You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

640 Protect your first kiss (third update)

In order to find out Yukino's wishes, Kato Megumi asked San...about the Yukinoshita family gathering two days later. If it had been anyone else, Yukino would definitely not tell the truth because of her character. She is the kind of person who keeps her thoughts in silence. The person in her belly, or maybe the experience when she was young, made her accustomed to not asking others for help, but Megumi Kato was her best friend, so she said it anyway.

When it comes to her own wishes, to be honest, Yukino hasn't figured out what to do yet.

Of course she doesn't want to marry a man she doesn't like, let alone be used as a tool for family marriage. The family attaches great importance to this gathering. Even her mother, who has always been strong, took the initiative to come to her apartment to see her, deliberately in advance. It took several days to tell her about the arranged party. Obviously, this was also to give her some time to prepare, so as to avoid her causing anything at the party and embarrassing the Yukinoshita family.

Japan is a country that pays great attention to etiquette. In other words, no matter what you think in your heart, you must at least do it on the surface. In addition, there is a clear distinction between superiors and subordinates. Her mother's attitude showed that the other side The person who comes must have a very high status, and may even be a direct descendant of the consortium.

Regarding her future, Yukino has actually made a plan. She will first spend three years in high school to accumulate skills. When she is in college, she will apply for a company from home and start a business. Her sister has done this before, and her sister is better than herself. But with the help of the chat room, there is no reason why I can't do what my sister can do.

Take advantage of the four years of college to start your own career and let your family know that you are capable. You can bring the Yukinoshita family to the top wealthy status by yourself, so there is no need to rely on other financial groups.

However, the plan was not as good as the change. This unexpected party disrupted her plan.

Of course she can refuse. Maybe the blind date doesn't like her at all, so nothing will happen. She is not narcissistic enough to think that a man will like her, but what if? If the other party really takes a fancy to me, but I coldly refuse, this will offend others, offend a consortium, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Of course, she can also superficially agree and delay for a while, but let's not say that she doesn't like this kind of conciliation. Even if she is willing, once she accepts it, some social entertainment will be inevitable, although it may just be holding hands and meeting each other. Small things like meeting up and having a meal together, but the longer this kind of thing goes on, the deeper it gets and it becomes difficult to get out.

Of course, she can also choose a more extreme approach, such as killing the blind date.

With her current ability, this is not difficult, and she doesn't worry about being found out, but she is not so cruel. He just came for a blind date, but she killed him. What kind of devil is this? ah?

Even if she is really so cruel, she may not be able to solve the problem. After all, if one person dies, there may be a second and third one. Should they all be killed? If they kill too much, even if the police can't find out, the Yukinoshita family's reputation will be ruined.

Why does everyone you're on a blind date with die? Say, what kind of monster are you?

Neither the soft one nor the hard one works, which made Yukino feel at a loss for a moment.

"I just want to buy some time, but I don't want to disappoint my family too much. In fact, it's not easy for my father." Yukino said quietly, hugging her legs and resting her chin on her knees.

These are her true words, a bit fragile and a bit self-pitying. Normally, with her hedgehog-like character, she would never be able to tell the truth in this tone.

Kato Megumi was silent for a while, "Why don't you ask Tang Hao for help? As long as you tell him, he will definitely help."

" very busy."

"But it's not a big deal."

"I don't want him to know."


"...It's so embarrassing."


Kato Megumi was speechless.

She was speechless, but she could actually understand Yukino's mood. In the final analysis, it was just inferiority complex.

This hedgehog woman is extremely arrogant, cold and hard on the outside, but very fragile on the inside. However, she doesn’t want to be seen with her fragile side and guards her pride alone. If she asks Tang Hao for help, it is equivalent to asking Tang Hao for help. She bows her head and gives up her strong side. She can't overcome this psychologically, because many times, people's self-esteem is to cover up their inferiority complex.

Therefore, such a simple and trivial matter was made delicate and complicated by Yukino.

"I'll go back with you tomorrow."


"You are my friend. Of course I can't just sit idly by when you are in trouble." Kato Megumi smiled, "And although I can't help you, I also want to see what the upper class is like. Can you help me?" Let’s go see the world together?”

"All right……"

Megumi Kato is really good at talking. She turned help into a request, which did not hurt Yukino's self-esteem, but also clarified her friend's position, making Yukino unable to refuse at all.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed."


"Relax, it'll be okay."

"I guess so……"

"Yukino, your skin is so good."

