Although today's magicians are becoming more and more fond of close combat, there are still only a few magicians who are good at close combat. For example, people like Daixia Emiya who directly attack people by attacking them, or Miss Rin who uses Bajiquan to kill the enemy. Those who beat him up are always an outlier among magicians, and Magiri Zolgen, whether before or after his fall, is not this type.

Therefore, Tang Hao rushed directly in front of the opponent as quickly as possible, trying to take him down in one fell swoop.

In terms of physical ability alone, Makiri will never be stronger than Tohsaka Nagato, and he does not have the ability of the Winter Saint to incapacitate the enemy upon contact. However, Tang Hao has a Servant-level level in melee combat. As long as he When he gets close, no matter how powerful a magician is, there is no hope of survival.

However, when the distance between the two sides was less than three bodies, a drop of water jumped up from the ground and suddenly splashed in front of Tang Hao's eyes. With a loud bang, the drop of water exploded like a bomb.

The same thing happened in many places. All the phantoms that Tang Hao created through his broken steps were blocked by the sudden water bomb. The phantoms that had no ability to respond were either crushed or absorbed. Even Tang Hao's body was blocked. He had to step back because he noticed that these exploding water droplets carried a strong corrosive force, which was more terrifying than strong acid.

This is the lethality of magic, and it is also the most troublesome part for Tang Hao.

Although he is already comparable to Servants in melee combat, he still has an obvious disadvantage compared to real Servants, and that is against magic power.

Generally speaking, most of the people who can become servants have had contact with magic, or they are half magicians themselves. This is especially true for those great heroes from the Age of Gods. Almost all of them are. It is a B-level anti-magic power, which is enough to make them immune to most magic. As for mothers and uncles like C, not to mention the A-level anti-magic power, almost all modern magic is child's play, which can make them strong. Attack freely despite the enemy's magic.

Even Miss Okita, who is completely insulated from magic, will be given a basic attribute against magic after becoming a servant and being summoned by the Holy Grail, causing the servant to naturally restrain the magician.

But Tang Hao is not a servant, and he only knows a little about magic. In addition, he is still alive, and his resistance to magic is almost zero, which means that most of the magician's attacks can be suppressed. It worked for him.

Even if a magician of Tohsaka Rin's level were to use relatively advanced destructive magic on him, he would not be able to resist head-on.

As for Ma Qili, he has lived for nearly three hundred years and has the strength to fight with servants, the use of magic and combat experience, not to mention that a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old can compare with Tang Hao's The threat is even greater.

After repelling Tang Hao, Ma Qili opened his hands, and the water droplets floating around him quickly gathered together, as if turning into a leech and pounced towards Tang Hao.

Tang Hao had quick eyes and quick hands, and almost without thinking, he slashed the "leech" in half, but the next moment it split into two, turning into two "leeches" of the same size, which made him vulnerable from both sides.

These two "leeches" will not explode. They are probably Makiri's familiars. They are very fast, like fireflies flying at night. If you are not careful, they will escape from sight, leaving Tang Hao Attention must be maintained at all times.

Moreover, he cannot attack randomly.

Because no one knows whether they will continue to split. If they split into four more, even he will probably have no choice but to run away.

The lack of innate intelligence advantage made it difficult for Tang Hao to fight.

However, thankfully, after the appearance of these two "leeches", Makiri did not use those water bombs again. It seems that these two "leeches" are different from Illya's white birds. A self-disciplined familiar needs to be controlled by Makiri's own mind, and he obviously cannot do two things at once.

However, due to the lack of information about the attack, Tang Hao could only rely on his speed to evade. After a moment of fighting, Maqili probably also discovered the shortage of numbers. The two "leeches" no longer attacked Tang Hao himself, but started attacking Tang Hao from time to time. and hit his sword.

Do you want to split into larger quantities?

In other words, it does not have the ability to split itself?

Tang Hao's heart moved, and naturally he would not let Ma Qili get what he wanted. Whenever the "leech" rushed towards his sword, he would immediately turn the blade around and use the sword surface to block it. The soft "leech" hit the sword surface, It made a splashing sound, and sometimes turned into a flat puddle of water, but it did not continue to split.

However, I don't know if it was an illusion, but Tang Hao found that after every collision, the "leeches" seemed to get bigger?

boom! boom! boom……

While Tang Hao and Ma Qili were fighting, not far away, the sound of shelling continued to be heard. Qingzi, who occupied the large hollow, had an overwhelming advantage in firepower, even if it was a miracle in the magic world like Oil of the Moon. , can crush it with one blow.

But her opponent at the moment is the Saint of Winter. The Saint of Winter is indeed not good at fighting, but her comprehensive knowledge of magic allows her to see through the characteristics of Aoko's magic at a glance... She has superb firepower, but her hit rate is lower. lacking.

