"She seemed to have fainted?"


"Now what?"

"Let's wait until she wakes up first. Maybe there will be other unexpected gains."

"unexpected result?"

"After all, we captured BB's daughter. As a mother, she shouldn't turn a blind eye."

"But didn't you just say that the relationship between mother and daughter is not good..."

"One code is another code. I think with her character, she should show up."

LIP's strength is very strong, with triple divinity and the characteristics of the imprisonment system. Even if this kind of strength is put into the real world, it is still a first-class servant, but it is still not enough to face the current Tang Hao.

As early as the Fifth Holy Grail War, Tang Hao was able to fight back and forth with first-class servants like Cu Chulainn. At that time, he had not yet mastered the divine power and had not yet learned the Eight Gates Dunjia. Now let alone Cu Chulainn. Qiu Lin, even if he is seriously dodged, he can come up with a retaliation, God's Treasure House VS King's Treasure House.

Then, with Tomoe Mami's assistance, the battle to win LIP didn't take much effort.

The girl fainted from suffocation. Tomoe Asami and the others were guarding her, waiting for her to wake up again. However, Tang Hao was more concerned about BB at this time. He did not act according to BB's ideas and left LIP behind. The other party should not I'll turn a blind eye.

Tang Hao was thinking about it when he suddenly found Xiao Guanghui squatting next to LIP, pressing his hands on top of her head, like a massage in the air, releasing green energy from his palms. As this energy covered LIP's body, the... This violent aura gradually disappeared.


Can this kind of usage be used?

It’s not like Tang Hao has never done this before using divinity to eliminate madness. When he was first summoned by Black Joan as a servant, it was because the divinity in his body prevented madness, but this only applied to him. It cannot affect outsiders, but Xiao Guanghui did it, and even eliminated the negative effects faster than himself.

"Who did you learn this from?" Tang Hao asked subconsciously.

"I didn't learn from anyone, I just thought I should do this."

Xiao Guanghui answered matter-of-factly. When Tang Hao looked at LIP again, he found that her expression had become very peaceful, as if the person who went crazy and killed more than a dozen servants was not her. This made Tang Hao feel again An accident.

It is obvious that LIP's mood has completely stabilized. As long as she wakes up, the two parties should be able to communicate normally. However, this is too unexpected. You must know that LIP's madness is not a madness in the usual sense. , it is not a negative attribute, but closer to a personality flaw. This flaw caused her to faint, but her consciousness was still in a state of rage. Even the saint's dispersal could not calm her down, but Xiao Guanghui could do it. Could it be Is this her talent?

Thinking of this, Tang Hao suddenly felt that his previous thinking might have gone awry, because he was a martial arts sect and had preconceived notions. He also wanted Xiao Guanghui, who inherited his power, to become a martial arts sect, but the same divinity existed between the two of them. However, different effects are reflected in her body, and in the previous battle, Xiao Guanghui played very poorly. Maybe... her talent is not in combat. Compared with the martial arts school, the auxiliary profession may be more suitable for her.


Tang Hao was about to ask in detail, but at this moment, the familiar BGM rang again.

"Welcome back to the BB channel. Oops, I didn't expect the senior team to be so strong. Even LIP has been subdued. In this case, even if we directly tear up the non-aggression agreement with Sesshōin Kiara, it doesn't seem to matter."

In the pink live broadcast room, the girl with her hands on her hips smiled happily.

"Come on, don't think that I don't know what you are planning." Tang Hao looked at her and said, "Do you want us to fight with the snipe and clam of Sesshōin, and then you can benefit from hiding on the side?"

"Senior, you think too badly of me. How could I do such a thing?"

"Since you are not that bad, you might as well tell us your purpose. Since you want us to believe you, you should show us your sincerity."

"My purpose is to protect myself."

"That's not necessarily the case." Tang Hao shook his head and suddenly smiled, "I discovered something just now. This world of spirit children seems to have been circulating the Holy Grail War. When all 128 servants are killed, there will be A new batch of 128 is born, and the cycle of life and death continues.”

"So what? This is the cruelty of the Moon Holy Grail War." BB laughed.

"No, let's not talk about the issue of cruelty or not. Since it is a Holy Grail War, of course there will be a Holy Grail. After the servants die, their power will be absorbed by the Holy Grail. If it is the real world, only the Seven Riders can summon it. Holy Grail, even if the energy of the spirit world is relatively weak and the connection with the source is more elusive, 128 riders should be enough. Then...whenever a round of the Holy Grail War ends, where does that energy go?"

"Of course it's the Sesshoin..."

