You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2282 Mysterious Place-Lin Yunlu

"Ye Lin."

"Ye Lin? What an ordinary name."

Lin Yunlu rubbed her chin and muttered.

But Ye Lin just smiled softly.

"It's indeed a very common name. You are the weapon spirit of the Xuanhuang Universal Clock. You must also know the reason for my coming. How about it? Do you want to establish contact with me?"

Ye Lin smiled and stretched out his hand. It takes a long time to refine a weapon without a weapon spirit, but it is very easy to make a supreme weapon with a weapon spirit. As long as it is recognized by the weapon spirit and signs a contract with the weapon spirit, it means that The supreme weapon is your own.

"Although I haven't been out for a long time, I also understand that you are just a true immortal monk, and I am afraid of starving with you."

Lin Yunlu lay on Ye Lin's body, touching left and right and said dissatisfied.

"Are you a glutton for a weapon spirit?"

"That's natural. I've been here for a long time. Since the last boy died, I haven't been out. I haven't had delicious food for a long time."

"I don't care. It's easy for me to follow you. You have to do it for a year..."

"No, provide me with one big meal a month."

Lin Yunlu tugged her fingers and said, having been trapped in this world for a long time, no one communicated with her on weekdays, which made her character very simple.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you three meals a month from the main office."

Ye Lin smiled and patted Lin Yunlu's head.

"Huh, don't pat my head. The last guy said that if you pat the top of your head often, you won't grow taller. I'm already so short, and if you pat me on the top of my head, I won't grow taller."

Listening to Lin Yunlu's words, Ye Lin retracted his palm angrily.

"In that case, it's agreed that we will have three meals a month. Come on, let's sign the contract."

After Lin Yunlu finished speaking, she put her hand on Ye Lin's palm. In an instant, Ye Lin got a piece of information, which was the contract information.

The holder of the weapon signs a contract with the weapon spirit, which is equivalent to completely binding the two together. One will be prosperous, the other will suffer...

If the weapon holder dies, the weapon spirit will be fine. If the weapon spirit dies, the weapon holder will be fine, too.

The contract is fair, and there is no such thing as "I can't live if you die."

Otherwise, Lin Yunlu, who just chatted with Ye Lin for a few words, would not have signed a contract with Ye Lin at all.

Signing a contract also has a great advantage, that is, the spirit of the weapon and the person holding it are connected.

And Ye Lin also knew the mysterious nature of the Xuanhuang Universal Clock.

The Xuanhuang Universal Clock contains the purest Xuanhuang Qi in the world. It is rumored that it was the first Xuanhuang Qi when the world first opened.

No matter if any monk is suppressed by the Xuanhuang All Things Clock, he will be forcibly refined by the Xuanhuang Qi and become a part of the Xuanhuang All Things Clock.

What's more, the Xuanhuang Universal Clock contains extremely strong suppressive power. Once used, it can directly suppress 30% of the opponent's strength, and at the same time seal time, space, fate, and cause and effect.

It can isolate three thousand avenues, which is extremely heaven-defying.

What's even more outrageous is that this Xuanhuang Universal Clock can continuously produce Xuanhuang Qi. Although it is only the castrated version, it is a rare treasure for monks.

Xuanhuang Qi can be used for cultivation, and the effect is hundreds of times better than immortal Qi. It can also temper the body, strengthen the soul, and can also be used to fight enemies. It has many effects.

Just like now, the Xuanhuang Bell of All Things contains a large amount of Xuanhuang Qi.

"How about it? It's a good deal to sign a contract with this lady, right? Now you are already a wielder. Take me out and have a look. I'm going crazy when I'm trapped here day and night."

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