Qingyun Sect

At this time, the Qingyun Sect was buzzing with people, and young people who looked no more than eighteen years old lined up in a long queue.

"Have I traveled through time?"

Among the team, a young man looked around with a confused face.

Suddenly, a torrent of memories poured into his mind, and the next moment, the young man's eyes gradually brightened.

"Good guy, I actually traveled to the world of cultivating immortals, and I'm just a servant who just joined the Qingyun Sect?"

Ye Lin murmured to himself.

In the world of immortality, a strong person can decide the life and death of hundreds of millions of people with a single thought, while the weak can only survive in the cracks.

It's a world where the jungle prevails.

"Here, this is yours, take it."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white robe in front handed Ye Lin a white pill and gave instructions.

Ye Lin put away the elixir and nodded, then left the team.

Ye Lin, who had gone through the baptism of memory, knew very well that what he was receiving now was the handyman's exclusive elixir, the Qi Gathering Pill.

Although it is not of high grade, it can strengthen the body for ordinary people.

In addition to spiritual stones, the levels of all treasures in the world are divided into: Huang, Xuan, Earth, Heaven, and Immortal.

Each major category is divided into low-grade, medium-grade, and top-grade.

Taking the elixir, the clothes and tokens he had just been given, Ye Lin walked towards his residence.

However, at this time, a big man walked towards him. Ye Lin looked at him curiously and then put his gaze away.

However, at this time, the big man walked directly towards him.

"Have you received the Qi Gathering Pill?"

The big man came to Ye Lin and asked with a frown.

Looking at the muscular man in front of him, Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a strong sense of oppression.

"Took it."

Ye Lin replied politely.

"Very good, hand over the elixir as protection fee for your new entry."

The big man stretched out his hand as big as a cattail leaf fan and said to Ye Lin.

Hearing this, Ye Lin raised his head and looked directly at the big man. Suddenly, a transparent panel appeared in front of him.

Name: Zhang Liang

Cultivation level: third level of Qi training

Fate: White (plain)

Numerology: [Small luck] [Shocking sword skills]

Destiny: Three years later, he went down the mountain for training, provoked a large number of sect disciples, and was mercilessly killed.

Recent opportunity: While practicing in the back mountain at night, I found a cloth bag under the stone tablet. There were ten low-grade spiritual stones hidden in the cloth bag. After absorbing the spiritual stones, my cultivation level increased greatly, until I reached the fifth level of Qi training.

[A little luck]: With a little luck, you can always pick something up when you go out.

[Shocking sword skills]: He has a unique understanding of swordsmanship and makes rapid progress in the art of swordsmanship.

Looking at the transparent panel in front of him, Ye Lin was shocked. Could this be his golden finger?

Ye Lin then lowered his head to look at his toes, and a transparent panel also appeared in front of him.

Name: Ye Lin

Cultivation: None

Fate: Black (bad luck)

Numerology: [bad luck] [insight and understanding]

Fate: Because he refused to accept the Zhang Liang in front of him and vowed not to fight the Qi Gathering Pill in his hand, he was mercilessly beaten and disabled by Zhang Liang.

Recent opportunities: None

[Additional bad luck]: Bad luck, such as falling when walking, being cheated on getting married.

[Comprehension to the Gods]: The understanding is transcendent, and the speed of understanding various exercises is extremely fast. It takes others three months to understand the same exercise, but you only need a few days.

The horoscope is divided into: black, white, green, blue, purple, yellow, red, gold

The level of your destiny is related to your life's destiny. The golden destiny is for those who are favored by heaven.

But this combination of bad luck is indeed a bit outrageous.

It only took a few seconds to check the panel. At this moment, a handyman disciple also came behind Ye Lin.

The handyman disciple who had just received the elixir was walking with a smile.

"Although he is a handyman disciple, he is pretty good as he has the elixirs."

The handyman disciple said with a smile.

"Hand over the elixir in your hand, the new entry's protection fee."

At this time, Zhang Liang in front of Ye Lin directly blocked the path of the handyman disciple in front of him.

"Why? This is a pill issued by the sect. What's the protection fee? Why didn't I know?"

