"Second gear! Rubber...bazooka!"

"Nine-sword style! Asura-Ice Mist Silver!"



Under the full attack of Luffy and Zoro, the witch's body began to fall apart, falling down like broken building blocks.


"Defeat the witch!"

"Wow hahahaha, it's really not that difficult."

"Humph, isn't this natural? After practicing for so long, our strength should have improved."

As the witch fell down, Luffy laughed excitedly, while Zoro had a calm expression. Sanji next to him was dumbfounded, and then rushed over like he was on fire, shouting: "Hey, what are you two doing? What's going on? I was obviously being chased all the way just now, but in the blink of an eye I turned defeat into victory. Is the attack just now... a domineering one?"

"Haha, that's right. Didn't Tang Hao say it before? There are three types of domineering. When we fought with Enelu on the sky island, the net the opponent used was the domineering power of seeing and hearing, and then I don't know what happened. , it was like I could hear the voice of the witch just now, and the weapon color that had been elusive was suddenly able to be used, hahaha, now I am the Pirate King!"

"It's not that simple!" Sanji roared, then pointed at Zoro, "It's enough that Luffy suddenly mastered Haki, but what about you, Green Algae-head!"

"Me, my understanding of Haki is probably not as deep as Luffy's. I just used ghost energy."

"Ghost spirit?"

"Ah, isn't there a ghost clan in Gensokyo? Not long ago, when I was wandering at sea, I took the time to go to Gensokyo and spent some money to ask the miko there to introduce me to the Watermelon Ghost... Is that the name? Forget it. , it’s that ghost anyway, I asked her to help with special training for a few days, and I mastered the ghost’s Qi for the first time. In a way, that ghost’s Qi is even more terrifying than the domineering Qi, and can even cut through the natural system.”

"Are you kidding me! Are you a ghost?!"

"Well, maybe I really have the talent to become a ghost. I feel like I can practice the Eighteen Sword Style with a little more pressure."

"Eighteen Blades, you are a ghost, damn it!"

Sanji's eyes were red with envy and jealousy. It was okay for Luffy to master Haki. After all, he was the captain, so it was natural for him to be stronger than them. But Zoro... was originally about the same strength as him, but because of Gensokyo's popularity, He even cultivated the ghost energy that can cut off the natural element, leaving him far behind. This is simply unforgivable!

"Well, don't be discouraged, Sanji. Didn't that big sister named Yakumo Murasaki say that after this modification of the universe, we will all benefit? Maybe you can also learn domineering by then, hahahaha …”

"What's so funny! The problem is now, now! At this moment, there are countless cute magical girls waiting for me to save, but in the end I can only fight some witch's minions, even a cute little sister. I can't be saved, I feel like this... Damn, hate, hate, hate!" Sanji ORZ was lying on the ground, beating the ground and crying bitterly.

"Isn't that good?" Zoro said calmly with a nonchalant expression, "If you were to save the magical girl, maybe you wouldn't have to do anything by the witch, and you would have died of excessive blood loss... You saved your life, you sexy cook."

"What did you say! Green algae head!"

"It's nothing. I said if you are afraid, you can hide behind me. Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Who wants your protection? Go to hell!"

"Hahahaha, Zoro Sanji, the relationship between you two is still so good."

"Who has a good relationship with him! Are you blind?" The two yelled at Luffy in unison.

Luffy didn't take it seriously, he still looked like laughing, then clapped his hands and shouted with high morale: "Yoshi! We have been able to defeat the witch, let's challenge the more powerful witch next, Zoro Sanji, when I came here before, I saw a witch as big as a mountain on the other side of the river, so we went to challenge..."

"I won't die!"

"You want to die, you bastard!"

The two of them immediately roared in unison. Luffy was really swollen. A witch as big as a mountain, could the three of them defeat her? It’s not even enough to fill the gap between your teeth!

Just like the combat power of the chat room is uneven, when the world-destroying witch is split into countless pieces by Xiao Zi, the strength of each witch is also different. There are cannon fodder-level witches like in the original work, and there are also far beyond normal witches. For the witches in Witch Night, the former will be dealt with by the local magical girls, or let the general combat forces in the chat room deal with them, while the latter will basically be under the observation of the Eye of the Moon. Through the analysis of combat forces at each level, BB will dispatch designated members are sent over.

For example, people like Reimu, Sajo Aika, Yuki, Hinaju Tenko, and Saigyoji Yuyuko.

Of course, this also includes firefighter Tang Hao.

But even so, there will be accidents. After all, witches are transformed from magical girls. Although they have fallen, it does not mean that they have no IQ. When the strength increases to a certain level, the witch's IQ will also increase and even hide. Strength, and the observation of the Eye of the Moon is only one-sided and not absolutely accurate. In this case, it is easy to overturn.

