"Shoot them down!"

When hundreds of Kamikaze fighter jets swooped down like migratory birds, Gu Aotian finally couldn't sit still. Its burly body released a daunting evil spirit. If it weren't for a skeleton, his face at this moment would definitely be full of... Shocked and angry.

Sensing the anger of the Supreme Being, the guardians also had the urge to go crazy. They used the teleportation function of the Great Tomb to immediately reach the fourth floor. They wanted to shoot down those fighter jets, but when they raised their heads, they At this moment, the dense "flying birds" were no longer in my eyes, only a boom was heard.

One of the fighter jets detonated before landing. Like dominoes, it instantly triggered a terrifying chain explosion. As the dozens of fighter jets self-destructed, the flames of the explosion blocked everyone's sight.

Then, amidst the smoke and smoke, the remaining large numbers of fighter jets passed through the defenders' defense line and landed at various locations in the big tomb, making loud explosions.

Not blocked.

It can't be stopped at all!

After all, although the guardians are strong, they are limited to their individual combat capabilities. Their knowledge and understanding of technological weapons are extremely limited, and they lack the means to deal with them. Just as technology cannot fight magic, magic may not be able to cope with the terror of high-tech weapons. Destructive power.

This kind of thing is the same everywhere. For example, in the Xingyue world after the mysterious decline, technology has taken over the mainstream of mankind. Even the most advanced Chaldea cannot do without the role of science and technology. Take Gensokyo again. With the rapid advancement of human science and technology, the monsters who were kings in the mysterious era can only hide in remote small villages to survive.

Let’s just say that the Holy Grail War was fought to the death in the Xingyue world. Groups of past kings and mythical heroes appeared one after another, showing off their respective martial arts. It seemed that no one could beat them, but if they really wanted to fight with technological weapons, one after another If an atomic bomb is dropped, it doesn't matter whether you are a hero or a king, it will all be wiped out.

Extraordinary power allows a small number of people to transcend the ordinary world, while technological power allows most people to fly into the sky and escape from the earth. This is the essential difference between the two. Ordinary supernatural beings have no chance of resisting when faced with highly destructive technological weapons. room.

So, is there such an individual existence in extraordinary life?

Of course there is.

For example, Goetia, the Magic King who almost destroyed human nature by one person, the Mercury Giant Spider who can theoretically destroy mankind in just a few days, the Gemstone Man who is a legend even as he lives, and the Moon Sage Hachi Yong. Lin, etc... This kind of strong person who has developed his individual strength to the extreme can indeed ignore such bombings, but unfortunately, there are no strong people equal to the above people in the Great Tomb.

Even if the scope is limited to the surface, in terms of individual combat effectiveness, Gu Aotian and his guardians are only second-rate at best.

Therefore, in such a bombing, all they could do was rely on equipment to protect themselves, and there was no way to fight against anything. And just when Tang Hao thought that this wave of bombing could completely level the fourth floor of the Great Tomb, Countless rays of sword light suddenly emerged from the fire and fired upwards, crushing all the fighter jets that had not landed.


The subsequent explosion was blocked at high altitude, and Tang Hao was slightly stunned.

He can be sure that this is not a personal power, which means it is a world-class item.

"Looking at the attack mode, it should be hundreds of millions of blades."

Before coming here, Tang Hao had studied the armed forces of the Great Tomb in detail. What concerned him most was not Gu Aotian and the guardians, but the world-class props. Of course, except for a few items, at least half of the world-class props have not been officially disclosed, and their specific functions are not known, such as the throne in the big tomb and the staff held by Gu Aotian. Don't know what's the use.

However, one of the world-class props called [Blade of Hundreds of Millions] is comparable to those countless sword lights.

"Then we've almost figured out one thing. In that case..." Tang Hao narrowed his eyes and snapped his fingers with a smile.

Then, he threw a huge warhead.

Seeing this warhead, the four people next to Tang Hao shuddered inexplicably, "Hey, you..."

"Don't worry, it's just an atomic bomb."

Tang Hao said calmly, but Kirito Asuna and others' hair stood on end. Is it just an atomic bomb? This is an atomic bomb! War is war. You suddenly drop atomic bombs on the enemy's home. What does this mean? Isn't it too much?

If people can't care about the atomic bomb, are you still going to come up with the hydrogen bomb?

Maybe because Kirito and the others are Japanese, they are a little sensitive to atomic bombs, but Tang Hao really doesn't care too much. After all, the two sides have reached the point of life and death. Today, either the Great Tomb is destroyed or Aincrad is destroyed. This kind of There is no room for compromise in this situation, and an atomic bomb can solve many problems. If it can be used, why not use it?

