You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 229 The War Begins

The Nascent Soul disciples around Ye Lin flew down the city wall one after another, and those who took over were all the Golden Core disciples.

Watching each Nascent Soul stage disciple hand over hundreds of bags of spirit stones to these Golden Core stage disciples.

This scene seemed strange to Ye Lin.

The monks at the Golden Core stage fight, and the monks at the Nascent Soul stage become the logistics.

Okay, I can't understand it.

The surroundings were filled with disciples holding compasses. They were all the controllers of the formation. As long as the monster vanguard troops stepped into the formation, they could immediately control the formation.

Again, the power of the formation is still at the peak of the Golden Core, but it can only reach the Nascent Soul stage.

After all, they did not dare to deploy more powerful formations.

Every step of the human race is on thin ice. They dare not be careless in the slightest. No Nascent Soul stage combat power can appear.

If he takes the opportunity to anger the demon clan, it will be all over.

With low strength, he can only be beaten.

The demon clan approached the city wall slowly, and with every step they took, the faces of the monks around them became more nervous.

After all, this is the first time for everyone to see such a scene, who can not be afraid?

Don't talk to me about your state of mind, or how your expression remains unchanged despite the collapse of a mountain. That's all just bragging. When you actually see it, you'll be so scared that you won't pee.

"Be patient and don't activate the formation. Wait for my order. If anyone activates the formation without authorization, I will execute you according to the maximum punishment on the battlefield."

The middle-aged monk above took the opportunity to warn.

He was afraid that these little brats would be doomed if they accidentally activated the formation in advance.

After all, if this formation doesn't kill 100,000 monsters, it will be a big loss.

After all, setting up such a large formation consumes a huge amount of resources.

They still want to kill monsters to get their money back.

And with his loud roar, the originally timid monk below suddenly came to his senses, and then stared at the group of monsters in the distance with his eyes.

They admitted that the moment they saw the group of monster beasts, they were indeed scared and almost lost their minds.

As the earth trembled more and more, the group of monsters in front of them got closer and closer.

"Donor, this is the first time this young monk has seen this scene."

Wuxin swallowed hard while looking at the group of monsters in front of him.

This is the first time he has seen such a scene since he has been practicing.

"What? Are you scared?"

Ye Lin said softly.

Although he was shocked when he saw it the first time, now, he couldn't make any waves in his heart.

I’ve seen a lot, that’s all.

"I'm not afraid when the time comes. I'm just a little panicked."

"That's why I'm afraid."

"Not afraid."

"You're scared."

"I'm not afraid."

And half an hour later, the demon clan's vanguard troops had all stepped into the formation's coverage area.

As the monster beasts stepped in step by step, the monks who controlled the formation looked up to look at the figure in the sky.

Aren't you going to take action yet? If we don't do anything, the monster will rush right into our faces.

And their hands were shaking.

"Now, activate the formation."

Following the roar of the monk above, the monk controlling the formation below was shaken.


"The right side is ready."

"The left side is ready."

"The trap formation is ready."

"The killing array has been prepared."

"Listen to my order and start the formation. The trapped formation will start first."

But this time, the command power has fallen into the hands of one of the formation monks, but the figure in the sky did not move at all.

Professional matters require professional people.

"Trapped formation, get up."

As the disciples holding compasses around them quickly made seals with their hands, in front of them, the three mountains lit up one after another, and the light curtains directly connected the three mountains.

The monster beast that stepped into the formation looked around with panic on its face.

As for the light curtain in front of them, no matter how they moved, they could not shake it even half an inch.

They have been completely trapped by the light curtain.

This wave trapped hundreds of thousands of monsters.

And the resource consumption caused by the struggle of these hundreds of thousands of monster beasts is undoubtedly massive.

The monks who formed the formation all around were all big men. To operate this formation, the Nascent Soul stage overhaul would not be able to take action. It would undoubtedly be a huge test for a group of Golden Core stage novices like them.

"Killing formation, start."

As an order sounded, hundreds of thousands of sword energies appeared out of thin air in the formation, and these sword energies began to harvest the lives of monster beasts.

The power contained in each sword energy is the pinnacle of the golden elixir.

These monsters are simply impossible to resist.

"The second killing formation, start."

At this time, the formation changed unpredictably, and wind blades rose out of the air.

"This kind of peerless formation must be of high quality. If the monks who set up the formation were replaced by real people in the God Transformation stage, the power of this formation would be as simple as destroying the heaven and the earth."

Ye Lin was full of admiration, this formation was really too powerful.

"Of course, this formation is the foundation of the formation sect. For this war, the formation sect has made selfless sacrifices."

Hearing Ye Lin's praise, Wu Xin spoke.

"The third level of killing formation, start."

At this time, a human monk began to appear in the formation. These human monks were all at the peak of Jindan cultivation, but they were all phantoms.

But the combat power is real.

These monks did not hesitate at all and fought with the remaining monsters.

At this time, the monsters that were not trapped in the formation began to collide with the light screen collectively.

Hundreds of thousands of golden elixir stage monsters hit the light curtain, causing a commotion that was simply devastating.

With each collision, the brightness of the light curtain will be reduced by one point.

And the resources consumed every time to resist the collision are massive.


After a while, a crisp sound resounded throughout the world, and the light curtain in front of him suddenly shattered.

The three surrounding mountains exploded directly, and the three mountains with a height of 10,000 meters directly turned into ruins.

"Sure, the formation is broken."

The monks standing around controlling the formations vomited blood, and hundreds of formation cultivators lay directly on the ground and passed out.

The surrounding Nascent Soul stage disciples immediately pulled these unconscious disciples to the back and began to treat them.

This formation attack killed hundreds of thousands of golden elixir stage monsters.

"Donor, do you know how many resources were consumed to deploy this formation? How many resources were consumed to activate the formation?"

At this time, Wu Xin came to Ye Lin and whispered.

Hearing this, Ye Lin was a little curious.

"A thousand middle-grade spiritual stones?"

After Ye Lin finished speaking, Wu Xin looked at Ye Lin with contempt.

"Donor, the situation is enlarged, a total of 200,000 middle-grade spiritual stones."

After Wuxin finished speaking, Ye Lin couldn't help but clicked his tongue.

Two hundred thousand mid-grade spiritual stones, that is such a huge number.

Resources that are enough to promote a top power.

And this huge resource is only consumed by the formation.

Sure enough, war is the most expensive thing.

"At this moment, 200,000 middle-grade spiritual stones are gone."

Wu Xin was a little heartbroken. When he knew the news, he was shocked beyond measure. Two hundred thousand mid-grade spiritual stones, tsk.

This made Ye Lin think of the ancient times. According to records, in the ancient times, when the human race resisted the independence of the demon clan, they launched three world-destroying wars with the demon clan.

There are even true kings in the Hedao period who have fallen.

What kind of resources would be consumed by such a war?

No wonder resources are in short supply and have been wiped out.

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