The blocked disciple asked Zhang Liang. Upon hearing this, Zhang Liang frowned.

Then he went up and grabbed the Qi Gathering Pill from this disciple's hand, and kicked him in the chest.

The disciple was kicked out and his body fell hard to the ground, causing a burst of dust to fly.

"Why? Just because my fist is bigger than yours."

Zhang Liang put away the Qi Gathering Pill and said coldly.

"Damn, I'm telling you, I'm the eldest son of the Li family in Tianfeng City at the foot of the mountain. Li Ziming, you bitch, please give me the elixir quickly."

Li Ziming, who was lying on the ground, yelled at Zhang Liang with anger on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Liang sneered, stepped forward and stepped on Li Ziming's palm.

Hearing a click and accompanied by Li Ziming's scream, Zhang Liang raised his foot and saw that Li Ziming's palm had been stepped on and was bruised and bloody.

"Hmph, don't forget where this is. Don't use your mortal power to overwhelm me. I tell you, it's useless."

After saying that, Zhang Liang walked towards Ye Lin.

"and yours?"

Hearing this, Ye Lin reluctantly took out the elixir and handed it to Zhang Liang.

"Not bad, I guess you still have some sense. Remember, I am the captain of the handyman, and this pill is the protection fee."

"As long as you stay in Qingyun Sect and work as a handyman for one day, you have to listen to me, do you understand?"


Looking at Zhang Liang in front of him, Ye Lin nodded.

Seeing this, Zhang Liang patted Ye Lin on the shoulder and walked forward.

Looking at Li Ziming who was crushed by a foot, Ye Lin felt a little nervous. He had just crossed over and obviously had not adjusted his mentality.

But now, he was taught a hard lesson.

The world of cultivating immortals is indeed cruel.

After that, he ignored Li Ziming's screams and hurried to his residence.

Looking at the thatched house in front of him, Ye Lin was slightly speechless, and then slowly opened the door. Suddenly, a cloud of dust came towards him.

Putting down the clothes and token in his hand, Ye Lin began to pack up his future hut.

Time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, night fell. At this time, the sky had gradually dimmed. In the sky, the stars were dotted and twinkling, which was very beautiful.

Looking at the clean and tidy hut, Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction, and then changed into the clothes he had just issued.

Walking in Qingyun Sect, you must wear exclusive clothes and tokens, otherwise you will be caught in minutes if you are found.

Besides, in Qingyun Sect, the lives of menials are not counted at all. If they are caught, they may be gone.

Looking at the gradually darkening sky, Ye Lin did not forget the main business. He now wanted to get Zhang Liang's opportunity first.

Then he went out and walked towards the back mountain.

The reason why he had to go now was because the outer area of ​​Qingyun Sect was sparsely populated at this time and it would not attract attention.

When he came to the back mountain, he saw that the back mountain was overgrown with weeds and rarely visited.

Obviously, it has been abandoned for a long time. The back mountain belongs to the outside of Qingyun Sect and no one manages it, so monsters appear from time to time. Ordinary people may be in danger of their lives if they come here.

In the back mountain, there is only a broken stone tablet standing. Seeing this, Ye Lin pushed aside the weeds and came to the stone tablet step by step.

Then he squatted down slowly, looked left and right, and suddenly, an orange cloth bag came into view.

"Found it."

Looking at the cloth bag in front of him, Ye Lin was happy, and then he picked it up and opened it. He saw that there were ten shining crystals lying inside.

Ye Lin hurriedly took out ten spirit stones and put them in his chest, and put the cloth bag in place.

This cloth bag is a top-grade product, which is impossible for ordinary people to own. If you take it away, once you are discovered later, your life will be in danger.

At this time, Ye Lin saw a pile of monster shit next to the stone tablet, which looked like it had just been excreted.

The next moment, Ye Lin put the monster shit in the cloth bag, put it back in place, and hurriedly walked towards his residence.

The back mountain is too dangerous for ordinary people, so it is better not to stay.

Cultivation realm: Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuanying, transformation, unity, tribulation, Mahayana.

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