You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 227 The Terrifying Energy Cannon

"Donor, fate is a gift from God. This is God's will."

Wuxin was still the same as before, smiling, as if nothing in the world could shake him before his eyes.

He always smiled at everyone.

"No, I have no fate with you."

Seeing this, Ye Lin couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"By the way, you are here, what about Jian Wushuang and the others?"

"They're on the third line of defense."

Hearing Wu Xin's words, Ye Lin secretly thought to himself, good guys, the third line of defense, how many lines of defense has Tianhe County established?

"Donor, the monster clan is coming this time. Naturally, our Tianhe County must make many preparations in advance. The third and final line of defense is ours."

Seeing Ye Lin's calm expression, Wu Xin explained.

"Donor, along the way, I saw many disciples from the outer sect of Wumingshan. Is Wumingshan doing any big things?"

At this time, Wuxin suddenly came up to Ye Lin and whispered.

Wumingshan's transcendent strength is enough to shock the world no matter what his actions are.

Every small movement contains deep meaning.

"It's nothing, it's just that we are on a mission to help Tianhe County resist the invasion of monsters."

Seeing Wu Xin looking like this, Ye Lin explained nonchalantly.

"Donor, tomorrow is the day when the demon clan arrives. What are the chances of our Tianhe County winning this time?"

Wu Xin turned around and looked at the lush jungle in the distance, with a serious look on his face.

This time, the monster clan is coming with great force, causing many big forces to have huge headaches.

Because the monster's plan cannot be broken.

"I don't know. I won't know until I fight. However, the base difference between our human monks and the monsters is very large, and the chance of winning should be less than 10%."

After thinking for a long time, Ye Lin finally spoke.

But what he said is true. Compared with the base number of human monks and the base number of monsters, the gap between the two is not generally large.

If a hundred golden elixir stage monsters kill a human monk, the monster will make a profit.

The base gap is just that big.

And these facts are controlled by many big forces, and they don't dare to let small forces and casual cultivators know.

Otherwise, before the monsters come in, Tianhe County will be in chaos.

If they can resist, then everyone will definitely fight desperately for their homeland and unite as one.

If you fight a battle that you know you will lose, your heart will naturally be in chaos.

A thousand against a thousand, both sides will work hard.

Ten versus a thousand, guess which side will be in chaos first?

"Donor, be careful what you say. There are some things you should say in your stomach."

Wu Xin looked around and whispered to Ye Lin.

As long as they understand these things in their own hearts.

"But Donor, the second line of defense must not be lost. Now on the battlefield, both sides have tacitly agreed that only the Golden Core stage combat power can be allowed to appear, and our human race does not have the strength to break this tacit understanding. So, Donor, this time you can Just do your best.”

Wu Xin looked at Ye Lin who looked calm beside him and said.

With Ye Lin's fighting power, if he attacks with all his strength, it will be enough to cause a one-sided massacre. When the time comes, it will have a great effect on boosting morale.

Moreover, during this invasion, only the Jindan stage combat forces were allowed to appear. This seemed to have formed a tacit agreement.

Of course, the human race would not dare to break this tacit understanding.

If it is just for fun now, then if the human race really has a powerful force to take action, it will really not be a play.

But when Da Neng took action, he fell into the trap of the demon clan.

If you, the human race, are powerful, then we, the demon race, will not be polite.

"Of course I will take action, but if I can't beat you, I will run away."

Ye Lin said with a smile that it was inevitable to take action. After all, he still wanted to successfully become a disciple of the Wumingshan inner sect.

Becoming the true core of Wumingshan will bring countless benefits.

But you still have to act according to your ability. If you can't beat them, you will naturally run away.

What does the life and death of other people have to do with Ye Lin?

Suddenly, Wu Xin's expression calmed down, and then he looked at Ye Lin.


"But monk, what is this thing?"

Ye Lin stepped forward, knocked the cannon in front of him, and said to Wu Xin.

He naturally recognized that it was a cannon, but it couldn't be the gunpowder in it, right?

"Donor, at this time, the energy-gathering cannon is engraved with various formations, and the entire cannon body was made by a fourth-grade weapon refiner."

"The power of a cannon is no different from a full-strength strike by a Golden Core monk. Moreover, this cannon has two forms."

"One is to attack a single individual, that is, to fire at a monster beast. The power will reach the peak of the golden elixir stage monks, and it is specially designed to attack the geniuses of the monster clan."

"The other type is a large-scale attack. One shot can cover a hundred meters in radius, but the power will also be lower. It is no different from a full-strength attack by a late-stage Golden Core monk."

"And this kind of cannon is a heritage of the human race. As long as there are enough spiritual stones to replenish it, it can be fired continuously."

After Wu Xin finished speaking, Ye Lin knocked on the iron thing in front of him. He didn't expect this thing to be so powerful.

One shot can hit the peak of a Golden Core monk. What is the concept? An attack that is infinitely close to the combat power of a Nascent Soul monk.

And as long as there is a supply of spiritual stones, it can be launched unlimitedly.

One cannon can serve as dozens or hundreds of peak Golden Core cultivators.

After all, no monk can guarantee that every blow he makes can reach the level of a full blow.

"Monk, since the power of this cannon is at the golden elixir level, is there anything with higher power?"

Not knowing what he thought of, Ye Linchao asked Wuxin.

If there is a cannon with the power of the golden elixir stage, it must have the Nascent Soul, the incarnation...

As for the end, Ye Lin didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"Donor, this is a top secret of the human race, even the little monk doesn't know..."

Wu Xin showed a mysterious smile to Ye Lin and stopped talking.

Seeing Wu Xin's expression, Ye Lin was already convinced.

This thing definitely exists.

"But the monster on the donor's shoulder is so handsome."

At this time, Wu Xin turned his attention to Xiao Hong, who was taking a nap on Ye Lin's shoulder.

Although the bloodline of the mythical beast is hidden, Xiaohong's appearance is enough to defeat all monsters.

"He's my partner, Xiaohong."

"Hello, little bald man."

Xiaohong said.

Hearing this, Wu Xin's expression froze, and he subconsciously touched his bald head.

Then he looked at Xiaohong, and he didn't expect that this monster was actually a golden elixir stage monster.

"Donor, someone is looking for you."

Suddenly, Wu Xin's expression changed and he said to Ye Lin.


"Real person."

After Wu Xin finished speaking, he pulled Ye Lin towards a high mountain.

All the way to the top of the mountain, three old men with white beards sat on three futons in front of them. The three of them opened their eyes and looked at Ye Lin with kind faces.

At this time, Xiaohong on Ye Lin's shoulder was restless, looking at the three old men with a pair of bird's eyes.

"Ye Lin has met three seniors."

Seeing these three old people, Ye Lin cupped his fists and bowed.

After all, the people in front of you are three real people in the realm of gods, so of course you must not forget the etiquette.

"The three of us asked you to come here. We want your help with something. As long as you are willing to help, we will naturally give you a generous reward."

At this time, the old man sitting in the center said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ye Lin's heart moved, but he was also full of curiosity.

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