You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2204 Mysterious Place-Nine Elders

"Okay, let Xiaobai help you get familiar with it."

The old man waved his hand and said to Ye Lin, while Ye Lin and Bai Ziran bowed and bowed and slowly exited the hall.

"Elder Ye, I will take you to your dojo right now."

Bai Ziran smiled and said to Ye Lin. She didn't know why, but her first reaction after knowing that Ye Lin agreed to stay was that of happiness.

very happy.

Even she didn't notice the emotional change.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Fellow Daoist Bai."

He followed Bai Ziran to the Five Mountains, which is his dojo. There are five mountains scattered around, which are also called the Five Mountains.

There is a huge palace in the center of the five mountains. There is everything in the palace, including a spiritual garden, a place dedicated to planting spiritual plants.

There are also some monsters walking in the mountains and forests, which causes beast roars to be heard from time to time in the mountains and forests.

If it were an ordinary person living here alone, it would not be a reward, but a fright. He might be frightened to death one night.

"This is Elder Ye's dojo, and there will be five disciples coming later. They are Elder Ye's servants, and they are also specially responsible for handling some matters for Elder Ye and cleaning the dojo. If Elder Ye needs anything, you can give them any orders. "

Bai Ziran introduced Ye Lin to the place while taking him to familiarize himself with the place.

"Also, Elder Ye needs to go to the inner gate in three days because Elder Ye's succession ceremony will be held to let everyone know."

Listening to Bai Ziran's words, Ye Lin nodded. He took up the position of an elder just to get closer to Yang Xiu.

However, if you want to kill Yang Xiu, you can't rely on him alone. You will also need the help of Li Wushuang.

After all, Yang Xiu had the same cultivation level as him, and with that terrifying luck, it would be difficult for me to kill him even now.

What's more, Yang Xiu is extremely cautious, it is simply extremely difficult, and it is a long process.

If you kill them on sight, then let alone yourself, those who should be invincible would already be invincible.

Again, none of the talented people in the galaxy who can come here are simple.

"Okay, I have introduced everything that needs to be introduced. If Elder Ye has no questions, then I will leave first."

After the introduction, Bai Ziran said with a smile.

"I dare to ask Fellow Daoist Bai, what is Fellow Daoist Yang Xiu and Yang in this Tianzong..."

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Yang, Fellow Daoist Yang is an inner disciple, and he is also the deputy chairman of the inner disciples."

"If Elder Ye is interested, you can go find out."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist Bai, for clarifying my doubts."

Just like that, Ye Lin watched Bai Ziran's back disappear from sight.

"According to this guy's introduction, my identity is one level higher than that of Yang Xiu, but now Yang Xiu of Daotian Sect knows more than me, so I have to get familiar with him as soon as possible."

Ye Lin secretly thought in his heart that as long as he was still in Daotian Sect, Yang Xiu would have to act according to the rules of Daotian Sect. He was now one level higher than Yang Xiu.

After he became familiar with Daotian Sect, he could use his current identity to let Yang Xiu feel the dangers of the world.

But the top priority is to contact Li Wushuang first.

After thinking about it, Ye Lin came to the main hall, found a place to sit down at random, and began to take out the jade talisman and contact Li Wushuang.

Almost instantly, Li Wushuang's figure appeared in front of Ye Lin.

"What have you been doing this month? I contacted you three times but couldn't reach you. I thought you had died."

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