You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 16 Obtaining the Space Ring

The whole ground was shaking slightly. Looking at the snake head that was smashed into the ground by his punch, Ye Lin jumped up and came to the open space in front of him.

At this time, the huge snake body was twisting slightly, and the surrounding trees collapsed one after another.

"One sword makes life, cuts."

Ye Lin roared angrily, pulled out the long sword on the ground, jumped high, and then inserted the sword directly into the giant snake's eye.

The sword energy directly destroyed the giant snake's mind.

The huge body of the giant snake fell to the ground, motionless.

"This giant snake is enough to kill the three tiger monsters I killed earlier."

Looking at the body of the giant snake, Ye Lin murmured, and then with one sword strike after another, he split the entire body of the giant snake into two.

"found it."

At this time, Ye Lin's eyes lit up. He found a space ring in the belly of the giant snake. If it weren't for the weak spiritual energy fluctuations on the space ring, it would still be very troublesome to find a ring in such a huge snake body.

"A low-grade Xuan-level space ring will make a lot of money."

Looking at the ring in his hand, Ye Lin felt happy. Then, as in the novel, he touched the sword with his left index finger, and immediately, a drop of blood dripped onto the ring.

Suddenly, Ye Lin felt that he had established a vague connection with the ring in his hand.

“What a big space.”

Ye Lin's soul probed into the space ring and immediately exclaimed. The space in the ring is about ten meters long, wide and high, and can accommodate countless items.

Then he put the long sword into it. After everything was done, Ye Lin turned around. At some point, the villagers gathered around Ye Lin.

"Thank you, Master Immortal. Thank you, Master Immortal."

At this time, the villagers in Wangjia Village knelt down towards Ye Lin.

Since a giant python appeared in their village three days ago, children have disappeared every day, leaving them in constant fear.

Facing the monster, they could do nothing but report it to Qingyun Sect in a hurry.

Mortals are so helpless sometimes. They have no strength and can only wait to die.

"No need to thank you. I'm going out for a trip. Please help me keep an eye on this snake's head. As for the snake's body, you can eat it to keep fit."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the old man standing in front immediately patted his chest and promised.

"Master Immortal, please rest assured, we will take turns guarding this snakehead."

"Okay, in that case, I'll leave first."

Seeing this, Ye Lin nodded and walked towards Tianfeng City.

Monster meat is also of great benefit to cultivators, but it is useless for him to eat monster meat at the fifth level of Qi training.

Hurrying along the way, with the sixth level of Qi training, as long as you don't go deep into the mountain and be careful around the outside, nothing will happen at all.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Lin had arrived in Tianfeng City.

"Master Immortal, do you have a mission when you come to Tianfeng City this time?"

Since Ye Lin had been here last time, the soldiers guarding the city gate had already had his appearance deeply etched into their minds.

After all, cultivators are no different from mortals to mortals, and they never dare to offend.

"Well, I came to the city to buy some things this time."

"Okay, Master Immortal, please come in."

The soldiers guarding the city immediately said respectfully.

"By the way, do you know where Fenghua Tower is in Tianfeng City?"

At this time, Ye Lin suddenly asked. This question was even difficult for the soldiers guarding the city to answer.

The guarding soldier glanced at Ye Lin thoughtfully and then said.

"Enter the city and walk straight ahead. You will see that the Fenghua Tower is in the center of the city. When you get there, the Immortal Master will naturally know."

After listening to what the defenders said, Ye Lin nodded and then walked into the city.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, cultivators are still bound by the vulgarity. They come all the way just to have a good night in Fenghua Tower."

Looking at Ye Lin's back, the soldier guarding the city said meaningfully.

Following the instructions of the soldiers guarding the city, Ye Lin walked all the way forward.

Tianfeng City, with about 100,000 people living in it, is a small city and an important source of foundation for Qingyun Sect.

"Found it, but where is the beggar?"

Ye Lin stood in front of a flower building. At the door were several gorgeous women looking for customers. On the plaque at the door of the building were written the three characters "Fenghua Building".

