling on the ground and could not move.

For a moment, the whole world was quiet.

The various powerful people kneeling below looked at Ye Lin with horrified eyes.

"Really...really...really immortal."

The patriarch of the double-winged red tiger clan had a bitter face. Now he had completely lost his arrogance just now, and now he knelt on the ground like a stray dog.

Looking at this scene, the powerful people of the human race who were desperate just now looked at all this with unbelievable eyes, and they looked at this scene with their mouths wide open.

Their faces were full of shock.

"Greetings to the True Immortal."

"Greetings to the True Immortal."

Hearing someone start, the remaining people immediately knelt on the ground and bowed to the young man standing with his hands behind his back on the star warship.

Even the three strongest people of the human race bowed deeply at this time.

"We, greet the True Immortal of the human race."

The creatures of various races kneeling on the ground also lowered their heads and smashed their proud heads heavily on the ground.

No matter how glorious they were in the past, they just wanted to survive at this moment.

A True Immortal can wipe them all out with just a thought.

This is the power of the True Immortal.

"I didn't expect that the human race would have such a hard time surviving here, and they were all beaten by others."

Ye Lin chuckled, and then his mind moved. In an instant, in the terrified eyes of the strong men of various races, his people were disappearing one by one.

They turned into ashes and dissipated between heaven and earth.

As the speed became faster and faster, in the end, even the body of the immortal turned into ashes. As the wind blew, the world suddenly became quiet.

The major crisis that was a threat to the human race was solved by Ye Lin's thought.

"Thank you, True Immortal, for your help."

The powerful people of the human race who were kneeling on the sacred mountain in front of them expressed their heartfelt gratitude with tears in their eyes.

The crisis that threatened the human race for more than 100,000 years was completely resolved at this moment.

The people who came this time were the top masters of the three major tribes. Now that these masters are all dead, the human race no longer has to face the crisis of extinction.

The human race can finally live and work in peace for a while.

The one who caused all this was the man who was like a god in front of him.

"Human Li Wei."

"Human Wen Tai."

"Human Cang Zhong."

"Thank you, senior, for your help. Senior, you are so kind."

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