You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2237 Mysterious Place-Shocked Ye Lin

"They are coming. I'm afraid they noticed you when you came."

At this time, Li Wushuang's face was extremely solemn. A long knife appeared in her hand. The long knife was wrapped with golden light, and her whole aura changed instantly.

Ye Lin, who was standing next to her, felt a slight sense of oppression.

In front of us, the sky was dark, and it felt like black clouds were pressing down on the city.

The entire sky turned black, and wherever the blackness shrouded the ground, all the energy of the creatures on the ground was instantly sucked dry, and even the vegetation withered instantly.

Among them, a total of eight men in black were walking towards this side, and Li Shanchang was standing in the center of the group of men in black.

He watched from a distance with a smile on his face, and their eyes collided at this moment.

"I originally just wanted to get rid of him, but why did you come? It's not good to join in the fun, you have to seek death."

They seemed to be walking slowly, but in fact they were walking ten thousand meters at a time, and they arrived in front of Li Wushuang and Ye Lin in the blink of an eye.

Li Shanchang looked at Ye Lin helplessly. He looked at the man in black robe beside him, and then at a disk in his hand.

"I've helped you so much along the way, so please help me now. The person next to Li Wushuang is Ye Lin. Help me beat him seriously, so that you and I will no longer have cause and effect."

Li Shanchang said in a deep voice to the man in black robe beside him.

The man in black robe ignored Li Shanchang beside him. He slowly raised his hands covered with black lines and put down his cloak.

"Qin An?"

Li Wushuang said the person's name with a shocked look on his face.

Qin An, who took over the cloak, gave Li Wushuang a harmless smile.

"Sister Wushuang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that we would meet here in this way. I don't believe it is a coincidence."

Qin An said with a smile. His smile was very gentle, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Name: Qin An

Cultivation: Half-step True Immortal

Destiny: Taoist

Race: Demon

Identity: The young master of one of the demon clans in the Immortal Tradition of the Galaxy Universe.

Numerology: [Heavenly Demonic Body] [Insidious and cunning] [Torrential Demonic Qi] [Devilic Path to the Gods] [Natural Demon Son] [Unparalleled Combat Power] [Holy Demon Bloodline] [Ji Dao Demon Lord]

Destiny: After experiencing ninety-nine and eighty-one tribulations in the universe of stars and rivers, he finally received the favor of the devil. Fortunately, he survived the ninety-nine tribulations of the devil in one fell swoop and entered the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal. He went alone outside the universe to explore higher-level mysteries.

Recent opportunity: One month later, I went to the Daxia Dynasty to carry out a massacre, and finally sacrificed the entire Daxia Dynasty. I found a Jiyin grass under the willow tree in the Taiwang Palace, the capital of the Daxia Dynasty.

[Heavenly Demon Dao Body]: The supreme demon body, born with shortcuts, infinite potential, and endless mysteries. When fully activated, it is comparable to ancient ancient demons and is boundlessly powerful.

[Insidious and cunning]: On the surface, he appears to be harmless to humans and animals, but in fact, he is deeply scheming and inconsistent. Those who provoke him often have no good end.

[Monstrous Demonic Qi]: Since birth, he has been born with overwhelming demonic aura, and the demonic aura is overwhelming. This demonic aura seems to indicate his life. The stronger the demonic aura becomes, the stronger his combat power will be.

[Demon Path to Gods]: Those who are born with the devil species and are favored by the devil will be one of the strong ones who will definitely step into the path of the devil to reach heaven in the future.

[Born Demon Son]: The son of the devil, the hope of the devil, born for the devil's ears, and the devil exists for him.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: Combat talent is extremely terrifying, top-notch, and has few rivals in the same realm.

[Saint Demon Bloodline]: The descendant of Daluo Jinxian Demon Lord Saint Demon, with extremely noble Saint Demon blood flowing in his body, he has an innate sense of oppression against creatures in the same realm, and even the mythical beast clan cannot compare with it.

[Ji Dao Demon Lord] "Holy Gold": The Jidao Demon Lord has the holy golden numerology. With this fate, he is not as good as Da Luo and will never die.

Jiyin Grass: One of the Immortal Holy Grasses, it has an extremely terrifying healing effect. As long as you don't die, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be healed in one day. It is also the most precious treasure for repairing the soul. Even if the soul is broken, it can be repaired.

After looking at Qin An's panel in front of him, Ye Lin was completely stunned. This was the first time he had seen such a luxurious panel. Every numerology in it should not be underestimated. With such numerology added, he was simply a true child of luck.

He is simply the son of Dao Dao.

Especially the last panel, it was the first time that he saw such a numerology displayed on the panel, which was holy gold, and he would never die unless he entered Daluo.

In other words, with this numerology, it is a sure thing to step into the Daluo Jinxian. In the future, it will definitely become the genius of Daluo Jinxian. It is just a matter of time.

"I didn't expect, Qin An, that you were so heartless in the galaxy and would do anything to become stronger. I didn't expect that you would still be like this when you came here."

Li Wushuang said with a smile. Although she was smiling, her eyes were full of vigilance and her face was extremely solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Hahaha, our Wushuang lady is still so humorous."

"But Miss Wushuang, since we met you today, I won't be so nagging. Be my woman and I will take you to the top."

Qin An's smiling face suddenly became solemn, and he stretched out his palm towards Li Wushuang and said.

"Hmph, it's a joke. Is the young master of the demon clan, one of the immortal sects, actually so high-sounding? Millions of years ago, your demon clan chased my father, and in the end, my father single-handedly killed one of your demon clan's Taiyi Golden Immortals. Ancestor."

"I also killed ten powerful Golden Immortals from your Demon Clan, and countless powerful Taiyi Xuan Immortals, making you Demon Clan almost fall from the position of Immortal Dao Lineage."

"Such hatred, can you mediate it? If I guess correctly, if I agree with you now, after we leave, you will immediately use me as a handle to threaten my father, trying to make my father break the seal and release your ancestor, right?"

Li Wushuang hugged his arms and smiled, the golden long sword floating beside him, exuding amazing sword intent, and the blade was emitting extremely sharp Dao light, just looking at it would make people's eyes hurt.

Hearing this, Qin An's face was full of smiles as if he had performed a magic trick.

"Wushuang, don't be angry, you and I are a natural match, you and I are on the same path, the galaxy is just a cage, and you and I are the eagles in this cage, and we will leave this cage sooner or later."

"And as long as you release my ancestor, you and Taiyi Zun will be the most distinguished guests of my demon clan."

Qin An said with a smile without any embarrassment of having his lie exposed.

The Taiyi Reverend is the honorific title of Li Wushuang's father. Once you step into the Taiyi Golden Immortal, you will have a honorific title to show respect for such a powerful person as the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

"Humph, your demon clan has really not changed, and you are two-faced."

Li Wushuang didn't believe a word of Qin An's words. If his demon clan had no way to deal with his father, he would not have spoken to her so politely.

"It seems that Miss Wushuang is unwilling. In this case, I can only ask Miss Wushuang to go to the demon clan."

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