"Is the party over?"


"The relationship with the Ito family has not been broken, right?"


"Are the Suzuki family ready to support you too?"


"Are your parents happy?"


"Yangno was also shocked, wasn't she?"


"Your family will no longer force you. You are completely free, right?"


"Uh-huh-huh--" Tang Hao held up his chin and stuffed a small bright red cherry into his mouth while looking at the girl opposite him speechlessly, "So I don't understand. Since all the questions have been answered, Solve it, why are you still grimacing and frowning, am I pretending to be your boyfriend to make you feel uncomfortable like this?"

"That was not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"


Yukino opened her mouth and was silent for a few seconds, seemingly unable to speak.

Tang Hao shook his head, too lazy to pay attention to her anymore. He changed into a comfortable position, held the entire box of cherries on the table in his arms, and continued to eat with relish.

When talking about Japan, people inevitably think of cherry blossoms. This is a country rich in cherry blossoms. In almost all Japanese animations, whether they are ancient or modern, fantasy or reality, or for children or adults, or more You can probably see cherry blossoms inside, but some people may not know that Japan is also a country rich in cherries.

As we all know, Japan lacks Jinkela and its land is underdeveloped. Both vegetables and fruits must be imported from abroad in order to keep up with the national consumption standards. Only cherries, Japan is at the leading level in the world and one of the few that can be exported to the country. One of the fruits exported overseas.

Tang Hao didn't have much resistance to this small, tender and delicious fruit. After returning to Yukinoshita's house, he destroyed most of the boxes of cherries sent by Yukinoshita's mother as condolences within half an hour. , but since the banquet ended, Yukino has been looking miserable, and she doesn’t know what she is thinking about. Even the box of cherries is not very tasty.

Of course, he still had to eat them all, not even a single one could be left for Yukino, the white-eyed wolf!

"Actually, I have to thank you for what happened today..." After a moment, Yukino thought about it and finally said, "If you hadn't brought Mr. Suzuki here, even if I could refuse the Ito family, my parents wouldn't I have given up hope of marriage and will have to date similar people in the future. Anyway, thank you."

Saying that, Xueno sat up and bowed to Tang Hao.

"It's good that you know." Tang Hao nodded. Since he still knows how to be grateful, he doesn't count himself as a white-eyed wolf. Forget it, give her a cherry.

"However, the matter has become too big this time. Now all the famous families in Chiba Prefecture know that I am your girlfriend, and you represent the Suzuki Foundation. I am afraid that all kinds of rumors will appear soon. Even my parents strongly agree with...this matter, but it is false after all. If we are not...together in the future, then..."

"Do you want to pretend to be real?"

"How is that possible? I don't have that idea at all!"

What does not mean at all? Do you think I, Tang Ritian, am not good enough for you?

Although Tang Hao had promised Yu Ji before setting off that he would never fake it, and he really had no such intention. After all, there had never been any ambiguity between him and Yukino, but after being rejected so decisively, he Tang Hao God doesn’t want to lose face?

Tang Hao immediately lowered his face, "Do you want to eat cherries?"

Yukino looked sideways, "Is this a problem with Cherry?"

"Then what do you think is the problem?" Tang Hao held the box with cherries in his arms and decided not to give any to Yukino. "I only think of you as your boyfriend in this world. I don't take it seriously. You don't have to do it because of it." What's the burden? At most, in a few years, when you can truly become independent, you can tell your family that our relationship broke down and we broke up. I guess they won't have any thoughts. After all, the love of high school students can't be taken seriously."

Tang Hao doesn't think there is any problem with this. Although in anime, there are always high school students who are in love until death, and even the ignorant feelings at the age of six or seven can be staged more than ten years later to find their husbands. The plot, but animation is animation and reality is reality. The so-called reality is that graduation equals breakup, and breakup equals farewell forever.

Those who formed a romantic relationship on the high school campus actually entered the marriage hall a few years later. It is a miracle that one out of ten couples.

Whoever takes it seriously is a fool.

Perhaps only a paranoid person like Yukino would think about it seriously.

"I didn't take it seriously. Actually, that's not the point."

"So what's the point?"

"I mean..." Xueno blushed, looking like he was hesitating to speak. Until Tang Hao looked at her, she remembered the scene of being protected by Tang Hao in the banquet hall, and her body gradually began to weaken. He felt hot, and even his thinking seemed to have become sluggish. Then he stood up suddenly and said with a red face, "I mean, I owe you such a big favor, and now I don't know what to do!"

"Favor? Forget it, I'm just doing it with a little effort."

