Today’s fourth update contains 12,000 words, which makes up for yesterday’s interrupted update.

Although 639 has been blocked, damn, I really don’t know what the problem with this chapter is. The good mood of the fourth update has been ruined. It’s so sick that I really want to curse!

********I have a bad mouth here, so I can make up my mind as much as I want.

Then let’s talk about the ending.

I really want to wrap things up for a few reasons.

First of all, it is also a problem I have said before. This kind of subject matter becomes more and more difficult to control as it goes on. To put it simply, I have exhausted all my talents. I can barely support it now, but when the size of the chat room continues to expand, it will be like an avalanche. , the collapse only happens in a moment. Rather than being in a complete mess, it is better to stop at the right time.

Just like the new wife in "The King of Blast Man", it ends in the most exciting place. I can't do what my new wife does, and I don't have the ability, but I can choose to end it before the building collapses.

Of course, some readers have said that there are still many worlds that can be written about. It is not difficult to repeatedly recruit group members and solve events repeatedly. It is not difficult to write as long as possible. With the current results of this book, it is still very early to die. If it is really According to this routine, I can indeed write easily, but what's the point of it?

Repeating the same routine makes me tired of aesthetics. At most, it just cheats some money, which is really boring.

Secondly, my shielding problem is disgusting. I really don’t plan to drive, but now I can’t even use some ambiguous words. I just expose my white thighs and think of that.

Forget it, let’s not talk about this issue. Otherwise, even a single chapter might be blocked, which would be really funny.

In short, the ending has been decided, but it won’t end immediately. I will probably spend two months finishing it and try to fill in the remaining holes as much as possible.

If you look at it this way, it may be a bit too early for me to reveal the ending. There may be some readers who will choose to give up and leave after seeing my ending intention, but I still decided to tell the truth so that everyone can be mentally prepared. On the one hand, I am too lazy to Liar, on the other hand, it's easy to get together and break up, so you won't have to scold me for being a rip-off.

If you really want to give up because of this, I can't keep you.

In fact, I started preparing for the new book two months ago. It is a theme similar to Infinite Flow. The protagonist is similar to Tang Cheng. The background is ready and the basic setting is almost done. Of course, I haven’t decided to write it at that time. And now I'm dead.

Infinite streaming is a subject that I am good at. Why should I kill this?

Because I really don’t want to write about fighting anymore.

I have always struggled with combat, and I have always struggled to write combat scenes. The higher the level, the harder it is to write. Just like in this book, I have always suppressed the protagonist's strength in order to avoid this problem.

Since Shaoqi, many book friends have said that they like my daily plots. I am not sure whether my daily plots are good, but I also want to change my subject matter, so I am going to give it a try.

So, after killing that unlimited stream, I decided to write a daily youth novel that travels through an island country, and what the hell with all the fancy battle magic. I write about youth, I write about love, I write about daily life, I want to find A path that truly suits me has emerged.

In fact, the most recent chapters of this book are just me practicing for writing about daily life next time. I feel that writing is relatively smooth. However, what will happen after I really focus on daily life? It’s hard to say now, everything is unknown.

Forget it, let’s stop here.

Regardless of whether you support my ending or not, thank you all.

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