However, Ye Lin looked to the side and saw that there was no beggar displayed on the panel.

"Strange, could this be Huang Xiao's destined opportunity? Impossible. If the panel can display it, then it can definitely be plundered."

After thinking for a while, Ye Lin walked to the restaurant opposite, sat in the restaurant and looked at the Fenghua Tower opposite.

"Brother, don't look at it. Fenghua Tower is not something we can afford."

At this time, a young man in front of Ye Lin held a wine bottle and said with a sad face.

Seeing this, Ye Lin didn't pay any attention to it. Seeing that Ye Lin ignored it, the man knew that he was ignorant, and then curled his lips and walked away.

"Why is this stinky beggar here again? Get out of here, stinky beggar, can you bear the impact on our business?"

"That's right, if I didn't feel sorry for you, the police would have arrested you in the morning."

At this time, Ye Lin was suddenly shocked. He saw an old beggar sitting in front of Fenghua Tower with a long stick in his hand, which made the girls on the side feel disgusted.

"The old beggar has been here since a month ago. Every time at noon, he will appear in front of Fenghua Tower on time."

"It's quite unique. Even beggars have dreams these days."

At some point, the ignorant young man came to Ye Lin again and said softly.

Hearing this, Ye Lin raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him. Suddenly, a transparent panel appeared.

Name: Cheng Huai

Cultivation: Fourth level of Qi training

Fate: Black (catastrophe is coming)

Numerology: None

Destiny: Originally a member of the Tianjian Sect, but due to being framed, he was eventually arranged by the elders of the Tianjian Sect to work as an undercover agent in the Qingyun Sect. When he joined the Qingyun Sect three days later, he was exposed by the elders of the Qingyun Sect and was immediately killed by the elders of the Qingyun Sect. , after beheading, three middle-grade spiritual stones were found on his body.

Recent opportunities: None

Looking at the face of the person in front of him, Ye Lin was slightly shocked. Good guy, undercover?

Tianjian Sect is the second sect within a radius of ten thousand miles, and the first sect is the well-deserved Qingyun Sect.

"The disciples of Tianjian Sect came to Qingyun Sect to work as undercover agents. Could it be that they want to overthrow Qingyun Sect?"

Ye Lin's eyes kept flashing with cold light as he thought about the fate of the Qingyun Sect disciples. Six months later, the demons sucked all the essence and blood out of their bodies and died.

In addition, half a year later is the day when the Qingyun Sect's secret realm will be opened, which means that something big will definitely happen in half a year.

The reason why Qingyun Sect became the well-deserved overlord within ten thousand miles was because of the secret realm.

At this time, Ye Lin suddenly took action and pressed the head of the young man in front of him on the table, making a huge noise.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Cheng Huai, who was pinned down on the table, was angry, but he didn't panic at all and asked calmly.

"Don't think that I don't know who you are. Take out the middle-grade spiritual stone on your body and I will spare your life today."

Hearing this, Cheng Huai was shocked. How did he know that he had a medium-grade spiritual stone on his body?

After he was framed, just before he was demoted from the sect, he sneaked into the elder's residence and stole three middle-grade spiritual stones that the elder had collected for ten years.

"My dear friend, who am I? I'm just an ordinary person. As for the spiritual stones, they belong to cultivators and I don't have them."

Hearing this, Ye Lin sneered.

"If you still pretend to be ignorant, then you may not survive today, right, Cheng Huai."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, Cheng Huai knew in his heart that he had been exposed. Then he took out three shining crystals from his arms and handed them to Ye Lin.

"It's a wise choice. I advise you not to seek death in Qingyun Sect. Some things are not as simple as they seem on the surface."

Putting away the spirit stone, Ye Lin said to Cheng Huai, then let go of Cheng Huai and walked towards Fenghua Tower.

Now that he has handed over the spirit stone, he doesn't mind reminding him that if he continues to look for death, it will have nothing to do with him.

It's a good deal to buy one life with three medium-grade spiritual stones.

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