You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2274 Mysterious Place - Cangzhou

"Is this place... Cangzhou?"

Looking at the direction where Ye Lin was heading, Li Wushuang wondered. She had done nothing in the past 100 years. She had basically figured out the entire Central Region.

Where is Cangzhou, a large state occupied by monsters.

Speaking of it, it is also two extremes. Yangzhou is the territory of the human race, and the monsters in Yangzhou can only be food, while Cangzhou is the territory of the monsters, and the human race can only become food.

These are two extremely extreme states, and the two states are adjacent and very close.

It's a bit outrageous.

Although she couldn't understand Ye Lin's actions and ideas, she still followed Ye Lin. After all, Ye Lin is now a true immortal, and there are many places that can help her in the future.

For a while, they really can't leave this world.

With Ye Lin's true immortal cultivation speed, it only took one day to reach Cangzhou. If it weren't for the need to wait for Li Wushuang during the period, the speed would be even faster.

When Ye Lin stepped into Cangzhou, he found monsters everywhere.

Monsters fighting everywhere.

Even though the human race is so internally divided, they are basically harmonious.

But the demon race is different. In order to fill their stomachs, the demon beasts of low realms usually hunt their own kind and use them as food.

The demon beasts of high realms often fight each other for various reasons.

Therefore, the internal environment of the demon race is much worse than that of the human race. So, seriously speaking, the overall strength of the human race is not as good as that of the demon race.

But the magical thing is that every generation of the human race will have the kind of invincible genius of the same realm. It is these geniuses one after another that cause the human race to secretly suppress the demon race.

In the galaxy universe, the first largest race is the demon race, and the human race can only be ranked in the top ten.

The concept of the demon race is very vague, but at the beginning, a great man made an accurate comment, but anything that crawls on the ground, flies in the sky, and swims in the water is considered a demon race.

However, that powerful person was eventually killed by a strong person from another race. If that powerful person said so, then everyone is a demon race, right?

In the end, everyone tacitly agreed on a rule, that is, you are of whatever race you think you are, and you must also be recognized by that race.

This method has been used until now, and basically set the tone, and no one can change it.

"Intoxicating breath."

Ye Lin felt the strong bloody smell in the air, and a trace of enjoyment flashed across his face. He was a killing god, and this environment made him more comfortable.

In the past, he had been suppressing his murderous nature, but here, the murderous nature hidden deep in his heart was aroused again.

"Oh? Human? What are you doing in Cangzhou?"

At this time, a heavy voice came from the ground, and a tiger with wings and golden light was looking up at Ye Lin.

However, the tiger did not take action immediately. Cangzhou is the territory of demon beasts. The whole Central Region knows this. Those who dare to come here despite knowing this are all very capable.

Moreover, he did not sense any aura from Ye Lin, and he knew immediately that this was a powerful human.

"Come to play."


Just as Meng Hu was puzzled, his consciousness disappeared instantly, and Ye Lin watched a trace of bloody evil spirit being absorbed by the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot.

A red light flashed across the cracked surface of the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot, and finally fell silent.

"The first step is to find Qin An."

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