You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2220 Mysterious Place-Mysterious Li Shanchang

Hong Yanran said with urgency.

"I found ten, no, more than ten, they are all true immortals, all are demon beasts in the realm of true immortals, and some of them even have more powerful auras."

"But I didn't go too deep at the time, and left in a hurry to avoid being discovered."

Listening to Bai Ziran's words, Hong Yanran's eyes suddenly widened.

More than a dozen demon beasts in the realm of true immortals, and demon beasts suspected to be in the realm of Taiyi Xuanxian?

The shock of this news is no different from a nuclear bomb explosion.

For a moment, she stood there in a daze.

"How is it possible? How could there be such a high-level demon beast? Do they really want to capture the entire Yangzhou?"

"Besides, demon beasts of this realm are definitely not from the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range, they must have come from other places."

Hong Yanran's expression gradually calmed down, even if she already had the calmness of a celestial immortal, she couldn't help feeling flustered.

The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is under the surveillance of Daotian Sect at all times, and it is impossible for so many true immortals and demon beasts to appear for no reason.

Excluding this possibility, there is only one possibility, these demon beasts are from other states.

What a terrifying method it is to hide from other forces in Yangzhou and come to the Wan Yao Mountains quietly?

"No, we have to report this news to the sect master immediately, let's go."

For a moment, Bai Ziran had the idea of ​​retreating. Although their cultivation was at the level of celestial immortals, which was considered a master in this world, it was still not enough to face the monsters in the realm of true immortals.

Once they were discovered, they would not even have a chance to run.

"Let's go."

Yang Xiu's face was calm and his tone was very cold. He did not speak during the whole process, and no one knew what he was thinking.

After speaking, the four of them hurriedly left the Wan Yao Mountains.

After arriving at Daotian Sect, Yang Xiu left in a hurry, and Ye Lin also returned to his own dojo. As for the two sisters Bai Ziran and Hong Yanran, they obviously went to report to the sect master.

Ye Lin, who came to the dojo, sat alone in the empty hall and fell into deep thought.

This Yang Xiu was indeed meticulous and played Li Wushuang around.

Fortunately, he did not make a move during this period. For someone like Yang Xiu, if he failed to hit the target, he would alert the enemy and there would be no second chance in the end.

At least he was still clean in Yang Xiu's eyes.

But this also made him feel troubled. Yang Xiu was not easy to kill.

"Elder Ye, is it convenient?"

At this time, a voice came from outside the hall.

Ye Lin's expression moved when he heard the words, and then he waved his hand, and the hall in front of him slowly opened.

Seeing this person, Ye Lin was full of surprise. This person was none other than Li Shanchang.

"Elder Ye, no, it's probably not appropriate to call you Elder Ye. You should call me Ye Lin, the disciple of the Demon Subduing Saint, right?"

Li Shanchang walked towards Ye Lin with a smile, while Ye Lin's face was solemn. He looked at Li Shanchang in front of him, and the aura around him slowly rose.

"Who are you? How do you know my identity?"

Ye Lin stood up, and the bloodthirsty magic sword appeared in his hand. In this world, the most confidential thing is his identity. Once his identity is exposed, it will be very troublesome later.

The person in front of him could actually reveal his identity in one sentence, which made Ye Lin extremely alert.

"Elder Ye, don't be like this. Elder Ye is really a noble man who forgets things easily. Could it be that Elder Ye forgot the last gathering? That's right, I was just an ordinary disciple at the last gathering, so Elder Ye naturally wouldn't remember me."

Li Shanchang seemed to be recalling, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

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