You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 222 New Opportunity

Human monks are a huge temptation for monsters. As long as they swallow a human monk of the same level, the monster's cultivation level will rise straight up.

As long as the more human monks are swallowed, their cultivation will grow faster.

This is why monsters and humans are natural enemies.

Humans eat monsters, and monsters eat humans.

"Fellow Taoist, how are you? Do you feel fear in your heart?"

At this time, a young man slowly walked up to Ye Lin. He was dressed in white, carrying a long sword behind his back, and was surrounded by sword intent. He looked like a peerless swordsman.

"Fear is out of the question."

Ye Lin said, and then a panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Su Wen

Cultivation: Golden elixir peak

Fate: Blue

Numerology: [Swordsmanship Unparalleled]

Fate: He stopped at the peak of the Golden Core. In the duel with the monsters three days later, he was besieged by three monsters at the peak of the Golden Core, and finally died of exhaustion.

Recent opportunity: Two days later, I went to Fengshan Mountain to make preparations to resist the monsters. I accidentally found a cave under the mountain. Inside the cave, I found a Xuan-level middle-grade Hunyuan Pill. After swallowing this pill, my health can be greatly improved. Physical strength.

[Swordsmanship Unparalleled]: He has unparalleled talent in the first level of swordsmanship. If he becomes a swordsman, he will be able to make great strides in one day. He will practice very fast in the first level of swordsmanship.

Looking at Su Wen's panel, Ye Lin shook his head. What a wonderful person. It's a pity that he will die in three days.

Anyway, you are going to die in three days, Hunyuan Dan himself is happy to accept it.

"Fellow Taoist, judging from your strong aura, you must be from a powerful force, right?"

Su Wen stared at Ye Lin and said.

The faint sense of destruction surrounding Ye Lin made him extremely uncomfortable.

"Fellow Taoist, does it matter if you are from a powerful family?"


Hearing this, Su Wen nodded.

"Fellow Taoist, I saw that when you entered the city, you went straight here, but what is your purpose?"

After Su Wen finished speaking, Ye Lin squinted his eyes and looked at Su Wen in front of him.

"Are you following me?"

Ye Lin spoke, his tone full of coldness.

"Of course not, I'm just curious about the roadmen."

Seeing Ye Lin like this, Su Wen didn't panic at all. Here were all human monks, and Ye Lin wouldn't do anything to him at all.

"It's okay to be curious, but being too curious may cause bad things. Cherish your next days."

Ye Lin came to Su Wen's side, patted Su Wen on the shoulder, and then walked forward.

Looking at Ye Lin's back, Su Wen was confused for a moment. He didn't know what Ye Lin's words meant.

"Come out."

When he arrived outside the city, Ye Lin opened the beast-control bag, and suddenly, a fiery red figure appeared.

"Boss, where is this place? I feel a lot of breath."

As soon as she came out, Xiao Hong said with excitement.

"This is the border of Tianhe County. Remember, don't run around and stay with me. It will be bad if someone catches you and stews you."

Ye Lin instructed carefully. Xiao Hong nodded immediately, hiding her aura, spread her wings and flew to Ye Lin's shoulder, looking around curiously.

"It's time to go to Fengshan next, but this is indeed a treasure land of Feng Shui. I encountered a precious opportunity when I first came here. Hey, it's better to have more people."

On the way, Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh.

As soon as I came here, I encountered a good opportunity, which is indeed good.

After raising his physical strength to the peak of the golden elixir, he can start to break through the Nascent Soul stage.

When breaking through the foundation building stage and golden elixir stage, you need the assistance of heaven and earth treasures, because the first two realms are the foundation for laying the foundation.

Just like building a building, laying the foundation must be done carefully and carefully.

The breakthrough of the Golden Elixir Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage depends on perception. If you have enough insights and your own foundation, you will naturally break through.

It sounds simple but is very difficult to do.

This level stopped 70% of the monks.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, doesn't need to worry about those things. After his physical realm reaches the peak of the golden elixir, he can naturally break through the elixir and become an infant, becoming a major cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage.

If you want to do it, you must be the strongest group.

While I was thinking, I had already arrived at Fengshan.

Fengshan is a huge mountain.

"Under the mountain? Then it must be at the bottom of the mountain."

Ye Lin flew straight towards the bottom of the mountain. Xiao Hong stood on Ye Lin's shoulder, full of doubts.

He didn't understand Ye Lin's actions.

But the strange thing is that no matter how Ye Lin moves, Xiao Hong can stand firmly on Ye Lin's shoulders without even shaking.

"found it."

Looking at the cave in front of him, Ye Lin walked into the cave without any hesitation. When he reached the very back, he found a wooden box in a stone wall.

Slowly opening the wooden box, there was a round pill lying in it.

"Now that I have almost collected the body-tempering treasures, it's time to start tempering the physical body."

Putting away the Hunyuan Pill, Ye Lin thought in his mind.

"Boy, hand over the box you just put away. That thing belongs to me."

"Yes, hand it over. Our two brothers hid the elixir here, and you came here with your back? Could it be that you have been following us two brothers?"

At this time, two young men with spears walked in outside the cave.

The two young men were full of doubts. They hid the elixir in the cave wall with their front legs, and Ye Lin came with his back legs?

Looking at the two people in front of him, Ye Lin understood.

I came too early, and I was caught trying to seize someone else's chance. However, I wanted him to take out the thing that had already entered his pocket?

"You didn't carry a good treasure with you, but hid it in such a hidden place. I'm afraid this thing is not clean, right?"

Ye Lin said with a smile.

"It's none of your business, but we have warned you. If you don't know what's good for you, then wait for death. It just so happens that I haven't tasted the taste of monsters for a long time. This big turkey is pretty good. I'll roast it later."

"Brother is right. This big turkey looks very handsome. After roasting, the taste will not be bad."

The two stared at Xiaohong on Ye Lin's shoulder and licked their lips.

And this also successfully angered Xiaohong.

"Want to eat me? It depends on whether you are qualified."

Xiaohong roared, spread her wings and floated in front of Ye Lin, burning with fiery red flames all over her body. The next moment, the flames began to burn from the two people.

"What is this? Get out of here, get out of here."

"Damn it, get out of here."

The two watched the flames burning on their bodies, their faces full of horror.

Before they could fight back, they were completely burned to ashes by the flames.


Seeing this, Xiaohong said disdainfully.

He hadn't even started yet, and these two were already in trouble.

I don't know where they got the courage to provoke me.

After finishing this, Ye Lin walked out of the cave and then flew to the top of Fengshan.

This is an excellent place for observation. From this place, you can see the situation of the entire battlefield.

Tianhe County has set up a total of five huge cities here to accommodate the continuous influx of cultivators.

These five cities are controlled by five top forces.

When some casual cultivators in Tianhe County heard that the demons were going to attack Tianhe County, they rushed to the edge of the land.

They were short of resources, and they would like to break a spirit stone into two petals when practicing.

And fighting is the best time to fish in troubled waters.

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