If time hadn't been too tight, he would have prepared a few more.

Of course, it is not good to use too many weapons of mass destruction like atomic bombs. After all, it will have some impact on the ecology. When used to deal with large tombs, one is probably enough.

"What is that? Could it be..."

At the same time, Gu Aotian also noticed the atomic bomb dropped by Tang Hao. Although he had never seen such a thing as a member of the lower class of society, he was still a traveler from the earth. Even if he had not seen it, at least he had seen it. He had heard that in an instant, the strong sense of crisis made him unable to sit back and watch anymore.

"Come back quickly!"

Gu Aotian shouted loudly and ordered the guardians who stayed on the fourth floor to return. If it were just a group of fighter jets, with the strength of the guardians, even if they were invincible, they would at least be able to protect themselves. But now that an atomic bomb has fallen, no one can People can live!

At the same time, Gu Aotian quickly activated two world-class props, the throne and the staff.

These two world-class props do not have offensive capabilities, and their symbolic significance is greater than their practicality. However, they are also one of the final defensive measures of the Great Tomb, which can put the Great Tomb in an undefeated position after being captured by the enemy. Tian intended to use them as a last resort, but now they have to be used in advance.

Then, at the moment the defense platform was constructed, the atomic bomb fell to the ground.

boom! ! !

There was an earth-shaking loud noise, accompanied by the rise of a mushroom cloud. Everything in the world seemed to have disappeared. Only the big tomb was shaking violently and collapsing. It was a force that no one could resist, even if two world-class props were used. , the damage caused by the atomic bomb is still immeasurable.

When the mushroom cloud rose into the sky, the first five floors of the large tomb were completely moved to the ground.

"Then...how is that possible?"

"Lord Ainz..."

Through the surveillance screen, the guardians looked at the large tomb that had been leveled, their expressions dull, and they were so scared that they could hardly speak.

The guardians are NPCs created by players like Gu Aotian and others. They are born at full level. Because they possess unparalleled power, they are naturally superior to others in their consciousness. No matter the people or countries in this world, they feel weak. , with such power, the Great Tomb can easily conquer the world, and that is exactly what they are doing.

However, everything changed when the atomic bomb fell.

It was only then that they discovered what it meant to have someone outside the world, and something beyond the sky. Such power was far beyond comparison even with super magic. Under such an attack, could the Great Tomb really be able to withstand it?

Their ambitions and their confidence began to collapse together with the upper layers of the tomb at this moment.

The hoarse voices of the guardians fell in Gu Aotian's ears, but he also didn't know what to say. He was the supreme being in the eyes of the guardians, and the undefeated hero in the eyes of the adventurers. He was beaten by his subordinates. People praise him as the absolute ruler of the Great Tomb with supreme wisdom and courage, but in fact, he is just an ordinary time traveler.

Before time travel, he was a social beast living at the bottom of society, constantly being exploited by capitalists, with no future and no hope. After time travel, everything about him was based on his own character and the game system. If he hadn't time-traveled into this nearly max-level character, if the guardians didn't have the absolute loyalty limited by the game system, and if there hadn't been the Great Tomb, a stronghold full of materials and manpower, then there would be almost no difference between him before and after time-travel.

Gu Aotian is very aware of his own advantages and disadvantages, so he has always been cautious. Others only think that he is fighting against the air, but he knows that without these natural advantages, he will be nothing.

Of course, if there was no giant tower in the sky, his advantage could always be maintained. He would be the supreme being in this world, but now, there is a power more powerful than him in this world.

His advantage is no longer there, and the strength he relies on for his livelihood has become a disadvantage. Is everything over?

"No, not yet!"

Suddenly, Gu Aotian opened his arms fiercely and shouted, "Guardians, are you afraid? Yes, anyone will be afraid in the face of that kind of power that destroys the world, but I am still here, An Zurgong is still here, the Great Tomb is still here, we have no way out, so let’s fight! Let’s fight the enemy with all our strength!”

The guardians were stunned for a moment, and then, looking at the figure in front of the throne, their confidence that had been defeated regrouped, and then they knelt down on one knee with unprecedented seriousness.

"Yes, the Supreme Being, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown!"

They had no way out, because behind them was the big tomb.

At this time of life and death, there is only one fight!

In the distant sky, because Gu Aotian cut off the video and recited, Tang Hao could not see the situation there, but he knew that this war was not over. As long as Gu Aotian was still there, the Great Tomb could persist.

So, when the mushroom cloud completely dissipated, Tang Hao waved his hand.

"Let's get started, everyone."

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