"Yes, that energy was absorbed by the Sansei Institute. She evolved from an ordinary person to a BEAST. The mutation of personality alone is not enough. She also needs enough magic power to make her a BEAST, so she absorbed it from the Holy Grail War. Feeding on Servants, each cycle of the Holy Grail War will make her stronger."

"That's why senior needs to be with me..."

"No, no, no, please listen to me first." Tang Hao waved his hand to interrupt BB's words, and then smiled, "I don't know how many cycles this is, but the Sesshoin started from scratch, and then it is on the same level as you. One or two times is definitely not enough, and during this period of time, you had enough ability to end the cycle of the Holy Grail War and stop her, but you didn't do so. Why? It's simple, because with the continuous cycle of the Holy Grail War , as Sesshōin becomes stronger, this world of spirit children will also become stronger, and you need such changes."


"Do you know Shajo's love song?"

"Who is the senior talking about?"

"You don't know? Then let me tell you, she has been connected to the root since she was born."

"It's so enviable..."

"But you kicked her out."

"..." BB suddenly frowned.

Tang Hao smiled and continued: "Shatiao Ai Ge is connected to the root, and you can enter and exit the root at will. Even if the spirit world is fictional, as long as it is based on reality, it cannot get rid of the root. Therefore, in theory , Shajo Aige's authority over this world of spirit children is not under your control. At least until you completely control the world of spirit children, you cannot kick her out. But you succeeded in doing it. What does this mean? "


"There is only one answer!" Tang Hao stretched out his hand and pointed, "This spirit world has separated from the moon world. Only in this way can we cut off the connection with the source. Only in this way can your authority be greater than Shatiao Aige!"

"..." BB fell silent again.

"It's strange that you are not surprised by the name Moon World."

"Senior, do you think I should be surprised?"

"Isn't that of course." Tang Hao turned his head with a smile, looked at Tomoe Mami and the others, and asked, "What if someone told you before Xiaomi Homura joined the chat room that you were in the world of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" Do you feel strange about the character’s role?”

Although the three of them didn't know what Tang Hao wanted to do, they still nodded instinctively.

"Yes, for people who cannot leave this world, their knowledge of the world is extremely limited. Even if they have the knowledge concept of another world, they cannot name it. But through the conversation just now, you have learned about the moon. There is no objection to the name of the world, which fully shows that your understanding of the world has completely exceeded the limits of the natives... If I guessed correctly, you should have been exposed to more than one different world, right?"

BB was stunned for a moment, then asked with a smile: "Why do seniors think so?"

"It's just a pure guess, but it's actually not completely unfounded..." As he said that, Tang Hao reached out and grabbed his hand, raised his right hand forward, and there was a light jade in his palm.

Seeing this light jade, BB's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with a half-smile, "Sure enough, it's on Senior's body. No wonder I couldn't feel it at all before."

Tang Hao smiled and said nothing.

After breaking through the dimension, this light jade that was divided into seven reached four worlds respectively, the world of Naruto, the world of Tang Hao, the world of Gensokyo, and the world of Madoka.

In Naruto's world, he summoned the Star Beast.

In Madoka's world, it summons another dimension.

But in the world of Tang Hao and Gensokyo, it did not cause any abnormalities.

Why is this happening?

Before Tang Hao came here, he asked Yakumo Murasaki about this issue. The anomaly caused by the light jade was due to its too strong interference power, but this interference power can be suppressed by a more powerful force. In Gensokyo, the light can be suppressed. The one with the jade is Yakumo Murasaki, and in Tang Hao's world, he is the one who suppresses the light jade!

Of course, this does not mean that Tang Hao's strength is the same as Yakumo Purple, but that he has another nature.

The interference value does not increase!

Yes, even though Tang Hao has achieved godhood and his combat prowess is one of the best in the chat room, even better than someone like Patchouli whose interference value is over 100, his own interference value is still 4.

His interference value never seems to increase as he becomes stronger, and is always a constant single digit.

So when he came to Madoka's world, Tang Hao took the light jade back from Xiao Meiyan, and then the interference power of the light jade was suppressed, so BB could no longer feel the existence of the light jade.

Looking at BB with a longing look on his face, Tang Hao knew that he was not far from the truth.

"Why do you perceive the existence of Guangyu? Why can you recognize the existence of another world? Why can you open the port connecting to another world? Even in this world of spirit children, your strength is even stronger than Guanzhi, I I don’t think you originally had such ability, so there is only one truth..."

Tang Hao raised his head and looked directly into BB's eyes.

"You have another light jade in your hand, right?"

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