You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2235 Mysterious Place - Encounter with Yang Xiu

From beginning to end, from the very beginning, was he coming for himself or for Yang Xiu?

At this moment, Ye Lin fell into deep self-doubt. He originally thought that Li Shanchang was just a small role, but now it seems that Li Shanchang is the most difficult one to solve.

"almost there."

After thinking for a moment, Ye Lin decided to go and see what Li Shanchang was doing. I'm afraid this matter was just for him, and he couldn't tolerate being careless.

Normally, I would just ignore the matter, but now that it involves me, I have to treat it with caution.

After responding to Li Wushuang, Ye Lin put away the jade talisman and stood up to open the door of the main hall and stay in seclusion for three months. This Li Shanchang made such a trick for him.

As soon as he walked out of the hall, he saw An Xin practicing hard in the open space in front of him.

"Master, where are you going? Can you take me with you? I am now a master in the late stage of foundation building. Maybe I can help you."

Watching Ye Lin come out of seclusion, An Xin's eyes lit up. He was almost getting moldy here. Ye Lin had been in seclusion for three months. During these three months, he was either cultivating or cultivating.

For children of his age, nature can be suppressed, but it can never be eliminated.

At heart he is still playful.

"This time is more dangerous, so I can't take you with me. When I come back this time, I will bring you a small toy."

An Xin's eyes lit up when he heard the word toy, and then he nodded heavily.

"Master, don't worry, I will be waiting for you."

Ye Lin felt helpless when he heard An Xin's name, but he didn't care about it and just scream as much as you like.

Saying goodbye to An Xin, Ye Lin walked all the way towards the gate of Daotian Sect.

"Elder Ye, where are you going in such a hurry?"

Name: Yang Xiu

Cultivation: Peak of Heavenly Immortal

Destiny: Taoist

Race: Human race

Identity: An ordinary casual cultivator, but if you despise him because of this, you will definitely have to pay a huge price.

Numerology: [The rat hiding in the darkness] [Intelligence and spiritual understanding] [Unparalleled combat power] [Follow your words]

Destiny: Step into the transcendent realm of Daluo, and finally leave the galaxy to explore a more mysterious world.

Recent opportunity: At the next apprenticeship meeting, a young man named Li Shanchang was recruited as his follower. However, who would have expected that Li Shanchang is a genius from the galaxy. On a quiet night two months later, Li Shanchang brazenly confronted him. He tried, but he underestimated Yang Xiu's cultivation, and was killed by Yang Xiu. In the end, he inherited Li Shanchang's cultivation and successfully stepped into the realm of half-step true immortality.

[The rat hiding in the shadows]: He is extremely cautious by nature and likes to leave every possible escape route in everything he does. He never does anything he is not sure about and likes to play tricks on people behind their backs.

[Intelligence and enlightenment]: The understanding is extremely amazing, and usually one can understand all the skills at a glance.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: Extremely keen on combat, and his combat awareness has never been matched by anyone in the past. If he is entangled by it, it will definitely be a nightmare.

[Speaking Dharma Sui]: Born with magical powers, speaking Dharma Sui, and good words of gold and jade.

On the way, Ye Lin happened to bump into Yang Xiu who was holding a bunch of spiritual points.

"I heard that there are demonic cultivators running rampant in Yangzhou these days, so I just took this opportunity to go and have a look."

Ye Lin responded with a smile.

"Elder Ye, you have to be careful. It is said that these demon cultivators are all very advanced, and the sect leader is also worried about this matter. They are suspected to be from other states."

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