You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2294 Mysterious Place-Recalling the Past, Killing

As a genius with a divine body, Ye Lin made a fortune this time.

Ye Lin sat cross-legged quietly in the air, his aura gradually getting stronger.

He was inheriting everything from Cang Gu, and his previous injuries were also recovering at an extremely amazing speed.

On the other side, looking at Cang Gu who was late, Fei Lu Chen and Xue Ao standing in the air gradually looked puzzled.

"Why has this guy been gone for so long and still not come back? What is he doing? Is there any accident?"

Lu Chen asked in confusion.

"You and I know Cang Gu's strength. Even if we join forces in the second form, we may not be able to stop that guy, let alone a little guy who hasn't even opened the second form."

Xue Ao waved his hand with a nonchalant look on his face, and Lu Chen nodded as if he understood.

"But Canggu is really lucky. He accidentally opened the second form of the divine body."

"In the second form, I'm afraid he can fight against the peak cultivators of the True Immortal?"

Lu Chen said with envy. The second form of the divine body, that is a realm that even he can't reach.

"Don't be envious, it's all fate..."

Xue Ao stretched out his arm and patted Lu Chen on the shoulder to comfort him.

He said don't care, but the expression on his face has exposed him.

Obviously, he is also very envious of that guy.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's face changed, and he took out a jade talisman from the space ring, but the jade talisman had been shattered at this time, leaving only a pile of powder in his hand.

Lu Chen and Xue Ao looked at each other, and both of them could see deep shock in each other's eyes.

"Damn it, go away."

Xue Ao cursed inwardly, and the two quickly chased in the direction where Canggu had just left.

"How is it possible? How could Canggu die? How is it possible?"

On the way, Lu Chen kept muttering. The jade talisman just now was Canggu's natal jade talisman. The broken jade talisman meant that Canggu had fallen.

This was something they could not accept. How could Canggu die?

In a crazy state, Canggu even had to avoid the descendants of Taiyi Jinxian. How could he be killed by an unknown person?

There must be a variable.

"I want to see who dares to plot against my demon clan."

Xue Ao cursed. In his opinion, there must be another immortal sect plotting against his demon clan. After all, it is normal for the island to pull people in at once and pull in many immortal sect disciples at once.

Perhaps there is another immortal sect plotting against their demon clan.

As for being killed by Ye Lin, they didn't even think about it.

How could Ye Lin kill Canggu?

"If I know who plotted against my demon clan, I will definitely make you want to live or die."

Lu Chen also echoed, obviously his idea was the same as Xue Ao's.

In their minds, perhaps even Ye Lin is a disciple of some immortal sect.

"Found it, such a strong aura."

Suddenly, the two saw the evil spirit in the distance, and their steps could not help but stop.

There was a figure lingering in the center of the evil spirit, and the figure's only a trace of aura made them feel terrified.

"Who is this person? Is he someone who plotted against my demon clan?"

Lu Chen said lightly, his eyes full of fear.

Due to the spread and cover of the evil spirit, the two of them did not recognize Ye Lin at the first time.

"I don't know, he seems to be breaking through. Wait, it won't be too late to ask him after he breaks through."

Xue Ao echoed, that person was not something they could resist at first glance, and that person was breaking through. If they went up to disturb him now, it would be pure death.

When others are breaking through, don't disturb them even if it's a big deal, otherwise they will be enemies of life and death.

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