Tang Hao did not express his inner thoughts. First of all, Yakumo Purple and the others were monsters who had lived for hundreds or thousands of years. Their IQs could not be lower than his own. They could not think of things that they could think of. Secondly, no matter what the purpose of the chat room is, it is an opportunity for him... an opportunity to escape from the boring reality and fly towards incredible fantasies.

Of course, it is also possible that he is overthinking.

In essence, Tang Hao is a person unwilling to be lonely, and he is also a gambler. However, he has been severely suppressed by reality, preventing his nature from being released, so that even he himself did not realize it. And now, with the existence of the two-dimensional chat room plug-in, his true nature has begun to be revealed bit by bit.

Therefore, even though he had realized how huge the impact would be as the chat room continued to grow, he never had the thought of giving up. Instead, he actively promoted all of this, even subconsciously ignoring all the disadvantages. Although he was brought in by Yakumo Purple at first, but now, his hands have begun to actively grasp the incredible unreality.

Of course, even this, Tang Hao himself still didn't realize it.

"Really, the atmosphere was very good at noon, but there is no progress at all this day. Do you still want to complete the task?"

When school was over, he and Kato Megumi said goodbye to each other at the school gate. Unsurprisingly, Tang Hao heard Kaguya's dissatisfied voice in his ears.

Of course Kaguya would be dissatisfied. Kaguya was the most helpful in conquering Kato Megumi. However, apart from chatting up Kato Megumi during lunch break, Tang Hao had no tendency to conquer Kato since then, which made her feel like I hate the feeling that iron cannot become steel.

Yakumo Purple also sighed: "Well, maybe letting the dead house attack girls is a wrong choice in itself."

Tang Hao listened to the two people talking to each other, and finally couldn't help but said: "Actually, I have wanted to ask for a long time. If I remember correctly, my task should be to be alone with Kato Megumi for twenty-four hours, right? Since when did you start attacking her?"

"The purpose of conquering her is not the original goal." Kaguya said matter-of-factly, "But didn't you say so yourself? Because you and Kato Megumi are strangers, it is impossible for her to agree to your request to be alone, so we will help You get close to her, and when she becomes your girlfriend, she will naturally agree to your request."

"Although I said that, I didn't say that we must be boyfriend and girlfriend. Moreover, even if Kato Megumi becomes my girlfriend, will she really agree to such a request?"


Suddenly, there was a brief silence in the chat room.

The four monsters sitting at the other end of the chat room suddenly came to their senses at this moment, as if... they had really complicated this matter? Becoming boyfriend and girlfriend does not mean that Kato Megumi will definitely agree to the request to be alone. On the other hand, even if Tang Hao and Kato Megumi are just ordinary classmates, they may not be unable to complete the task!

Patchouli: "It seems we need to re-strategize."

Yakumo Purple: "Do you have any ideas?"

Patchouli pondered for a moment and replied: "Well... I just read the mission requirements again, and I found that we were all led astray by the bland sentence, because there is no subjective will of Kato Megumi in the mission. The request, in other words, regardless of whether she agrees or not, as long as we can achieve something that allows her and Dandan to be alone for twenty-four hours, the task will be completed. In this case, I have a bold idea."

"what idea?"

"Kidnapping Megumi Kato."

Patchouli said something very calmly, and even Tang Hao was surprised, but he did not feel the slightest surprise. No matter how kind her attitude was, Patchouli was always a witch, and there was no one alive in Gensokyo Most of the witches in the world have come from killings. It is impossible for Silly Bailian, who has the true heart of the Holy Mother, to live to this day. In order to achieve the goal, just kidnapping is already a very mild method.

"This...isn't it a little bit bad?" Tang Hao wiped away his sweat. After all, he had not completely passed the transition from daily life to fantasy. Kidnapping a female high school student was still a shocking operation for him, which was somewhat shocking. Guilty, "Kato Megumi and I have no grudges, and I quite like her personally. But now I suddenly want to kidnap her. If this leaves any psychological shadow on her, wouldn't I be very sorry?"

"What's the big deal?" Kaguya supported this idea. "As long as you complete the task, she will be a member of our chat room. She will always be exposed to surreal existences. Then we kidnap her. It can be regarded as teaching her a lesson in advance, and maybe she will integrate into us faster because of this."

"What kind of fallacy is this..." Tang Hao curled his lips, but if he thought about it carefully, it was not unreasonable, and with Kato Megumi's character, as long as he didn't go too far, it shouldn't leave a psychological shadow, right?

"Since you have an opinion, let's just raise our hands. The minority obeys the majority and +1 for kidnapping Megumi Kato."




Instantly +4, Tang Hao didn't even have a chance to hesitate.

"Hey, wait a minute, don't be too busy adding +1!" Tang Hao said immediately, "No matter how you add it, I will be the only kidnapper in the end, but have you ever considered that with my fighting ability? , can you really kidnap Megumi Kato?"

Yakumo Murasaki: "We have overlooked this point. Although men generally have an advantage in terms of physical fitness, with your fighting power, I am afraid that even Kato Megumi may not be able to defeat you."

Patchouli: "It doesn't matter, we still have Kaguya."

Xiaowu Loli: "Yes, Kaguya, use your invincible master to think of a solution."

Kaguya: "It's on me. Although we can't take action directly, I will let Eirin create a potion that can enhance the light combat ability in a short time, so you should discuss the kidnapping process now to save time. I’m in a hurry, so I’ll get off first.”

In an instant, Kaguya's profile picture dimmed in the chat room.

So, the plan to kidnap Kato Megumi has been decided?

Tang Hao was stunned, and then he heard Yakumo Zi and the other two people talking to each other and starting to discuss various kidnapping plans. Some said they would knock them out, some said they would drug them, and some said they would go directly to the house to get them... In an instant, the chat room became lively and everyone was talking very enthusiastically.

Tang Hao was a little surprised at first, wondering where these guys had so many clever ideas?

But then I thought about it, these guys are either witches or monsters, kidnapping and extortion is their specialty!

This is a return to the main business!

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