"I trust you!"

As Tang Hao finished speaking, while the players were still hesitating, a female player stood up. She retracted her gaze from Tang Hao and then faced all the players around her.

"My name is Guri Seltan, and I am trapped in this game world with my real-life husband Grimlock. But not long ago, my husband was killed by skeleton soldiers. It was my friends who desperately tried to kill him. I rescued him. Later, when President Tang invited us players who had encountered skeleton soldiers to lead the way to the Red Moon Forest, I did not respond to his request because of fear, but now... although I know that even if I kill those skeleton soldiers, I can't. To avenge my husband, but I don’t want to be a coward anymore, even if it might cost me my life.”

After saying that, the female player walked forward firmly until she stood on the right side of Tang Hao.

In addition to her, there were several male and female players following her, who were obviously the friends she mentioned.

"Guriseltan? Is that Guriseltan?" Some players in the crowd were talking about it, seeming very surprised.

Tang Hao opened his eyes, glanced at these people, and then asked the people around him in a low voice: "Is she famous?"

It was Agil who answered him, "I have heard some things about her, and she is indeed quite famous. Although she is a woman, she has not lost her vitality and courage even though she is trapped in such a world. She faces the world optimistically, cheerfully and energetically. In the new world, many players who have fallen into low ebb or even despair because they cannot return to the real world have been helped and encouraged by her. She is very popular among lower-class players, but this is also the first time for me to see a real person."

"Oh, that's a really good start." Tang Hao nodded secretly, and then frowned slightly... I always felt that he had heard of this Guriseltan somewhere?

Just as Tang Hao said, Guriseltan made a good start for him. With this popular player taking the initiative, the atmosphere at the scene quickly began to tilt.

"Since even Guriseltan is willing to believe in President Tang, I have nothing to doubt."

"Yes, if you don't work together at this time, you are simply a coward!"

"Then I'll join in."

"Me too……"

In just a short moment, more and more players walked towards Tang Hao's right side. As these people joined in, the players who had remained neutral finally wavered and stood up one after another until no one took a step anymore.

Tang Hao also paused for ten seconds. After making sure that there would be no more changes, he finally looked at the dozen or so players standing alone in front of him and said with a smile: "It seems that you have made your choice. Very good, Klein." , write down all the names of these people, from now on, they will be unpopular characters in the [God of Strategy] Guild."

"What did you say?!" The expressions of a dozen players, including Kibaou, suddenly changed, and they all showed angry looks.

"Isn't that right?" Tang Hao sneered and looked at Kibaou, "Our [God of Strategy] guild is determined to conquer Aincrad and return to the real world, and is also willing to help create peaceful leveling in a vulnerable environment at any cost. environment, but this does not mean that we will tolerate all players. You are trying to incite the players present and create distrust in us. I can already regard it as a hostile act, especially... Skeleton soldiers appeared in the Red Moon Forest. All players should bear the risk together, but you are trying to put all the responsibility on me. I have never seen anyone as shameless as you, get out!"

"You...!" Kibaou gritted his teeth, trembling with anger.

"What are you doing? Since you are unwilling to contribute, then get out of here quickly."

Kibaou laughed angrily, "You didn't run this place, why did you let us leave?"

"Because our guild will hold an emergency combat meeting, any non-guild personnel who approach will be treated as eavesdroppers... Of course, you have the right to object, but at the same time," Tang Hao slowly pulled out the Lou Guanjian, "I will be responsible for clearing the place. .”

Tang Hao looked at Kibaou and others with a smile, "Don't worry, I am very fair. Since this is my decision, I will accept your dissatisfaction alone. You can choose one-on-one or group fight, right? "

This statement seemed a bit contradictory, and Asuna asked curiously: "How do you fight one on one? How do you fight in a group?"

Tang Hao smiled slightly and explained: "It's very simple. In single combat, I challenge a group of them alone. In a group fight, a group of them are beaten by me."


Everyone was speechless.

In front of so many players, being so provoked and insulted, Yaou and others were so angry that they wanted to kill Tang Hao, but after much hesitation, they did not dare to do it, not to mention Tang Hao's powerful record of defeating the seventh-floor boss, just now He also said that he is already level 28. If it is true... the highest level among them is only level 18, what a fool!

"Hmph, just wait!"

In the end, Kibaou could only say harsh words and left with the others in despair.

Tang Hao looked at their backs and said loudly: "By the way, after we deal with the threat of the skeleton soldiers, you can still come back to level up, as long as you can afford the shame."

When Kibaou and others heard this, instead of looking back, they all quickened their pace.

But they were at a loss as to what to do next. At their level, the Red Moon Forest is the most suitable leveling area. Other places are either too high level and too dangerous, or too low level and too little benefit.

After much deliberation, it was still too much of a loss.

"Damn Tang Ritian!" Someone said bitterly, their resentment towards Tang Hao rising to the extreme.

On the Red Moon Forest side, Kirito walked towards Tang Hao and whispered: "You have offended all those players. They will definitely hate you. Isn't that bad?"

"It's not that I offended them, it's that they offended me." Looking at Kirito's puzzled eyes, Tang Hao said, "Those people are all at level 17 or 18. Do you think they don't understand anything?" Are you new? They are just worried that our growing power will not be conducive to their future development."

"But...even if our guild grows, it will be more conducive to conquering Aincrad. What's the benefit of them deliberately destroying it?" Kirito frowned, as if he still didn't understand.

"Yeah, what good can they do..." Tang Hao patted his shoulder, "Kirito, you have to be a good person, but don't be too naive. Not everyone can be like you all the time. Stay kind, in such an environment, sometimes the darkness of people's hearts will be far beyond your imagination."

Tang Hao said this, turning his head again to look in the direction where Kibaou and others left, with a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

Before, he saw a familiar symbol on one of the players. It was a black coffin with a twisted smile carved on it. It was the icon of the murderer's guild [Smiling Coffin]. Although this notorious guild may not have been fully established at this stage, the signs are clearly burning.

If it weren't for the reputation of the guild, Tang Hao wouldn't have acted in front of so many people. If he were in another place, where there were no outsiders, no one of these dozen guys would be able to leave alive.

However, he has already seen the name, so he will write it down for now.

"Okay..." Turning around again, the murderous intent in Tang Hao's eyes disappeared, and he faced the dozens of players who had taken refuge in him with a smile as bright as spring breeze. "Next, I will tell you the battle plan in detail..."

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