"Maybe it's just a trivial task to you, but to me it's a big deal in life. I don't like to owe favors, otherwise I'll be a head lower than you unconsciously, so I have to repay you!"

You are already a head shorter than me, Tang Hao said to himself as he looked at Xueno's height.

But after all, he was not someone who didn't understand the atmosphere. It could be seen that Yukino was very entangled about this matter, probably because of his pride, so he smiled and said, "Okay, how are you going to repay me?"

"This..." Xueno was at a loss for words. If she knew how to repay her, she wouldn't have been struggling for so long.

In life, the so-called desires are nothing more than wealth, power, life and love. Tang Hao has no shortage of wealth and power. If he wants it, he can have everything in the world at his fingertips. Life? From the moment he achieved godhood, he already had a lifespan that far exceeded that of human beings. Even if he did nothing now, it would be easy to live for 18,000 years. As for love, he already had three wives.

It seems that I have nothing to give him.

Since it is difficult to repay the debt for the time being, then it is a compromise to pay off what you owe first. Otherwise, when the debt becomes more and more, you will really have to sell yourself to pay it off.

Thinking about it, Yukino gritted his teeth hard, as if going to the execution ground, straightened his body, closed his eyes and said, "Come on!"

What are you coming for?

Tang Hao was immediately confused by her operation.


"Kiss me!" Seeing that Tang Hao didn't make any move, Xueno even pretended not to understand and asked her. She suddenly felt ashamed and opened her eyes and stared at him, "Isn't that why you came here?"

Tang Hao took time out of his busy schedule to contact the consortium and act as a consortium to help her solve her urgent needs. Xueno was indeed very grateful and believed that at least half of him was to help her, but what about the other half?

Kato Megumi's words, if you think about it carefully, may not be unreasonable. She lost her first kiss to him, and it was only natural that he wanted to take it back. Instead of being coy, it would be better to take this opportunity and give it to him. Make yourself feel better.


After hearing her words, Tang Hao immediately squirted. This guy actually asked him for a kiss?

The conscience of heaven and earth, Tang Hao really didn't see that Xueno was rushing to the execution ground, and it was more likely that she wanted him to kiss her, and that she wanted him to beat her.

"What's wrong with you? Who told you that I helped you just to kiss you."

"Of course..." Yukino shut her mouth as soon as the words came out, and directly stuffed the three words Kato Megumi back. After all, she didn't have the habit of betraying her friends, so she changed her words, "Anyway, I am willing to admit defeat. I lost, You deserve this kiss."

"Forget it, it's just a joke, you don't have to take it seriously." Tang Hao smiled and waved his hand. If Yukino had said this before, he would never have hesitated. After all, she was a rare beautiful girl who got her first kiss.

Now that he is a married man, he must pay attention to his sense of propriety.

However, no one can stop Yukino's bad temper.

"No, we must take it seriously!"

"It's just a joke, you..."

"You think it's a joke, but I don't think so. If I lose, I lose. Hurry up!"

Do you know how much courage this bastard mustered up to say these words? You are still in the mother-in-law's house.

Yukino was almost furious.

At another time or another occasion, she wouldn't be able to say such words.


Looking at Xueno's determined expression, Tang Hao knew that he would probably have to kiss him today if he didn't want to. Just a kiss shouldn't be considered cheating, right?

So, Tang Hao stood up, walked to Xueno, put his hands on her shoulders, looked at the face and lips so close, he swallowed subconsciously, "Then, I want to kiss?"

"..." Xueno closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

This guy is obviously scared to death, so forget it, let's be quick.

Tang Hao took a deep breath, facing Xueno's lips, and slowly leaned forward...


"Tang Hao, Xueno, how good are you talking...?"

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Kato Megumi stood at the door with a surprised look on his face, "Sorry, please continue..."


Just when Kato Megumi was about to close the door and leave, Yukino opened her eyes suddenly and grabbed her, "Megumi, you come too."

"Eh?" Kato Megumi looked confused. If you want to play kissing, what does it have to do with me?

"You were the one who made the bet at that time. I want to return the kiss I owe to Tang Hao, and you should also return it." Yukino looked at Kato Megumi steadily, holding the other person's hand with no intention of letting go.

Just now when Tang Hao pressed her shoulders and leaned over, she was already so ashamed that she almost fainted. Kato Megumi came at the wrong time, but it was also the right time. If the two of them came together, her shame could be reduced by half.

In order to avoid fainting from shame, she sold Kato Megumi without hesitation.

This is exactly what it is: Kato’s ingenious plan to calm the world, costing his friends and losing his life!

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