Letting a bunch of idle people in the villa help find the time traveler is something that Tang Hao has long considered. After all, his efficiency is too slow on his own, and it is impossible for everyone to take the initiative like Xiaoquan did, not to mention the whole country. Search all over the world and at least do a good research on this city.

"It shouldn't matter, right? I've already made an agreement with them for three chapters."

After the idlers went out, Tang Hao began to worry again. These idlers did not have the obedient character of Kato Megumi, and they also lacked the common sense of life in normal society. If they accidentally did something like showing their saints in front of others, it would really be a disaster. Big news.

Oops, I’m getting more and more worried!

"I think you just think too much. In the days when you were unconscious, everyone went out to play and nothing big happened. In fact, I think everyone is very cautious. You should trust them more. "

Kato Megumi walked past Tang Hao with a lot of things in his arms and said with a smile.

Tang Hao was right when he thought about it. Nothing happened in the past few days. It was impossible for something to happen to him after he woke up. Even for guys like Yuyuko, Reimu, and Tianzi who make people scared when they hear their names, he should treat them. Have more trust.

Later, Tang Hao noticed what Kato Megumi was holding in his hand, "What are you doing?"

"Wash." Kato Megumi put the things in his hands on the ground, "Didn't a lot of people go back last night? The sheets and quilts they stayed here a few days ago are no longer needed for the time being, and the weather is nice today, so I I plan to wash them all, by the way, do you have any clothes you need me to wash?"



"You will definitely become a perfect wife in the future."

"It should be possible."

Kato Megumi smiled and nodded. If other people were teased by Tang Hao like this, they would either blush, spit out sweet things, or tease her in the opposite direction. But Kato Megumi has always been a Buddhist, and such a conversation can't even make her feel the slightest bit shaken. .

However, Tang Hao just said casually that although he had become a scumbag, he could not go further and further down the road of scumbag, so he immediately changed the subject and asked: "Hui, when are you going back?"

"I haven't decided yet. In fact, our school is on holiday and we don't have to go to school for the time being. I used to think about traveling to China if I had the opportunity. Although the current situation is a little different, it can be regarded as achieving my goal, so I will probably do it in the next week. They will all stay here, aren’t you welcome?”

"Of course you're welcome, but doesn't it matter at home?"

"It's okay, my family is also traveling." At this point, Kato Megumi suddenly stopped what he was doing and asked, "Tang Hao, do you know about Yukino?"

Tang Hao shook his head, "What's wrong with her?"

"A party was arranged for her at her home and she will attend in three days."

"What type of party?"

"In terms of family bonding."

"Blind date?" Tang Hao suddenly frowned. The Yukinoshita family is a famous family. If placed alone in a county, it can be considered a wealthy family. But if you look at the whole of Japan, let alone a consortium, it is far from even the top wealthy families. Very.

People's desire for progress is unlimited. When they are hungry and cold, they want to be fed and clothed. After they are fed and clothed, they want to make a fortune and become well-off. When they live a well-off life, they want to become a famous family. When they become famous, then Of course, I want to go further and become the top wealthy family.

The Yukinoshita family has this ambition. Or rather, if they didn't have such ambition, they wouldn't be able to become a famous family at all.

But as we all know, the shape of Japanese society is that the entire country is controlled by conglomerates. Those parliamentarians and prime ministers are, at best, national leaders, and at worst, they are actually tools promoted by the consortium. Under this form, the new If a famous Jin family wants to climb up, they have to be restrained by the consortium. After all, there is only one piece of the pie. The more people there are, the less pie they will get. If they don't get the support of the consortium, a famous family will become a poor family in a matter of minutes. things.

This is a game played by the upper class. Tang Hao doesn't really understand it, but he knows that the party Kato Megumi mentioned is probably the marriage arranged by the Yukinoshita family for Yukino.

"Isn't it too early?" Tang Hao couldn't help but ask. Xueno was only a sophomore in high school and 17 years old. Even if her family wanted to sell her for a good price and get a chance to be promoted to a top family, it would be a bit difficult to get married at this age. It was too much.

And as far as he knew, although Yukino's family relationship was a bit complicated and she chose to rent an apartment outside to live alone due to various conflicts, she still had a good relationship with her father and was not treated like a tool.

"Actually, it's not a marriage." Megumi Kato shook her head, "I asked Yukino, and she said it was just an ordinary party, so I think the two families should arrange to get to know each other first."

"Yes." Tang Hao responded, and first let the children of the two families get to know each other through a party to see if they are suitable. It doesn't matter if they are not suitable. It will take a year or two to cultivate the relationship, and when they have a little relationship, they will start a formal relationship. , and then date for two or three years, and then you can get married after graduating from college, or simply get married during college. After all, the legal age for marriage in Japan is eighteen.

