You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 204 Ye Lin vs. Jian Wushuang

And the angrier Xuanming got, the more flaws he showed.


In the distance, Jian Wushuang, who had been watching the battle, was full of admiration. Ye Lin's move was extremely smart.

While consuming Xuanming's spiritual power, he did not consume any of it himself.

When Xuanming finally showed a flaw, he defeated him with one blow.

This was the smartest way.

"Damn it, I told you to hide."

Xuanming was furious. He understood that Ye Lin was playing with him.

Who could tolerate playing with him like a fool?

"The Overlord Spear Technique, the God of Spear is coming."

Xuanming roared, and an extremely domineering spear shadow emerged.

A spear stabbed at Ye Lin's face.

The entire ring was also shaking with this extremely domineering spear technique.

"Here it comes."

Seeing this spear technique, Ye Lin smiled.

The spiritual power in Xuanming's body was almost consumed by himself, and this attack was no longer as strong as the previous attack.

And what followed was a body full of flaws.

Don't forget, he is now at zero consumption.


Without any fancy moves, Ye Lin just raised the Zhuxie in his hand, and the destructive sword intent gathered.

One sword cut down.

One sword, one spear, fiercely collided with each other.

Crack, crack, crack.

With only crisp sounds, the shadow of the spear in Xuanming's hand was breaking bit by bit.

"No, impossible, kill."

Xuanming looked crazy. This was his strongest attack, and he couldn't believe that Ye Lin could resolve it so easily.


With a loud bang, Xuanming's whole body was knocked off the ring. He fell under the ring with injuries all over his body. After struggling for a long time, he still couldn't stand up and finally fainted.

The golden spear fell beside him and lay quietly on the ground.

The pure sword intent just now could not damage the golden spear at all.

"Yes, very strong, the fighting spirit in my body has been burning."

Seeing Ye Lin's move, Jian Wushuang smiled.

He has already stood at the top of the young generation in Tianhe County.

The young generation is proud of being able to receive his sword, but what they don’t know is that he, who is at the top, is already lonely in his heart.

No one is qualified to let him really fight with all his strength, and there is no one in Tianhe County.

Even the Buddhist disciples of the hidden forces can’t receive his two swords, which makes him very lonely.

Such loneliness will always surround him even if he breaks through.

It’s cold at the top.

Now when he sees Ye Lin, his heart, which has been extremely cold, is rekindled.

Later, there were many challengers during the period, and without exception, they could not shake Ye Lin’s position.

As time passed, there were fewer and fewer challengers, and everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding, that is, to bypass the arena where Jian Wushuang and Ye Lin were.

Because these two people are more perverted than each other.

The sword of heaven and earth suppressed their own strength to only 70%. Facing Jian Wushuang, it was like facing the whole world, which made people shudder.

A sword of destruction was unparalleled. Even the Gui Zong, who claimed to have invincible defense, was split by Ye Lin's sword, so that the rest of the people did not dare to step onto the ring that Ye Lin suppressed.

Therefore, the two could only sit cross-legged on their respective rings to recuperate.

And the battle on the other ring was extremely fierce.

Just like that, after three hours, no one dared to step onto the ring to fight.

"Is there anyone else challenging? I will count down for three breaths. If no one challenges within three breaths, then the top three people sitting on the ring now will be the top three."

After seeing that no one stepped onto the ring, Lu Xuan in the sky looked around and then began to count down.

With the last countdown, the top three were also determined.

They were Ye Lin, Jian Wushuang, and Li Youran.

What he didn't expect was that Li Youran could actually get the top three.

Thinking about it carefully, it was true that the most favorable competitor for the top three was Wuxin, but Wuxin met Jian Wushuang, so it was terminated.

And some geniuses did not come here, such as the son of the first force in Tianhe County, who did not come.

"Okay, the top three are now Ye Lin, Jian Wushuang, and Li Youran."

"And the first place will be decided from these three."

After Lu Xuan finished speaking, Li Youran bowed to Jian Wushuang and Ye Lin in the distance.

"Brother Wushuang, Master Ye, Youran knows that he is not strong enough. It is lucky to have come this far. So, Youran will withdraw and leave the battlefield to Brother Wushuang and Master Ye."

After Li Youran finished speaking, he turned around and flew lightly towards the audience.

And Jian Wushuang came to Ye Lin, looked at Ye Lin with a fighting spirit, and then slowly drew out the long sword behind him.

"Jian Wushuang of Shenjian City, please fight."

"Ye Lin of Wuming Mountain, accept the challenge."

Walking past, Ye Lin held Zhuxie, and his face was also full of fighting spirit. The two looked at each other.

"Hiss, the top battle of the young generation in Tianhe County, I am so lucky to be able to see this scene."

"It's so cool, open the market, who will win between Senior Brother Ye and Senior Brother Jian Wushuang, start betting, start betting."

"Damn, such a prosperous time must be recorded with the photo stone, and when I go out, I can sell him one hundred low-grade spirit stones, then I will make a fortune?"

Looking at Jian Wushuang and Ye Lin on the stage, the whole square was suddenly ignited.

The top battle of the young generation in Tianhe County kicked off.

"Daoyou, please."


After saying this, Jian Wushuang's sword intent circulated around him, and the power of the world around him was also used by himself to press towards Ye Lin.

Since he comprehended the sword intent of destruction, Ye Lin didn't care about the power of the world at all.

I am the sword, the sword is me, and I am the world.

No matter how infinite your Taoism is, I will break it with one sword.

Jian Wushuang's sense of oppression was indeed very strong. At the moment when the power of the world suppressed him, Ye Lin's whole body paused.

It was as if a mountain ten thousand meters high was pressing on his back.

But the next moment, Ye Lin's body was full of destructive auras, destroying everything in the world, destroying the way of heaven, the great way, and destroying all the ways of the heavens.

The two artistic conceptions began to collide, and neither of them gave in.

The collision of artistic conceptions is also the collision of one's own Tao.

Both of them are people who have walked their own paths. If you lose in the collision of artistic conceptions, it means that the path you are walking is wrong.

The duel between sword cultivators is either injured or disabled.

"Here they come, the two have already started to clash with each other, let's see whose state of mind is better."

"That must be Jian Wushuang, Jian Wushuang comprehended the sword of heaven and earth, absorbed the power of heaven and earth into his sword, fighting him is like fighting the whole world."

"That's not necessarily true, the strong state of destruction on Senior Brother Ye Lin is not simple, I can feel a deadly threat from such a distance."

Seeing the two people start to clash with each other, the young people around them immediately began to discuss.

After all, they are more inexperienced than each other, but they are more skilled than each other in giving orders.

Even a rookie in the early stage of the Golden Core can comment on it.

"Fellow Daoist, look at my sword."

After Jian Wushuang finished speaking, he combined his two swords and slashed at Ye Lin.

After colliding for a long time, he found that his sword of heaven and earth could not do anything to Ye Lin in a short time.

The aura of destruction surrounding Ye Lin seemed to come to destroy the world, which puzzled him.

In this case, it is better to strike first.

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