You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2249 Mysterious Place - Butterfly Dream Zhuang Zhou

Another relatively thin young man said slowly, this person's name is Qin Feng, and he was the one who designed the last time to trap and kill wild boars.

Although he is thin, he is proficient in all kinds of traps and usually uses traps to kill a lot of game.

And Ye Lin seems to be the most mediocre among the four.

"I have no objection. Since there is no other way to go, let's go in."

Ye Lin frowned and said, he always felt that something was going to happen, but he just couldn't tell.

This month he has been thinking about whether he has fallen into an illusion or not?

Is it a fantasy formation or just a big dream?

Is it possible that everything that Tianxian Ye Lin experienced was just a dream for a moment?

I am not some kind of immortal, but just an illusion before I entered the Qingyun Sect?

No matter how strong Ye Lindao's heart was, at this moment, he was shaken, because at this moment, he had an ordinary heart.

Is it Zhuang Zhou who dreams of butterflies or Zhuang Zhou dreams of butterflies?

Nothing is known yet.

"Then let's go, what are you afraid of? Xunxian asked, it's too smooth and I'm not used to it yet."

Li Luo rolled his arms and said, his blood was boiling all over now, but he was just a beast, just kill him.

"Then without further ado, let's take a rest and go directly."

Qin Feng said slowly, his mind was working violently.

After the four of them rested for a while, they plunged into the wild beast forest.

As soon as they walked into it, they found that there were all kinds of excrement everywhere in the wild beast forest.

"Judging from the feces, there are indeed many wild beasts here. This is a tiger's, this is an elephant's, and this... python's shed skin."

Qin Feng looked at the huge dry skin in front of him with shock on his face. The skin seemed to be a full meter wide, and as for the length, it was about ten or twenty meters.

Such a python can no longer be called a python, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a monster.

Such a big python, I'm afraid it could kill a child in one bite.

"Dear me, I probably know. This is indeed the Qingyun Sect's assessment. The three beasts, tigers, elephants, and pythons, live together at the same time. This is completely against common sense."

Gu Qing analyzed calmly. However, when the four of them were analyzing, the trees behind them made a rustling sound. Li Luo immediately picked up a long stick from the ground and looked ahead with a wary expression.

"Damn, this python skin looks fresh. I should have thought of it before. It hasn't left yet."

Qin Feng said with an ugly expression. The next moment, a head as big as half a house slowly stretched out from the bushes. At this moment, the four of them stood there blankly.

Is this more than just one child at a time? This little kid must be wiped out.


The next moment, Li Luo threw away the long stick in his hand, and the four of them ran directly into the distance.

The long stick that Li Luo threw away flew high into the air, and then hit the python's head hard.

The python's head snapped, and the long stick slid down its head. At this moment, the python was obviously completely angered, and it roared and chased after the four people.

Along the way, both rocks and trees were crushed.

This is not a python, this is obviously a monster.

"He's too fast and someone has to divert him away or we'll all die."

"Isn't this Qingyun Sect's assessment too perverted? This is not an assessment at all, it's just killing people."

Gu Qing yelled, his face looked crazy, this was the first time they had seen such a python.

Head-on confrontation? Ha, just kidding.

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