The situation on Kuriyama's side in the future was no longer problematic. After solving the green-faced ghost, the three of them traveled overnight and did not encounter other ghosts. The journey was very leisurely. Although it was a rare moment of relaxation for them, As a live broadcast, such a bland plot is obviously not interesting.

As a result, a group of viewers headed by Yakumo Murasaki immediately switched to the video and focused on Sister Pao.

If this copy of Misaka Mikoto is carried out according to the original work, the whole process will be very easy and simple. After all, she is still overwhelming in terms of combat power. The basic strength of LV5, the enhancement of the lightning fruit, the elementalization that cannot be restrained, and The second soul... Let's put it this way, in the entire chat room, except for Tang Hao, Misaka Mikoto has made the greatest progress.

When they first entered the chat room, Misaka Mikoto and Mirai Kuriyama could still restrain each other. Misaka Mikoto was better than AOE, but she couldn't resist Mirai Kuriyama's cursed blood, and was slightly inferior to Erza. But now, this Both of them have been left behind by her, and their overall strength can probably be ranked in the top seven or even the fifth in the chat room. In other words, except for the four big idiots, Yakumo Purple, Tang Hao, BB-chan and Kaguya, the two of them are in the chat room. For others, she has a more or less certain chance of winning.

After all, her own quality is very good, she dares to fight hard, and she has the courage and determination to persevere and overcome difficulties. It is natural that she will make such progress.

In comparison, Patchouli and Gu Ming felt that these two were more embarrassed. They were originally two of the four idlers in the chat room, but now they were not only surpassed by Tang Hao, but also by the general group members.

However, this is probably a disadvantage of the Immortal Seed. Although the Immortal Seed has a high starting point, it is weak in the follow-up. When the strength reaches a certain level, it will be very difficult to continue to improve. If the technology and concept cannot break through, it will be very difficult. There is a substantial improvement.

Human beings go through a period of rapid development between the ages of twelve and thirty. It is not until they reach the age of thirty-five that they begin to stagnate and gradually decline.

The fourteen-year-old Misaka Mikoto is in such a period of rapid development. In addition, she originally belonged to the science side, but after entering the chat room, she gained the power of the mysterious side. This conceptual fusion is not beneficial to her advancement. Little by little, it's not surprising to be able to come from behind.

In short, with Misaka Mikoto's current combat power, even if the world view of "Re Zero" has not yet been fully clarified, there are only a handful of people in this world who can threaten her existence. At most, they are Lai Aotian, Parker, and the Witch. , can be counted on both hands.

However, Lai Aotian has a strong sense of justice. It is hard to imagine that he would be the enemy of Misaka Mikoto. Parker is Emilia's pet and adoptive father and is considered an ally, so in the end, only the witch is left.

Even if the witch takes action due to the disappearance of 486, she may not appear directly, so at least in the early stage, as long as there are no accidents, Misaka Mikoto can run over her all the way.

Just like now, Misaka and his team, who helped Emilia find the badge, unexpectedly encountered the boss of this article, the Sausage Hunter.

Guthunter Elsa, the original BOSS in the story of "Re Zero", is a hybrid of vampire and human. She is very powerful in combat. As an assassin, she is particularly good at speed. She also has a certain ability to resurrect. In the original work, The male protagonist 486 went through four reincarnations before defeating him with the help of Lai Aotian's power.

But now, with the roar of thunder, her ghost-like swift figure was directly scorched on the outside and tender on the inside, and fell to the ground.

No matter how fast she is, can she still be faster than lightning?

"Is this the Sausage Hunter? I feel like its strength is quite ordinary." Shokuhou Misaki looked at the Sausage Hunter with smoke still coming from her mouth and said with some disappointment. She originally expected to see a close battle. , but he was instantly killed in one move. It felt like a max-level hero fighting a slime in the novice village.

However, her behavior is obviously that of standing up and talking without pain, and pretending to be powerful. Compared with Misaka Mikoto, the sausage hunter is indeed similar to a slime, but if she had a physique that could be knocked down with just one push, she could do it with just one finger. Destroy her.

"It's really not as strong as I thought." Mikoto nodded. In fact, she was quite disappointed.

"No, she is already very strong. Elsa the Sausage Hunter is a very famous assassin in the North Country. She has assassinated countless people, including princes and nobles. She is still the highest-level wanted criminal, but... "Emilia glanced at Mikoto. Neither Misaka Mikoto nor Shokuhou Misaki has any B qualities. She still has some common sense. The battle is so easy. It's not that the Sausage Hunter is too weak, but that Misaka, who has a subtle sexual orientation, is too strong. .

Noticing Emilia's hesitant expression, Mikoto's eyes twitched wildly.

