You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2215 Mysterious Place-Many Doubts

"I see."

Yang Xiu nodded secretly. Ye Lin's answer made it impossible for them to find any fault. Who can still live safely after being hunted for decades? Who doesn't have a few trump cards in his hand?

"Okay, let's sneak in now. Remember not to be discovered. The main purpose of our visit this time is to determine whether this Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is a great demon in the realm of true immortals."

"Another important thing is that if there really is a great demon at the level of a true immortal, then there is a treasure leaf that can help living beings break through to the true immortal level. That is our second goal."

"But everything should be done with your own safety in mind."

Bai Ziran looked calm and said in a cold tone. After saying that, he turned into a rainbow light and disappeared in front of the three people. Ye Lin, Yang Xiu and Hong Yanran followed behind Bai Ziran.

During this period, Ye Lin made a secret with his right hand, and a point of light flew out from his fingers and disappeared into the jungle. No one noticed this small movement.

"There are three great demons of the Earth Immortal Realm entrenched on the left, and one great demon of the Early Celestial Immortal Realm entrenched on the right."

Yang Xiu said calmly, almost instantly he judged the approximate location of the big demons around him.

"It shouldn't be. The Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is not small, and it is very big. But we only walked a hundred miles, and we encountered three great demons in the earthly realm and a great demon in the heavenly realm. It's not normal, it's too big. It’s not normal anymore.”

Hong Yanran said with a solemn expression.

The Ten Thousand Demon Mountains, where Ten Thousand Monsters are entrenched, is a paradise for monsters. Although Ten Thousand Monsters are entrenched, these big monsters are extremely peaceful. They are a group of smart people who never invade human territory.

In this way, there is no force to support the encirclement and suppression of these big monsters. After all, these are big monsters. Big monsters with the realm of immortals need to spend a huge price to encircle and suppress them.

As a result, the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range is entrenched at the center of the human race's power.

As for the situation within the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range, it is not that no one has explored it. Various big monsters have divided their territories, and it is absolutely impossible for two monster beasts in the Earthly Immortal Realm to be together.

And now, after only walking a hundred miles, they encountered three earthly immortal realm monsters and a celestial immortal realm monster. This was a bit too abnormal.

There are only two possibilities for monsters to put aside their past grievances and get together. The first is that a huge crisis from the outside world forces these monsters to unite to fight against the enemy.

The second is that an extremely powerful being was born within them, suppressing them with absolute strength, bringing them together, and ruling them.

There are only these two possibilities, and the first possibility can basically be discarded, because which force has nothing to do and is full enough to encircle and suppress the Ten Thousand Demons Mountain Range?

And with such a big movement, it is impossible that there is no news at all.

From this point of view, there is only one possibility left, that is, the rumor may be true.

There are real immortals and great demons occupying the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

However, during this period, the speed of the four people did not slow down at all. In just a few minutes, they had traveled thousands of miles. During this period, the number of monsters they encountered made them frightened.

"There are more than a hundred demon beasts in the earthly immortal realm, and thirty-eight great demons in the heavenly immortal realm."

"Why are there such big changes in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountain Range? What do these monsters want to do? Do you want to get together to discuss how to attack Yangzhou?"

Bai Ziran said in a deep voice, she was in an extremely bad mood now.

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