"Don't weren't like this before."

"Actually, I'm quite good at fooling around, but I couldn't find anyone to fool around with before."

"It's time to go to sleep."

"Yukino, have you ever had a KISS?"

"How is that possible? Of course not! Have you ever?"

"Neither did I. Speaking of which, we all still owe Tang Hao a kiss, right? He didn't want to go back."

"She already has a wife!"

"Are you angry?"

"Where can I have it?"

"Tell me, what if your blind date wants to kiss you at the party the night after tomorrow?"

"I won't agree to that."

"You can't say for sure. If the other party drinks too much and invites you to hang out in the garden under the influence of alcohol, you probably can't refuse. Then he suddenly kisses you forcefully when no one is around. That would be terrible. ”

"I can't let him succeed, and the other party may not like me."

"Xueno is so cute, he will definitely like you, but if this happens, Tang Hao may be very angry."

"What does it have to do with him? I'm not his girlfriend. Even if I was forcibly kissed, I would be the only one who suffers."

"That's not what you said. Although you are not his girlfriend, you still owe him a kiss, and it is your first kiss. You know, men take this kind of thing very seriously. As a result, your first kiss was snatched by someone else while he was not paying attention. If it goes away, Tang Hao's pride will definitely not be able to bear it, and he will probably get furious."

The two of them turned off the lights, lay on the quilt, and whispered to each other. This was nothing new. Although Kato Megumi's size was a little big today, it was normal for Yukino, and she It's not like you have no common sense. You know that when young girls sleep together, the occasional kiss and hug are normal fights.

She had been ostracized before and had never had this kind of experience, but she still understood it somewhat, so she was not particularly disgusted by Kato Megumi's intimate behavior, and was even a little happy. It was a way to promote the friendship between the two. But as she was talking, she suddenly turned to Tang Hao, which made her a little unpredictable.

"No way?"

Xueno subconsciously stopped her hands under the quilt. She felt that this matter had nothing to do with Tang Hao. Let alone the first kiss, even if she accidentally lost her virginity, it was not something Tang Hao needed to worry about.

"Why not, Xueno, you have to know that men are very possessive. If you haven't returned Tang Hao's kiss, then your first kiss will be his. If you kiss someone else, it will be equivalent to betrayal."

"This... shouldn't be that serious, right?"

"You're not a man, you don't understand."

"You are a girl too, do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand."

"..." Yukino was suddenly speechless. Kato Megumi was indeed smarter than her and understood people's hearts better than her. She couldn't refute this, but, "Wait a minute, why is it premised on me being kissed? I can't Kissed!”

"I'm talking about just in case, if that person really wants to forcefully kiss you."

"Then I'll beat him! If he really dares to do such a thing, my parents won't just sit idly by and ignore it. Moreover, the upper class pays more attention to face, so it will be him who is embarrassed."

"But even if he is punished, your first kiss is still gone."

"Then..." As he spoke, Xueno was suddenly led astray, and he began to panic, "Then what should I do?"

"Try to protect your first kiss, that's all I can say, but don't worry, I will stay by your side when the time comes. Anyway, I have no sense of presence. That person is attracted to you and won't notice me."

"Well, thank you, Megumi."

"You're welcome, let's take a rest."

"Okay, go to bed early. I'll take you to buy a dress tomorrow, uh..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's so unfair."


"Why is yours so big..."

Yukino was suddenly shocked. Although it could usually be seen that Kato Megumi was very well developed, with a curved front and back, but if you really feel it... the gap is too big, right? They are both girls, and Megumi Kato is one year younger than me. Oh my God, it's really unfair! Why!

Kato Megumi didn't know what to say. She didn't know why such a thing happened.

However, the most important thing is done.

On the grounds of protecting Xueno's first kiss, letting Tang Hao get involved had nothing to do with Xueno's own wishes. She did not lower her head for help, but Tang Hao took the initiative, which would not damage Xueno's self-esteem, but also let Tang Hao There are enough excuses for his intervention to kill two birds with one stone.

And if I follow Yukino there first, I can investigate the Japanese consortium in that world in advance and help Tang Hao choose a suitable consortium to pull the strings, allowing him to enter the market at the most appropriate time, perfect!

Kato Kei thought to herself that everything was going well, so she closed her eyes and slept peacefully.

As the saying goes, Kato's ingenious plan is to settle the world after all things have been considered.

If you want to know what happens next, listen to the explanation next time.

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