In fact, Yukino herself has this wish, and her family does not object. She can get married next year.

"Looking at it this way, it's really disappointing."


Kato Megumi was stunned and didn't understand how Tang Hao could say such a thing.

"Nothing." Tang Hao came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head.

Of course, the despair he was talking about did not refer to himself, but to the original work.

It is true that Yukino has a good relationship with her father, but the family has such intention, and she is not as independent as her sister Yono, so she must accept this fate. Maybe she can still do it in high school or even college. It's the same as being willful, but once she enters society, she has no choice.

Unless she can give up everything at home and elope with someone.

Putting aside the fact that Yukino's character makes it difficult to make such a choice, even if she really musters up the courage to decide to elope with someone, what about the person to elope with? Hikigaya Hachiman? Two autistic people eloping?

It's like a fantasy.

It's not that Tang Hao looks down on Hikigaya Hachiman, but the other person's character is like this. A person who constantly gives in and avoids love, never takes the initiative to pursue, and locks himself in a small house called "Loneliness" in the name of seeing everything clearly. A person, as long as his character does not change, he will never... nor dare to take that step.

Elopement with a rich young lady requires not maturity, but courage without any plan.

Therefore, it is not an empty talk to say that the avalanche group is completely wiped out.

In Tang Hao's opinion, the most suitable person for Hikigaya Hachiman is Dango. As for Yukino and Yukino, the difference in status between the two is too great. Under the obstruction of the Reality Family, an ordinary person does not have the power to break it, so the ending is naturally useless. Too much to say, therefore, if the development in the original work is followed, there is a 99% chance that Yukino will become the wife of a first-class wealthy family, and the last 1% is the miracle left to the protagonist.

Of course, this is the original line, but now there is interference from the chat room...

Soon, Tang Hao put these distracting thoughts aside and said with a smile: "What about Xueno? What does she think?"

"She will probably go, although she seems a little reluctant."

"Actually, if she doesn't want to, just refuse."

"But it's family after all."

"That's true."

Tang Hao nodded. Xueno was also a veteran of the chat room. Although her progress was far inferior to his own, after being tempered by the Ice Soul Stone and practicing ninjutsu, she was barely qualified compared to ordinary people. She is like a little superman. Her personal power alone is enough to cut off the shackles of the family.

But Yukino obviously doesn't want to do this, because her surname is Yukinoshita, and she is also burdened by her family ties and responsibilities.

I have become stronger and I can live alone. I don't want to obey the arrangements of my family, so I want to cut off my family ties and abandon everything I've ever known. This is Long Aotian, not Yukinoshita Yukino.

Even Tang Ritian is cautious when facing his parents. This has nothing to do with strength, but because of the feelings in his heart. It is because of these feelings that people can be called human beings.

"What about you?" Then Tang Hao looked at Kato Megumi, "You told me this, and you probably didn't just say it casually. What do you want me to do?"

"Well, I hope you can help Yukino." Kato Megumi said bluntly, "Yukino's family attaches great importance to this gathering. It is probably related to whether the Yukinoshita family can rely on a financial group. Yukino can't let go of family ties and family ties. Responsibility is hard to refuse, but if a man appears who is better than the other person, has greater potential, and loves Yukino deeply, then at least Yukino won’t have to make an excuse with a man she doesn’t like, right?”

"So, you want me to pretend to be Yukino's boyfriend and go to their family gathering to snatch the bride?" Tang Hao was stunned, "Isn't this too cliche?"

"Old tricks can also be played with new tricks. After all, you are Tang Ritian." Kato Megumi smiled slightly, a bit cunningly.

Tang Hao couldn't help but pinch his chin, thinking about the feasibility of this matter, "Actually, you are right. This is indeed a more reliable method. If nothing else, in terms of handsomeness, I can at least beat 99% of men. Compared with Yukino, that blind date who ran out of nowhere, I am a thousand times better than him in terms of looks, body, temperament, and ability. Yukino would choose him over me unless her brain was broken, but..."

Tang Hao frowned, "My power does not lie in the world. What the Yukinoshita family needs is a financial group that can support them to become a top wealthy family. I don't have this kind of influence. How can I fool... convince Yukino's parents to bet on... What about me?"

He can't blow up the Japanese island first, right?

Although it is not impossible, but in the 21st century, if he really does this, he will probably become the great devil who is the public enemy of the world.

Kato Megumi looked relaxed, as if he had already thought about it, "This is simple. The richer people are, the more they cherish their lives. You just need to find a consortium and show off your skills in front of the other party's boss. With your ability, you will soon be You can be regarded as gods by the other party, and then if you ask them to support the Yukinoshita family, aren't they still inferior to the son of a wealthy family?"

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