Tang Hao's words were like a bucket of cold water poured down, which greatly reduced the enthusiasm in Kayaba Akihiko's eyes, "You are right, theory is one thing, practice is another, although these programs are in the game It does exist, but how to apply it correctly is a difficult problem... At least, I don't have the slightest clue about the job transfer of the gods."

"Divine species?" Kirito's heart moved and he asked quickly, "What about elves and magic?"

"Elves and magic..." Kayaba Akihiko seemed to be uninterested and said casually, "I'm sure I can do that within a month, although the number will not be very large at the beginning, because the minimum requirement for changing jobs is that the character reaches Level 40, but this is actually not important. According to the president, the Big Tomb has already started at level 9, with super level A, so we must keep up with him and develop the job transfer of the divine species as soon as possible. "

"Perhaps you don't know that the energy replacement in this world is very fast, and there is even a tendency to develop towards reality. If we can really develop the job transfer of the gods, do you know what that means? That means that I Gods will be created! Gods! You know..."

"shut up!"

Seeing the enthusiasm on Kayaba Akihiko's face again, Tang Hao finally couldn't listen any more. Now he finally knew what kind of person Kayaba Akihiko was. This guy was a researcher through and through, and would give everything for great research. Including one's own soul and morality, as well as the lives of others.

Now he had a theory of the creation of gods that made even elves and magic seem dull.

Tang Hao quickly said: "We can let the transfer of gods go first. There is no rush. After all, we still have nearly two hundred days. This is a lot of time for you to study. Your most important task now is to Find out the elf’s job change and magical power, do you understand?”

"So I said, that's not important..."

"do you understand?"

"listen to me……"

"I'm asking you, do you understand?!" Tang Hao almost pinched Kayaba Akihiko's neck and shouted loudly.

Kayaba Akihiko was captured by his aura, and the words on his lips stopped abruptly. However, he tilted his neck with a dull expression, "Okay, I'll do the elves and magic first. You just have to be happy."

Kirito and Asuna: "..."

I always feel that Kayaba Akihiko seems to be a little different. Is it an illusion?

Regardless of whether it was an illusion or not, after confirming that Kayaba Akihiko would master the elf's job change and the power of magic within a month, the two of them immediately felt boundless motivation. For the first time, they felt that Tang Hao was pulling Kayaba Akihiko over. It's an extremely wise choice. I can't wait to raise my level to forty immediately and experience new powers.

But then I thought about it, Kayaba Akihiko would need a month to complete it, and it would be useless even if they reached level 40 now.

...It suddenly became boring.

As a result, at this moment, Tang Hao glared at them, "What are you two doing in a daze? Hurry up and level up. Don't you want to change jobs?"

"...Oh, okay." The two looked at each other, and finally ran to level up with their swords in hand.

Kayaba Akihiko tidied up the clothes that were messed up by Tang Hao, looked at Kirito Asuna's leaving figure, and said with a smile: "You deliberately kept the two of them away, is there something you don't want them to know? ?”

Tang Hao smiled slightly, "Don't you know that the smarter a person is, the faster he will die?"

Kayaba Akihiko was unmoved, "You won't kill me, at least not now."

"That's right." Tang Hao nodded, "I won't kill you, but some people must die."

Later, Tang Hao handed a list to Kayaba Akihiko.

"This is the list I asked Klein to record at the entrance to the Red Moon Forest a few days ago. I also asked a friend to check it for me. Most of them are members of Smiling Coffin... Oh, you may also know about this organization. have no idea……"

"A murder guild?" Kayaba Akihiko asked with a smile.

"It seems you know."

Kayaba Akihiko shook his head, "I didn't know at first, but I knew it as soon as you told me. When people are trapped in such an environment, the dark side of their hearts grows, and there are no legal sanctions, some people will kill people for fun. This is a completely normal thing, you want to get rid of them?"

"Of course." Tang Hao nodded affirmatively, "If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside. The existence of the murder guild will seriously affect the survival and leveling of normal players. Let's talk about this incident of searching for fifty bosses. I have received help from many players, although I don’t even know their names for most of them, but no matter what, they are willing to help me, and I will do my part for their living environment,”

"Furthermore, if one day the Great Tomb of Nazarick really invades Aincrad, I believe that these murderer guild players will definitely defect to that side. In fact, there are many murderer guilds in this game. The Smiling Coffin is only one of them with the worst influence, but I don't know the others, and I can't find their names. I can only wait for them to be exposed in the future, and let Kirito and Asuna be wary. As for the ones that have been exposed... ...Haha, I don’t have the patience to wait for them to grow up. Since they are pests, they should be removed as soon as possible!”

Kayaba Akihiko asked: "What do you want me to do?"

"You don't need to do anything, just tell me where they are. By the way..."

The twelfth floor of Aincrad, the Black Pool.

"Damn! Damn Tang Ritian! Just because he said that he was not welcome in his guild, we are like rats crossing the street. We are pointed at by people no matter where we go. I must avenge this. !" Kibaou chopped down a monster as if to vent his anger, and said through gritted teeth, his face full of anger and hatred.

There were more than twenty players around him, all of whom were driven away by Tang Hao at the entrance of the Red Moon Forest that day, and there were also a few more players.

Upon hearing Kibaou's words, everyone nodded in agreement, and one of the players wearing a gray cloak suddenly said, "In that case, let's kill him."


"Isn't it? Since it is a death game, it is natural to kill people." The player raised his head, cracked the corner of his mouth, and showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile, "Anyway, we have been targeted by Tang Ritian, and he is now His reputation is at its peak, and as long as he lives for a day, we have to hide, so why not act first and kill him."

When everyone thought about it, they remembered the humiliation that day, and a strong murderous intention suddenly grew in their hearts.

"Yes, kill Tang Ritian!"

"We will never let him live!"

"Not just Tang Ritian, but also Kirito Asuna, all the players from the God of Strategy Guild, no one will be spared!"

"Yes, kill them all!"



Just when everyone was shouting for murder in unison, brilliance flashed across the map, and a swordsman in white appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, it's my seventh favorite time to clean up the trash again. How are you guys doing lately?" Tang Hao showed a kind smile and greeted everyone cordially.

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