You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 220 Xiaohong breaks through the Nascent Soul stage

"The first sword is to warn you because you are ignorant, but you don't listen to my advice. The second sword is to cut off the cause and effect between you and me. In the future, we will have nothing to do with each other."

After saying that, Ye Lin turned and left.

That's right, with the sword just now, he shattered Wang Wu's golden elixir, making Wang Wu a real useless person.

And he is a useless person who is about to die.

This matter was provoked by Wang Wu from beginning to end. If Wuming Mountain punishes him for this matter, he will immediately withdraw from Wuming Mountain.

"Brother, please."

"Brother, please."

When Ye Lin wanted to continue queuing, the disciples in the queue in front looked at Ye Lin, full of respect, and gave up their seats to Ye Lin.

And Ye Lin thanked him and walked forward.

Unimpeded, he soon came to the front.

On the other side, Wang Wu knelt on the ground, looking at his bloody hands, regretting it.

If I hadn't troubled Ye Lin, if I hadn't attacked Ye Lin, if I hadn't found Ye Lin on the icebreaker cliff, how good would that be?

Now his thoughts had completely changed. When he noticed the broken golden elixir in his dantian, he really understood that he was really useless.

He had completely become a useless person.

On the other side, Ye Lin looked at Wang Sanpang in front of him.

"Ye Lin? I didn't expect it to be you. I haven't seen you for almost two years. You've become more handsome."

"The first prodigy in Tianhe County, I heard this title a long time ago. When you persisted for an hour on the character and perseverance test, I knew that your future was destined to be extraordinary."

"I didn't expect that your excellence was so great that it was beyond my expectation. The first prodigy in Tianhe County, wow, even I envy this title."

Wang Sanpang praised Ye Lin.

After all, Ye Lin in front of him had a promising future, but he was a very thick thigh.

When he first joined Wuming Mountain, he was still an ordinary boy. Unexpectedly, two years later, he became the number one prodigy in Tianhe County.

Such a big leap made him understand in his heart that he must hold on to this big and thick leg.

Listening to Wang Sanpang's praise, Ye Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Brother, please settle the resources for me quickly. I have something to do here. Please trouble me."

When Wang Sanpang saw that he was going to continue talking, Ye Lin immediately took out his token and put it in Wang Sanpang's hand, whispering.

If he didn't stop him, I don't know when this guy in front of him would stop talking.

"Oh, right, right, I'll handle it for you right away."

Taking the token from Ye Lin's hand, Wang Sanpang began to check.

Wuming Mountain disciple token is very useful, equivalent to an ID card, and all kinds of records can be checked for you.

"Tsk, junior brother, since you entered the sect, you haven't received resources once. You really are, wait, I will calculate your resources for you immediately."

Looking at Ye Lin's information, Wang Sanpang was amazed.

It was the first time he had seen such a strange disciple. He had never received any resources since he joined the sect.

What did a disciple join a sect for? Of course, it was for resources, but it was rare to see such a strange disciple as Ye Lin.

"Thirty medium-grade spirit stones and three low-grade Xuan-grade elixirs a month."

"You haven't received them in a few days."

"So, there are a few less spirit stones. I will help you make up for it. It's a total of nine hundred medium-grade spirit stones."

"And the low-grade Xuan-grade elixirs, brother, how about this? You don't need the low-grade Xuan-grade elixirs at all. I will help you exchange them for two high-grade Xuan-grade elixirs?"

Halfway through the calculation, Wang Sanpang suddenly came up to Ye Lin and said.

"Okay, thank you very much, brother."

Ye Lin smiled and said that the effects of low-grade Xuan-grade elixirs and high-grade Xuan-grade elixirs were one in the sky and one in the earth.

And one hundred low-grade Xuan-grade elixirs may not be able to exchange for one high-grade Xuan-grade elixir.

He knew that Wang Sanpang did this to please him.

He didn't dislike such things, and he hoped that there would be more of them. As long as it could improve his strength, it was a good thing.

"Okay, Junior Brother, a total of 900 middle-grade spirit stones and two Xuan-level top-grade pills."

"This is a Yangxin Pill, which can nourish the soul and greatly enhance the soul."

"This is a Wudao Pill. Although the name is high-sounding, the efficacy is a bit inferior, but it is also an excellent pill. After swallowing, it can greatly increase your understanding and help you understand the artistic conception."

Wang Sanpang took the two pills and explained them to Ye Lin in detail.

After listening to the effects, Ye Lin nodded. These two pills had a huge effect on him.

It has only been a short time since he entered the fourth level of sword intent. It takes a long time to accumulate. Now with the help of the Wudao Pill, his understanding of the fourth level of sword intent will definitely go to a higher level.

"Thank you very much, Senior Brother."

After taking the spirit stones and pills, Ye Lin smiled and said to Wang Sanpang.

"Hey, no thanks, we are friends. If you have nothing to do in the future, come find me and have a drink."

"Hahaha, of course, then senior brother will be busy first, junior brother has something to do now."

"Go ahead, junior brother, remember to find me for a drink."

"Of course."

Ye Lin waved to Wang Sanpang, and flew into the sky under the awe-inspiring eyes of the crowd.

"I didn't expect that after not receiving it for many days, the resources have accumulated to such a terrifying level."

"The resources of the outer gate alone are so rich, and the inner gate is unimaginable."

Standing in the sky, Ye Lin sighed secretly.

Nine hundred middle-grade spirit stones are a huge fortune.

If you take them out, you can let the Jindan-stage cultivators work for you.

After all, resources are scarce in the current cultivation world. Those who really have resources are disciples of big forces, while those independent cultivators are poorer than each other.

At this time, the space ring on Ye Lin's right hand flashed with light. Out of curiosity, Ye Lin began to check.

In the space ring, a fiery red feather was burning with raging fire, running around in the space ring.

"Xiao Hong handed me the feather. Did something happen?"

Ye Lin took out the feather with a puzzled look on his face.

This is the feather Xiao Hong gave him. No matter how far away, communication can be achieved.

"Boss, I have broken through the Nascent Soul stage. I have successfully performed the Phoenix Bathing in Fire and comprehended the blood inheritance. I heard that you want the Phoenix Bathing in Heaven Technique. I have successfully comprehended the Phoenix Bathing in Heaven Technique. Do you still want it?"

"Boss, boss, are you there? Please reply if you get it."

"Boss, if you are not, please let me know. If you are not, please tell me."

As soon as he took out the feather, an extremely excited voice came out from the feather. This voice sounded very childish, similar to the voice of a seven or eight-year-old child of the human race.

When Ye Lin heard about the Phoenix Bathing in Heaven Technique, his face was full of excitement.

He was waiting for the Phoenix Bathing in Heaven Technique.

Obtaining the blood inheritance means that Xiaohong has broken through the Nascent Soul stage, and the breakthrough of the divine beast is fast.

"Not there."

After a moment, Ye Lin answered.


After Ye Lin finished speaking, a voice came from the feather, and then the feather slowly fell silent.

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin couldn't help but touch his head.

Xiaohong's IQ needs to be improved.

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