You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2253 Mysterious Place-Pain

During this time, Gu Qing turned around and saw Ye Lin still standing there, and he couldn't help but roar. In the end, he hit the tiger with a stick.

Accompanied by a high tiger roar, Ye Lin turned around and ran without hesitation.

He ran forward tirelessly, without stopping at all along the way, he just ran, ran, and ran.

After running for an unknown period of time, he finally got out of the dense forest and saw the sun. After crossing a high fence, Ye Lin finally saw a wide road.

On the road, the young men in simple clothes had light in their eyes. Although they were dressed shabbily, their eyes were bright.

Ye Lin, whose clothes were torn and blood was flowing on his arms, was stunned when he saw this scene. The sun shone on him, and for a moment, he was at a loss.

"Friend, you are amazing. You actually made it out of the Beast Forest. Can you tell me how you felt?"

Ye Lin stood there. At this time, a young man in gorgeous clothes came to Ye Lin and asked. The young man admired Ye Lin even more when he smelled the strong blood on him.

"Didn't you leave the Beast Forest?"

Ye Lin said with a blank face. He looked at these men and women and felt blank for the first time.

"No, we took another road. Don't you know? There are many roads leading to Qingyun Sect, and there are also powerful monks from Qingyun Sect escorting us on the way."

"This beast forest is just something built by Qingyun Sect to train monks. There are monsters captured by Qingyun Sect from all over the world."

"You can get out of the beast forest. Even if my father comes, he has to say admiration."

"By the way, let me introduce myself. I am from the Han Dynasty. My name is Wang Dong. My father is the general of the Han Dynasty."

The young man smiled and said that Ye Lin broke into the beast forest with his mortal body. This kind of fierce man must have a complicated future. It is not a bad thing to make friends with him now.

Hearing Wang Dong's words, Ye Lin felt a pain in his heart, as if he was stabbed by a needle.

Because of a false judgment, his three brothers died one by one in front of him.

The scenes of their death kept flashing in Ye Lin's mind like half of a movie scene.

In the end, Ye Lin followed Wang Dong and walked towards the mountain gate of Qingyun Sect.

Along the way, Wang Dong kept asking him about his experience of breaking into the beast forest, but Ye Lin kept silent. Despite this, Wang Dong was not angry at all.

A master? A little indifferent, normal.

And Ye Lin, the fierce man who broke into the beast forest, was also known by the men and women around him. They all looked at Ye Lin with admiration.

They didn't expect that there was such a fierce man.

Finally, the two came to the mountain gate. There was a huge mountain gate in front of them. There was a plaque hanging on the mountain gate. On the plaque were three large gilded characters: flying dragons and dancing phoenixes.

Qingyun Sect.

Next to the mountain gate stood two young men in white clothes. One of the young men walked over with a smile on his face after seeing Ye Lin.

"You are Ye Lin who broke into the Tiger Forest, right? You are indeed a fierce man. The Beast Forest is a place that even ordinary third and fourth level Qi training cultivators dare not enter without permission. I didn't expect that a mere mortal like you could pass through safely."

"But you look too embarrassed."

After the young man finished speaking, he waved to Ye Lin, and suddenly a green light enveloped Ye Lin. Ye Lin immediately felt warm on his body, and his injuries miraculously began to recover.

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