Obviously, Aoko's magic is more suitable for dealing with large and slow-moving targets.

With this understanding, the Saint of Winter will naturally not confront her head-on. Instead, she avoids Aoko's attacks with her erratic figure and keeps approaching the big hole.

Gradually, Qingzi couldn't bear it anymore.

Indeed, she now has nearly unlimited magic power, allowing her to output freely, but each magic cannon consumes a lot of her physical strength. She is good at maximizing the output, but in turn, reducing the output equivalent and increasing the attack She can't do such a delicate operation as density yet.

Therefore, even if she knew that her attack pattern had been seen through, she could not make changes. She could only hope that the Saint of Winter would slow down so that she could be hit by her magic cannon.

However, this idea of ​​expecting the enemy to perform abnormally is obviously a bit unrealistic, so that she is now riding a tiger. The energy consumed in vain makes her body more and more tired. The distance between the magic cannons is getting wider and wider, and the distance between the two is getting bigger and bigger. Continuously shortening.

It seems... there's trouble.

Seeing the Saint of Winter getting closer and closer to her, Qingzi couldn't help but sweat break out on her forehead.

Tang Hao was paying close attention to Qingzi's battle, but just by the sound of shelling, he could tell that Qingzi was in trouble, and with Qingzi's current level, he probably couldn't solve it, no matter whether Qingzi was defeated or he was held back in the end. , there is only one ending in the end.

If you want to break through this predicament, you can only start from your own side, and you must do it as soon as possible, otherwise...if they wait until Tohsaka Nagato also arrives, the two of them will definitely lose!

Sure enough, these two leeches are getting bigger.

After thinking about it, Tang Hao finally determined the characteristics of the two familiars of Ma Qili. They cannot self-destruct or actively split, but they have the ability to absorb like a sponge. Every impact will absorb the Penglai Jade. Part of the sword's spiritual power strengthens itself, so they become bigger and bigger.

No wonder Makiri has the possibility of defeating a single-riding servant.

Servants, to put it bluntly, are an aggregate of spiritual base and magic power. If they are constantly attacked by these two "leeches", as long as the magic power is not high enough, the servant's own magic power will continue to be sucked away, and then disappear. If prices rise, defeat will naturally be the only result.

Fortunately, he was not a Servant. After all, what was sucked away was only the spiritual power of the Penglai Jade Sword. Although there would be trouble if he continued, but


Just when the two "leeches" that had become thicker than the arms were attacking again, Tang Hao stretched out his hand and touched the sword. In an instant, the glazed long sword ignited with blazing flames.

"Magic?" Not far away, Ma Qili's expression changed. He thought Tang Hao was just a pure martial artist.

"It's not magic, it's magic."

Tang Hao smiled slightly, swung his long sword down, and got stuck in the middle of two "leeches". Hot fireworks shot up into the sky, swallowing the two "leeches" completely. The next moment, white smoke quickly spread to the surroundings. Come.

No matter how good these two "leeches" are as familiars, they cannot change one essence, they are water.

As long as it is water, I am afraid of fire.

Of course, conversely, fire is also afraid of water.

And it all depends on who has the greater equivalent.

The "leeches" absorbed most of the spiritual power of the Penglai Jade Sword. They were already very strong, but they were still inferior to the royal oil released by Tang Hao with all his magic power. The "leeches" were evaporated and a large amount of water vapor emerged. , the water vapor blocked Tang Hao's sight, and also concealed his figure.

This is also the reason why Tang Hao chose to take action at this moment. If it was only two "leeches" as thick as fingers before, it would not be able to create such an amount of water vapor.


When the "leech" was evaporated, Makiri felt the familiar's death and wanted to retreat immediately. However, he was only a magician after all. After all, he did not have Tohsaka Eito's reaction ability beyond the limits of the human body. He even It was impossible to capture Tang Hao's movements from the thick water vapor.

Therefore, the moment he pulled back, Tang Hao had already rushed out of the water vapor and arrived in front of him like lightning.

Again, no matter how powerful a magician is, once a follower gets close to him, he will only die.

Following the thumping sound, Maqili felt a sharp pain coming from his abdomen. He instinctively lowered his head and saw a glazed long sword piercing his lower abdomen, with bright red liquid, snapping. It dropped to the ground.


Ma Qili twitched the corner of her mouth, still a little unbelievable until this moment.

Tang Hao turned his wrist, and the Penglai Jade Sword passed through Ma Qili's belly, cutting outward along the right side, and brought out a piece of blood.

"You are already dead."

Tang Hao wiped away the blood stains on his sword and turned around without looking back.

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