You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 100 Wang Gang's Wisdom

"Elder, don't worry. Firstly, Qingshan City is the closest. Secondly, there are no living people in Qingshan City, only evil cultivators. The best thing in front of him is Qingshan City."

"There are living people in the other two major cities. If he fails to complete the task and runs away, it will definitely leave a big stain. But Qingshan City is different. Even if he fails to complete the task, he can still run away. There is no one there anyway. see."

"As long as he is not mentally retarded, he will definitely choose Qingshan City."

After Wang Gang's analysis, the middle-aged man nodded.

"Are you sure that Ye Lin is in the middle stage of foundation building?"

"Elder, don't worry. Ye Lin was in the middle stage of Foundation Establishment ten months ago. Now he is only in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. Elder, you are at the peak of Foundation Establishment."

"What are you afraid of?"

Wang Gang looked at the elders of the Li family in front of him, his face full of doubts. A master who is at the peak of foundation building is afraid of a junior who is in the middle stage of foundation building? So what if he is in the late stage of foundation building? It can still be held with one hand.

"Okay, in that case, I will help you deal with Ye Lin. Afterwards, when you become the Holy Son, don't regret the 10% mining right of the spiritual mine."

Hearing this, Wang Gang patted his chest confidently.

"Don't worry, since I promised you, I will never break my promise."

"Ye Lin, wait to die."

Wang Gang sneered inwardly.

The reason why he targeted Ye Lin was because Ye Lin's position as the Holy Son had actually been determined.

Ye Lin has won the support of Dangu and the Giant Hammer Sect. He knows this, and Ye Lin's master, the Ten Elders, can already openly suppress the sect leader and issue orders directly.

As a disciple, Ye Lin has already been appointed.

Even if he wins, how can he be the opponent of a Golden Core monk? People can crush him to death at will.

This made him come up with such a plan, that is, to kill Ye Lin.

However, as long as Ye Lin is solved now, then he will be the next Holy Son.

After all, there is more to him than meets the eye...

However, on the other side, Ye Lin looked at the mummies around him and the faint smell of blood in the air, and then at the blood stains on the ground that had not yet dried up, a trace of warmth and anger flashed across his face.

What this evil cultivator has done is outrageous to both humans and gods.

"From the time I came in until now, I haven't found that evil cultivator at all, but since it is written on the mission, it means that there must be an evil cultivator entrenched in Qingshan City."

"Forget it, let's look around first."

Ye Lin began to circle around.

"Hahaha, my Li family really did not misjudge the person."

In a small alley, Elder Li looked at Ye Lin's back and laughed, while Wang Gang on the side looked proud.

Who are you? Wang Gang.

"Now that we know his location, let Xie Xiu first explore his true identity."

Wang Gang said extremely cautiously, then took out a black bead from his arms, threw it towards Ye Lin's back, and pulled Elder Li to hide inside.


Sensing the movement, Ye Lin quickly turned around and saw a black bead rolling towards him. Ye Lin picked up the bead and put it in his hand.

"Magic beads?"

Looking at the bead in his hand, Ye Lin frowned. Isn't this the same magic bead he encountered before?

"Someone wants to frame me? Who is it?"

Sensing the rapidly approaching auras around him, Ye Lin touched his chin and thought.

Those auras exuded a strong demonic aura. At first glance, they were evil cultivators, but they were just a few miscellaneous fish in the early stages of foundation building.

"It turns out he is a high disciple of the Qingyun Sect, kill him."

Several black shadows rushed out from the corner and rushed towards Ye Lin.

"Swordsmanship, cutting."

Ye Lin shouted softly, but saw that there was no movement on his body, and the bodies of the men in black were already in different places.

"Hmph, you're just a few little miscellaneous fish in the early stage of foundation building. I'm in the middle stage of foundation building. It's easy to kill you."

Looking at the corpses, Ye Lin's face was full of disdain, the corners of his mouth raised, and he laughed wildly.

"I'll kill a few of these little miscellaneous fish in the early stages of foundation building."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he walked towards the distance with his long sword.

"It turns out that we are in the middle stage of foundation building. This old monk can kill several of them with one slap."

Looking at Ye Lin's back, Elder Li said with disdain.

"Then why don't you hurry up? What are you waiting for?"

Wang Gang pushed Wang Zhangliang and urged.

"Hahaha, okay, then I'll get on board, just watch out."

Elder Li touched his beard and laughed. Then a long knife appeared under his feet, and he stepped on the long knife and chased Ye Lin.

"Junior in front, stop."

Elder Li's aura at the peak of foundation building was clearly revealed. With a loud roar, Ye Lin's steps suddenly stopped.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the old man in the sky, Ye Lin was full of doubts. He was pretending just now to lure out the person who framed him, but he didn't know this old man at all?

Could it be that he has awakened some kind of physique that attracts hatred at will? Did he want to kill him whenever he saw him?

"Don't worry about this. You just need to know that I am the one who wants to kill you."

After Elder Li finished speaking, he pointed towards Ye Lin confidently. Suddenly, a golden shadow of a finger rushed towards Ye Lin.

With this blow, he used 50% of his strength, which could instantly kill all the mid-level foundation-building monks.


In his eyes, Ye Lin was just a dead person, and then he touched his beard and turned to leave.

"Are you kidding me?"

Ye Lin shattered the attack with a sword and said coldly to Elder Li.

"Is that possible?"

Looking at the intact Ye Lin, Elder Li was full of doubts.

"Doesn't he have some secret treasure?"

After thinking for a while, Elder Li stood on the ground and slashed at Ye Lin with a long knife.

"Domineering, kill."

Elder Li roared angrily, jumped into the air with his whole body, held the handle of the knife in both hands, and struck Ye Lin's head with the knife.

"Three swords of life and death, one sword of life."

Seeing this, Ye Lin didn't dare to be careless. After all, the person in front of him was at the peak of foundation building. He should be serious and give others some face.


The two weapons were put together, creating a huge wave of air.

"The skill of wielding a sword is like a rainbow piercing the sun."

Ye Lin took seven or eight steps back to stabilize his body, then made a gesture with his right hand and pointed towards Elder Li.

The long sword in his hand turned into a sword light and rushed towards the front.

The speed is like lightning in the night sky, fleeting.


Hearing the sound of a long sword sounding like a body, Elder Li looked at his broken arm in disbelief.

The sword was so fast just now that he didn't even react.

"How is it possible? The sword-controlling skills of the Tianjian Sect? Aren't you a direct descendant of the Qingyun Sect? How is it possible that you know the sword-controlling skills of the Tianjian Sect?"

Elder Li stepped back and pointed at Ye Lin with his other arm.

"Old man, let me give you a chance to live. Who is the person behind you?"

Ye Lin used Demonic Shadow and punched Elder Li in the chest. Elder Li flew backwards and knocked down three layers of earth walls before he could stop.


Ye Lin stepped on Elder Li's chest and looked at the old man in front of him.

"Hmph, even if I say it, I won't be able to survive, right?"

Seeing Ye Lin like this, Elder Li snorted coldly. Anyone who is not a fool knows this situation. Even if he tells it, he will not be able to escape death.

"You are a smart man, but if you say it, I can give you a treat. If you don't say it..."

"It just so happens that I have recently developed a new spiritual martial skill that I haven't tested yet. I'd like to test it on you."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, Elder Li's pupils shrank.

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