You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 18 Huang Xiao has another chance

At this time, Ye Lin noticed that Huang Xiao had another chance to appear, which made him sigh.

Name: Huang Xiao

Cultivation: Sixth level of Qi training

Fate: White

Numerology: [Tiansha Lone Star]

Fate: Four months later, he was ordered to go down the mountain to slay the demon, but the demon sucked all the essence and blood from his body and died.

Recent opportunity: Feeling bored, he went down the mountain the next day to find excitement in Tianfeng City, and then had fun in Fenghua Tower. On the way up the mountain the next day, he discovered a near-death practice in Yingyue Valley. He immediately killed the demon beast at the ninth level of Qi, and obtained a Xuan-level low-grade elixir, the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass, from the corpse of the demon beast that had not yet been digested, and kept it as a trump card.

[Tiansha Lone Star]: The closer someone is to you, the more unlucky they will be. People with this fate are doomed to live alone.

Looking at Huang Xiao's opportunity, Ye Lin clicked his tongue. It was destined to happen in the future when he would go down the mountain to have fun.

He had robbed him of his opportunity, and his luck had compensated him with another opportunity.

Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it.

"Nine-Death Resurrection Grass? That's a good thing."

Even though Ye Lin has only been in the world of immortality for a short time, he has heard of the reputation of the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass, a holy healing medicine that does not need to be refined into a pill.

No matter how serious the injury is, I can bring you back.

Of course, this healing medicine is only suitable for practitioners below the Nascent Soul stage.

"It's time to verify the authenticity of this sword technique."

After saying that, Ye Lin walked down the mountain. To practice the sword technique, you must not practice it within the Qingyun Sect. Once discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

If you, a disciple of the Qingyun Sect, are practicing other sects' sect-suppressing techniques, you will definitely be executed if you are discovered.

Coming to an uninhabited land, Ye Lin took out the Sword Control Technique and began to study it carefully. The more he looked down, the more frightened he became.

An entire hour passed, and Ye Lin closed the book in his hand, feeling extremely shocked.

"It is indeed the sword-controlling technique of the Tianjian Sect."

Ye Lin murmured to himself that the grade of this sword art is definitely at the Xuan level, and the only sword control art at the Xuan level is the Zhenzong sword technique of the Tianjian Sect.

He didn't know how a casual cultivator in the foundation-building stage could master Tianjian Sect's Zongzong Sword Technique, but nothing mattered at this moment.

After Ye Lin burned the books in his hands, he began to practice.

The Sword Control Technique is divided into three levels. The first level, Sword Control, can take the enemy's head from thousands of miles away.

The second level is to control the sword. At this level, the sword is a part of one's body. You can kill whatever you want and wherever your thoughts reach.

The third level, Ten Thousand Swords Returns to the Sect, literally means, you can call upon Ten Thousand Swords, but this third level cannot be practiced unless you are in the Golden Core stage.

Because whether it is the Qi training period or the foundation building period, if you want to urge Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect, you must have spiritual power to keep up.

"Start practicing."

Ye Lin closed his eyes and carefully recalled the various sword techniques in his mind, and his spiritual energy surged crazily throughout his body.

Cultivation time is always boring. Under Ye Lin's conscious or unconscious restraint, the two days passed by in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, it was the second night.

"Huh, chop."

This night, in the originally extremely silent night, a loud shout suddenly came, and the next moment, a sword light pierced the darkness.

As a big tree more than ten meters high collapsed in front of him, Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction. A long sword floated in the air behind him, and sword energy circulated.

"Now that I have entered the first level, I can control the sword for a short period of time, but my spiritual energy is also consumed extremely quickly."

Seeing that the spiritual energy in his dantian began to decline rapidly, a trace of helplessness flashed across Ye Lin's face.

The power of the Sword Control Technique is extremely powerful. Now, he is 100% sure that he can kill a sixth-level Qi-training monk within ten meters.

"Tomorrow is Huang Xiao's opportunity. After taking away Huang Xiao's opportunity, I will practice in seclusion. In less than a month, Zhang Xiao should be released."

"After absorbing the demon pill and three middle-grade spiritual stones, I will definitely be able to break through the seventh level of Qi training. With various methods, I will not be afraid of Zhang Xiao at all."

"I must quickly improve my cultivation and strive to become an inner disciple before the secret realm of the inner sect opens. When the time comes, I can also go in and hunt for treasures."

Ye Lin murmured to himself that the Qingyun Sect's ability to become the overlord of thousands of miles was all due to this so-called secret realm.

No one knows what is in the secret realm. Presumably only the senior officials of Qingyun Sect can know about it. This secret realm can only be opened once every ten years.

According to outside rumors, there are countless treasures in the secret realm of Qingyun Sect, and there are elixirs or spiritual fruits everywhere.

Therefore, Ye Lin was very jealous of this secret realm.

"There are still about four or five months before the secret realm opens. If there is a good opportunity, I can definitely break through the ninth level of Qi training. If not, I will reach the eighth level at the lowest level."

"The eighth level of Qi training is enough."

Ye Lin secretly thought in his heart that the eighth level of Qi training was already the level of cultivation for a few inner disciples. With the help of various means, becoming an inner disciple would not be a big problem.

After thinking about everything, Ye Lin disappeared into the night and headed to Yingyue Valley to seize Huang Xiao's opportunity.

Arriving at Yingyue Valley, Ye Lin lay down in the grass and looked at the open space in front of him. There were no dying monsters.

After some opportunities ahead, Ye Lin was already familiar with the road and began to lie there quietly waiting.

About three to five hours later, Ye Lin was suddenly shocked. He saw a huge tiger and a giant bear two to three meters tall appearing in front of him.


At this time, two demonic beasts at the ninth level of Qi training suddenly started fighting in Yingyue Valley, and the ground was shaking violently.

The giant bear grabbed countless boulders and trees around it and used them as weapons to resist the giant tiger.

The whole battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and Ye Lin was terrified. No matter which of the two monsters, he could not resist it now.

After more than ten minutes, the whole battle ended with the dying giant bear.

Looking at the giant bear with its internal organs flowing all over the ground, the giant tiger roared and then turned and left.

After the giant tiger left, the dying giant bear roared unwillingly, and finally hit its head on the ground and fainted completely.

However, at this time, a golden halo suddenly appeared on the abdomen of the giant bear.

"Nine Deaths Resurrection Grass?"

At this time, Ye Lin, who was hiding in the bushes, suddenly jumped out, put his hands together to make a sword finger, and in an instant, a sword light flashed, and the giant bear's head was split in two.

The sharpness of the yellow-grade upper-grade long sword is completely beyond the resistance of the Qi training period monster.

Looking at the belly of the giant bear, Ye Lin reached in, grabbed the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass, and took the spiritual grass out of the belly of the giant bear.

"It's complete, not yet refined."

Looking at the complete Nine-Death Resurrection Grass in his hand, Ye Lin was delighted. The one Huang Xiao got on the panel should have been half-refined, but the one in his hand was still very complete.

There was no loss of medicinal power.

Then Ye Lin put the Nine-Death Resurrection Grass into the space ring. Another advantage of the space ring is that the items put in it will not go bad at all.

Because the space inside is static, there is no time at all. Even if you put a steamed bun in it, take it out a thousand years later, and it will look the same as when you put it in.

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