You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2277 Mysterious Place - The Lingering Ye Lin

The Holy Void Formation is specially used to absorb the blood and energy of living beings. Any living being in the formation cannot escape and will become a dried corpse in the end.

In the distance, the corpse in the canyon was wrapped in a rich red aura, and the canyon was filled with an extremely strong smell of blood, which made people feel nauseous.

And these blood and energy finally flew collectively towards Qin An above.

Looking at this extremely majestic blood and energy, Qin An's eyes flashed with excitement. Today is the day to step into the True Immortal.

However, the next moment, Ye Lin took a step forward and came to Qin An in an instant.

"You... why are you here?"

Looking at Ye Lin in front of him, Qin An was stunned. How could Ye Lin be here?

In order to avoid Ye Lin, he came to Cangzhou specially. He was just one step away from the True Immortal.

He planned to find trouble with Ye Lin after stepping into the True Immortal, but unexpectedly, Ye Lin came to his door, which made him feel flustered.

"Get lost."

Ye Lin said a word lightly, and in an instant, the overwhelming pressure came towards Qin An, and Qin An's body immediately retreated at a high speed.

Ye Lin took out the Heaven Devouring Demon Jar and placed it in the center of the formation. Suddenly, countless blood and energy seemed to have found an outlet to vent and rushed into the Heaven Devouring Demon Jar.


Qin An's face was gloomy when he saw this scene. He had worked hard to find materials, but in the end, they were given to others. How could he not be angry?

Disturbing someone's path is tantamount to killing their parents. Although he was very angry in his heart, he still suppressed his emotions very well.

He turned around and left without looking back. Now he was no match for Ye Lin at all. Wouldn't he be embarrassed if he didn't run?

When he stepped into the True Immortal, he would definitely kill Ye Lin with his own hands.

Looking at Qin An's back, Ye Lin's eyes flashed with a trace of surprise. He was indeed the Gou King. He could hide such humiliation very well.

If it were a young man, he would probably have started a desperate battle with him.

Name: Qin An

Cultivation: Half-step True Immortal

Fate: Taoist

Race: Demon

Identity: Young Master of the Demon Clan, one of the immortal Taoist traditions in the Galaxy Universe.

Numerology: [Demon Body] [Insidious and Cunning] [Magic Qi] [Demon God] [Born Demon Son] [Unparalleled Combat Power] [Saint Demon Bloodline] [Extreme Demon Lord]

Fate: After experiencing 9981 tribulations in the Galaxy Universe, he was finally favored by the Demon Dao. Fortunately, he survived the 99 Heavenly Demon Tribulations and entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian. He went to the outside of the universe alone to explore higher-level mysteries.

Recent Opportunities: One month later, he killed three Heavenly Immortal realm prodigies at the border of Yangzhou and stepped into the realm of True Immortal.

[Demon Body]: The supreme demon body, born with shortcuts, infinite potential, infinite mysteries, and when fully activated, it is comparable to the ancient demons and is extremely powerful.

[Insidious and cunning]: On the surface, he is harmless, but in fact, he is scheming and hypocritical. Those who provoke him often have no good end.

[Magic Qi]: He has a monstrous magic aura since birth. The magic aura is monstrous, and this magic aura seems to foreshadow his life. The more vigorous the magic aura, the stronger his combat power.

[Magic Dao Tong Shen]: Born a demon, favored by the magic, he will definitely be one of the strong men who will step into the magic road to heaven in the future.

[Born a demon child]: The son of the magic, the hope of the magic, born for the demon, and the demon exists for him.

[Unparalleled combat power]: The combat talent is extremely terrifying, which can be called the top. There are few rivals in the same realm.

[Saint Demon Bloodline]: The descendant of the Saint Demon of the Golden Immortal Demon Venerable, with extremely noble Saint Demon blood flowing in his body, has an innate sense of suppression for the creatures of the same realm, even the divine beast clan cannot compare with it.

[The Supreme Demon Lord] "Holy Gold": The Supreme Demon Lord, with the holy gold destiny, has this destiny, not as good as Daluo, and will never die.

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