For example, at this moment, Kuonji Yuju is in crisis.

The large-scale witch she is encountering now is a weak one according to Eye of the Moon's observation. With the strength of Kuonji Yuju and two local witches, the winning rate was originally over 90%, but... this witch... Suddenly promoted during the battle, he suddenly jumped to the intermediate level.

Basically, every large witch, even the weakest one, is equivalent to a Witch Night in the original book. When fully exploded, their power can even cover the entire city, which is equivalent to city-destroying combat power. If converted to The shape of the moon is almost the level of golden glitter.

Yes, this is the weakest large witch.

Of course, due to their huge bodies, slow movements, and lack of instantaneous burst damage, this type of witch is slightly inferior to Jin Shining in actual combat. After all, its weaknesses are too obvious.

However, when it is promoted to the intermediate level, the situation is completely different. Its huge body has the ability to regenerate, and its slow movements bring multiple attack changes. It can also use tactics, and even masters the terrifying instantaneous burst ability. Once it is attacked, Even a top-notch magical girl will die when hit by explosive skills.

"No more, Miss Magician, if you hold on any longer, you will die!"

In the barrier, Kuonji Yuju stood on the surging sea. The collapsed high-rise buildings sank into the sea. In front of her was a stone giant dozens of meters high. But after the witch's burst, The stone giant was already extremely fragile, huge stones fell one after another, and even the magic eye behind Youzhu had cracks.

The Giant of the Bridge, the Rose Hound, the Oil of the Moon, and the Second Soul were all used. However, facing the large witch who had been promoted to the intermediate level, he was still vulnerable and could only hold on with difficulty. .

Behind Youzhu were two girls. One was thirteen or fourteen years old. Her face was pale and her right arm was dripping with blood. It was obvious that she was unable to fight. She was supported by another girl before she could barely stand.

Her name is Ella, she is sixteen years old, has silver-white twin tails, and is the most powerful magical girl in the region. In terms of strength alone, she is even better than Tomoe Mami, and only slightly inferior to Su Yao.

The Eye of the Moon observes the entire earth, including witches and of course magical girls.

This super computer will evaluate the combat power of everyone it observes. Among the magical girls observed so far, the seventeen-year-old Su Yao is actually the strongest, equivalent to two Tomoe Asamis. Although Aila is not as strong as Su Yao can also be ranked among the top ten in the world.

However, in the battle with the intermediate witch, her companion was disabled and she was defeated. Even the passing magician lady in front of her was about to be unable to support herself.

She was still struggling to hold on, just because once she stepped back, the two magical girls behind her would definitely die.

"That's enough, Miss Magician, run away quickly, we have already..." Ella couldn't bear to watch anymore, and she persuaded with tears in her eyes. Even if there was only one person, she also hoped that someone could survive.

Youzhu said nothing and stood motionless on the sea.

She couldn't retreat, and she didn't want to retreat.

It's not because of how kind she is, magicians are ruthless, but because of responsibility.

In the final analysis, this global-scale war was caused by chat rooms. Involving innocent magical girls was already too much. As a result, during the battle, they escaped by themselves, but innocent people died. This She can't do this kind of thing.

Even a magician will shoulder his responsibilities.

"You guys... leave quickly, I can still... hold on for a minute..." Youzhu gritted his teeth and said intermittently.

She must persist. As long as she persists, reinforcements may arrive in a minute.


"There are no reinforcements! Everyone else has been restrained by the large witch. They can't make a move at all. Even the fastest one will have to wait at least two minutes...ahhhhh, damn it!" In the BB channel, always said BB, who was afraid that the world would be in chaos, was scratching his head and shouting in frustration at this moment.

Short staff!

Short staff!

This is their biggest problem.

If Youzhu could hold on for two minutes, she might still be able to do something, but one minute was already beyond Youzhu's limit.

What else can be done now?

"Let me go."



"Damn it, you are basically targeting me, BB-chan..."


On the sea, the witch's roar seemed to come from far away, and along with this sound, a black light seemed to swallow up everything.

"This is?!"

Seeing this scene, Youzhu's expression changed drastically, and he used his second explosive technique!

Can't stop it...

"Listen, the primate of all things, order, is broken here!"

boom! ! !

Suddenly, following a familiar chant, a huge beam of light shot out from behind Youzhu, colliding with the sweeping black light at the end of the sky and sea.

Youzhu's pressure was greatly reduced. She turned around instinctively and saw that slender and familiar figure standing upright, with a head of black hair constantly changing between red and white.

"Qingzi!" Youzhu looked surprised, "You... aren't you on the moon?"

"Ah, I left the things over there first." Aozaki Aoko tossed her hair and said with a smile.

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