You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

039 True love exists in the world, Kato Yukino is together

[Determine the group members who need to be invited: Yukinoshita Yukino]

[Task retrieval...]

[Task retrieval completed: True love exists in the world, and Kato Yukino is together]

"Good poem, good poem." The ten minutes of banning had passed, and Tang Hao said it on the spot, "Speaking of which, do you feel that the tasks posted in the chat room seem to be becoming more and more casual, and the style of each time They’re all different.”

Gu Ming felt: "Indeed, the first mission is vernacular, the second mission "Walking with the Gods" is very cool, and the second grade has an outstanding temperament, and the current one is a bit literary and fresh."

Kaguya: "Is it the development path from ordinary intelligence to secondary intelligence to literary intelligence? It's so real."

Patchouli: "Could it be related to the person who performed the mission?"

Tang Hao: "How to say?"

Patchouli: "Look, Da Bendan was an ordinary person when he performed the mission for the first time. Although ordinary people entered the mission the second time, the mission itself was not ordinary. As for now... Kato is still somewhat literary. She has a girlish temperament."

That makes some sense!

Everyone was silent, seemingly convinced.

Only Kato Megumi looked at the phone silently, and finally nodded decisively: "Well, it should be the relationship that makes me and Yukinoshita-san become friends."

Tang Hao complained: "I think it may be more than just friends."

Kato Megumi smiled and said nothing, and then said: "Then Miss Kaguya, please help me go through the transfer procedures."

"No problem, just wait for me for half an hour." Kaguya took over Kato Megumi's administrator rights and immediately started to operate. Of course, it was still the same as before...stealing money, laundering money, contacting the principal, and persuading.

"Can you do something innovative? I'm tired of this old routine." Tang Hao's voice rang in the channel again. He was playing games on his mobile phone and watching the live broadcast on his computer. He felt very uncomfortable. , as soon as his heart became active, he began to stir up Kaguya's thorns.

"You're crazy, you still want to innovate in this kind of thing? Are you out of your mind!" Kaguya criticized him unceremoniously, and also sent him a tongue-out emoji.

As for Kato Megumi, since he had nothing to do for the time being, he found a cool place and sat down against a tree trunk. The breeze blows slowly, blowing a trace of the girl's hair. As the hem of the skirt floats, the girl's fingers pass through the hair and she raises her face. The temperament of a literary girl explodes at this moment, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

Seeing this scene, Tang Hao didn't bother to argue with Kaguya. With his quick eyes and quick hands, he just took a screenshot!

Speaking of which, the video mode of the chat room is really high-end. Although there is no multi-angle tracking, every shot will automatically select the best angle of view. Sometimes it is a long shot, sometimes it is a close shot, and sometimes it is Kato Megumi’s point of view. , almost every frame can be used as a desktop.

As a desktop?

Tang Hao suddenly had an idea and thought of a business opportunity, "Kato, can you do a few more poses?"


"It's like this. You are very popular in our world. You are like an idol. You have many fans. So I thought if you do a real-life cosplay, and then I sell these pictures, I can make money. Hui Fans’ money. With your quality, you will definitely sell well. After all, it’s me. When the time comes, I will share half of the money with you.”

Yakumo Murasaki: "I think you have fallen into the eyes of money!"

"Isn't this bad?" Megumi Kato raised her head, and the expression on her face changed slightly, "I think it's not healthy to make money in this way, and it obviously infringes on my portrait rights."

"As long as you agree, doesn't it count as infringement?"

"So I refused."

"Are you really not going to think about it? It's easy to make money from fans. Look at the man on the moon next door. He would rather eat dirt than make money."

"Forget it."

"Oh, that's okay..."

Tang Hao sighed, feeling disappointed. It was obviously a very good business opportunity, but unexpectedly he was rejected by Kato Megumi. Hey, I shouldn't have told her if I had known better. I secretly cut some of them and then sold them secretly. I didn't have to divide the money I made. Isn't it nice?

When the time comes for Yukino to appear on the scene, not only will she be able to earn money from Hui Chi, but she will also be able to earn money from Yukino fans. Oh my, what a mistake!

Although it is not impossible to do this now, since Kato Megumi has clearly expressed her refusal, it would be a bit unethical to sell her portrait... Tang Hao patted his thigh and felt countless small coins falling from his hands. Li flew away.

Forget it, let’s take a few more pictures and keep them for yourself.

Fighting Girl: Well, can I speak?

Yakumo Murasaki: "What's wrong? The voice mode has been turned on. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Fighting Girl: No, I think you were quite busy just now, so you didn’t dare to interrupt. And it’s not convenient for me to talk now... I’m studying on my own.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Okay, what do you want to say?

In order to facilitate communication with Ichihiwa, Yakumo Murasaki typed in the chat window.

Fighting Girl: Uh, I just wanted to ask what on earth are you doing? Why can't I understand it at all? The sudden video and sound shocked me, but luckily none of my classmates seemed to notice.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Oh, I don’t think I’ve told you, but don’t worry, all information in this group is completely blocked from outsiders, as long as you don’t speak in front of others, because that will make people think you are talking to yourself. Talk to yourself.

Fighting Girl: Huh...?

Da Bendan: I think we should make an announcement or something, and write down all the features of the chat room in the group announcement, so as not to have to explain it to every new person who comes in in the future.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Well, this is indeed a good idea, then I will get it now.

Seventeen-year-old girl: Fighting girl, just like Da Bendan said, wait until I finish writing it, you can read it yourself.

Fighting Girl: Oh, thank you.

Even on the Internet, Yiqi Rihe still gives the impression that he is polite and polite, but...

With those unscrupulous guys like Yakumo Murasaki and Kaguya around, Hiyori Iki's personality probably won't last long... Tang Hao thought silently, sighing in his heart, just like himself, how bad he was before he joined the group. Pure White Lotus, but after joining the group for a few days, he became increasingly impure. God knows what he has been through!

ten minutes later……

[Group announcement has been updated]

Tang Hao immediately clicked on it and found that the content was all what Yakumo Murasaki had said, as well as some of the existing functions of the chat room. Although it may be confusing for people who join the group for the first time, it can indeed help newcomers quickly understand the current situation. ...Whether you believe it or not is another matter.

"No? Are you serious?"

Sure enough, after reading the group announcement, Hiyori Ichiyori became a little calm and called out directly in the voice channel. Although she heard about the topic of another world from Yakumo Purple yesterday, she originally thought it was just a joke, but now it was written openly in the group announcement, and it was still so formal.

This kind of it true?

Yakumo Murasaki knows that changing a person's worldview is not something that can be done with just a few words. Just like Tang Hao and Kato Megumi, if the facts weren't in front of them, they probably wouldn't believe it even now, so She didn't bother to explain anything, so she only left one sentence.

"Real gold is not afraid of fire, you will know later."

"ok, done!"

At the same time, Kaguya's voice rang in everyone's ears. Kato Megumi's transfer procedures had been finalized, faster than last time, taking only twenty minutes.

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