She is so stupid, really. If she had known earlier that she would be slandered, she said she shouldn't let Shokuhou Misaki and Emilia be alone. Now it's better. This lace hat, she would have been afraid for a while. Can't take it off.

Fortunately, I helped Emilia retrieve the badge, and her causal points have increased to double digits, so it’s not a loss at all.

Mikoto comforted herself in this way, while on the other side, Shokuhou Misaki took the initiative to walk towards the Sausage Hunter.

"What are you doing?" Mikoto saw her and quickly reminded her, "She's not dead yet!"

She was still merciful when attacking. Although the intestine hunter was seriously injured, he just fainted. Shokuhou Misaki approached rashly. If the opponent suddenly became violent and killed him, she might not have time to stop him.

Although Mikoto was quite willing to see Shokuhou fuck Prairie and eat turtles, and even thought of a hundred ways to take revenge on this bitch, she couldn't watch her being killed.

"Of course it's torture. This guy suddenly attacked us, but we have no grievances against her. So her target obviously only loves Miliya. Now that her mission has failed, as the victors, shouldn't we investigate Do you want to find out the truth behind the scenes?" Shokuhou Misaki smiled, looking like a villain, "Don't worry, I have already done some tricks, she won't wake up for a while."

She shook the remote control in her hand as if to show off, "However, my torture method may be a bit cruel, and kind-hearted Misaka-san and naive Emilia Tan may not be able to accept it. Just as the battle just now may cause If there is some trouble, go and explain it to the people in the surrounding slums. Just leave this place to me. If you are worried, please leave Shirai-san here to protect me."

"Huh? Who wants to listen to your orders!"

"Emilia Carbon?"

"The smell of lying..."

After listening to her words, the three people had three different reactions. Mikoto even scoffed at her statement. What kind of torture? It was already clear who commanded the Sausage Hunter to assassinate Emilia. According to her idea, just hand over the Sausage Hunter to the government directly. There is no need to do anything extra.

However, Shokuhou Misaki probably has her own plans, so forget it, let her go.

Knowing that Shokuhou Misaki had an agenda, Mikoto decided to turn a blind eye, leaving Shirai Kuroko behind, and took Emilia to explain to the surrounding residents.

After all, she still knows that there are some things that Shokuhou Misaki is more suitable to handle than herself.

After the two people left, Shokuhou Misaki immediately started messing with the gut hunter's sleeping body. Although Shirai Kuroko was left behind, she had no sexual interest in women other than her sister. She just found it boring and couldn't bear it. He asked, "What do you want to do? Do you have a crush on her?"

"How is it possible? I have a normal sexual orientation. Even if I fall in love with Young Master Tang, I can't fall in love with her."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want her to protect me."

"Huh?" Shirai Kuroko was stunned. Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's meaningful smile, his heart suddenly tightened. "Hey, don't seek death. Now that onee-sama is not here, I may not be sure to subdue her."

Kuroko's spatial ability must be aimed at the target, but the Gut Hunter is very fast. Once the opponent wakes up, she is not sure of victory.

"Don't worry." Shokuhou Misaki smiled, "I won't do anything I'm not sure about. Besides, have you forgotten my ability?"

"I haven't forgotten, mental control is nothing more than thought elimination, will amplification, emotion transplantation, etc. In short, it is a disgusting and annoying ability, although it is very suitable for you."

"Shirai-san's words are really vicious, well, although I'm not much better. In fact, I have never used this ability on anyone else. As you said, it is an annoying ability, but anyway, this guy is She’s not a good person, so just treat her as someone who eliminates harm for the people, tsk… I’m really a bad woman.”

As if answering a question to himself, Shokuhou Misaki finally pressed the remote control.


Afterwards, Kuroko Shirai looked like he had seen a ghost.

When Mikoto and Emilia returned, the Sausage Hunter had already woken up and stood beside Shokuhou Misaki like a ghost. Seeing this scene, the two people's expressions immediately became serious and they instinctively entered the battle. state.

But before Mikoto could do anything, Shokuhou Misaki greeted them with a smile, "Hey, Misaka-san and Emilia Tan are back. What a coincidence. I've also taken care of things here. Elsa, say hello to my friends."

"Yes Master."

With a respectful look on her face, Elsa took a few steps forward, bowed, and said cautiously: "Miss Misaka, Miss Emilia, as you can see, I am Lord Shokuhou's maid. I have offended you before. Please forgive me, if you need anything in the future, you can always tell me."

This ruthless assassin who liked to play with his intestines was as docile as a maid at this moment.

"Is this...?" Emilia suddenly looked confused and had no idea what was going on.

But Mikoto understood, and precisely because she understood Shokuhou Misaki's abilities, she felt even more numb.

Emotional transplantation and personality reset.

To manipulate other people's will and spirit at will.

This is simply the scientific version of other gods!

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