"Well, that's probably the basic situation."

Overall, Aozaki Aoko is a very strange person.

She has the purest kindness of an ordinary person. She can ask her terrible grandfather to use magic to resurrect several kittens that died unexpectedly. She also has the ruthless side of a magician, just to prevent her secrets from being known. , he will not hesitate to hunt down and kill irrelevant people, no matter whether they are good guys or bad guys.

Although she is an ordinary person, she can accept the life of a magician calmly and adapt quickly. However, if she is a magician, she lacks the inquiring heart of a normal magician... Yes, Aozaki Aoko has never She wanted to pursue the roots, but she always had a dispensable attitude toward the roots that magicians longed for. From this point of view, she was unqualified as a magician.

He is neither an ordinary person nor a magician. He can teach confused teenagers with the super correct value of "even if you have strange eyes, don't make your heart strange." It will be destroyed, but it’s none of my business” is such an extreme thing.

The Magic Association rated her as having a personality disorder.

Tang Hao didn't know how the magicians evaluated her, but even in his opinion, Aozaki Aoko was a bit too arbitrary, and it was difficult to grasp her specific character, so that "taking her out" was too much. Things seemed very unrealistic.

In comparison, Yu Ji is much easier to handle than her.

Rather than saying that Aozaki Aoko is the heroine, the positioning of the male protagonist is more distinct. For example, the two male protagonists Emiya Shirou and Tohno Shiki have more or less shadows of Aozaki Aoko. Especially the consciousness of being willing to be the enemy of the whole world for someone, which is almost exactly the same as Aoko.

Precisely because Aozaki Aoko was too difficult to grasp, Tang Hao did not reveal his purpose immediately. Instead, he exchanged information with the other party while maintaining a safe distance that was neither alienated nor intimate.

The process of exchanging information went smoothly, but Tang Hao still didn't understand anything. According to Qingzi, she was separated from Youzhu during the battle with Chengzi, and when she woke up, she appeared in a strange place and was suspected of being suspected. People from the church hunted him down.

Fortunately, she was smart enough and managed to get rid of the enemy after a fight. Then she came to the town. After some investigation, she finally figured out the current situation and traveled to the future eleven years later. Although it was a bit unbelievable, in order to solve this problem, she decided to fill her stomach first.

But it was a pity that she didn't have any money with her, so she used her sister's name to pay the money on credit.

"Anyway, it's Chengzi's fault that I'm in this situation. If that guy hadn't come to my door for no reason, I wouldn't have been in so much trouble. When I find her, she will definitely make me suffer ten times. Give it back to her!"

These are Qingzi's exact words, eager to move forward, and speaking confidently.

Tang Hao did not doubt her words, because Qingzi was still an ordinary girl, and she was not good at hiding her emotions. Her emotions were always expressed on her face. Since she was so angry, she probably couldn't lie.

But in this way, his investigation hit a dead end.

If not Aoko, who else has such great ability to cause such chaos in the timeline?

No, it can’t be said that Qingzi has been cleared of suspicion.

Yuzhu came to this era in a blink of an eye, but Aoko fainted for a while, so what happened during the time when she lost consciousness? Maybe she didn't lie, but didn't even know it herself?

Of course, now, instead of investigating the culprit of the time chaos, it is more important to leave this different space. When staying here, Tang Hao always feels uneasy.

"Speaking of which, since people from the church have attacked you, why are you still running to the church's territory?"

"It's not because of you!" Qingzi immediately glared at him, "If you hadn't been chasing me like a thief, would I have run away? And I didn't know this was the church's territory."

"...Okay, but I paid for your meal, so let's treat it as even."

Qingzi blinked, and his tone revealed poverty, "That's not enough, at least you have to treat me to another meal."

Tang Hao wanted to refuse, but after taking a look at her, he suddenly felt sympathy in his heart. The dignified magician was in such a state. Not only did he have no money to eat, but he also ate and drank every chance he got. It made the macho man cry. It should be said He is worthy of being the prototype of Tohsaka Rin, even his poverty is the same.

"Okay, no problem. In the worst case, I'll steal the battery car for you. But before that, we have to leave first. I know a thing or two about magic. Do you have a way to leave?"

Qingzi frowned slightly, "Well... I'm pretty good at destruction, but I'm not very sure about this type of barrier magic. It would be nice if you had beads around... Ah, no, I heard you beads say that, like this There must be a fulcrum in the barrier that supports the entire space, just like her moon oil. As long as we can destroy that fulcrum, the barrier will be self-defeating."

"Where is the key fulcrum?"

"You ask me, who am I asking!" Qingzi answered confidently.

All right……

Tang Hao was helpless. Two people who knew a little bit about magic were trapped in such a profound barrier and would not be able to get out for a while. It would have been better if they had the support of Chaldea. , but it cannot be observed now.

"Then let's search casually first." Tang Hao said. If he really can't find a way out, he can only wait for Patchouli's rescue.

Afterwards, the two wandered around in this silent forest, mainly based on Aoko's opinion. After all, her magic level was mainly due to having two monster-level magicians, Orange and Yuzu, as reference. He was a novice, but compared to Tang Hao, who was not even a magician, he was still far superior.

In terms of magic knowledge alone, if Orange and Youzhu have 90 points, Aoko has at least 50 points, and Tang Hao has only 5 points at most.

Of course, this alien space was probably created by a 90-level magician. Aoko's ability was still a bit inadequate, so the two of them wandered around like headless flies for a long time, as if they were completely lost in it.

"How long have we been walking?" Qingzi asked without looking back on the road.

Tang Hao looked at his phone and said, "Three hours."

"Ah, if this continues, it will be dark. Am I going to sleep in the wild with a man I have not known for half a day? What a terrible experience." Qingzi looked downcast, and gradually became impatient, and then stretched out his hand towards Tang Hao. With one hand, "Hey, is there anything to eat?"

This guy really does whatever he wants.

Tang Hao couldn't help but roll his eyes. With such a bad attitude, it was only natural to ask for food from him. Besides, didn't you just eat three hours ago?

He was secretly cursing in his heart, considering that he still needed to rely on her to find the fulcrum of the different space, but he didn't refuse. But just when he was about to take out the food from the favorites, a subtle voice suddenly came into his ears.

It's a human voice!

Tang Hao quickly stopped, quickly pressed his right hand on Qingzi's shoulder, squatted down, and hid in the grass.

Qingzi turned around instinctively, "You... ugh!"

As soon as she said a word, her mouth was held down by Tang Hao.

Hey, are you taking advantage of me?

A vein popped out on Qingzi's forehead, and he was about to bite it.

"Shh!" Tang Hao quickly made a silencing gesture to her.

Qingzi's eyes flashed, and he noticed the serious expression on Tang Hao's face, and the slightly opened teeth did not bite him after all. Then he held his breath and looked forward along Tang Hao's gaze.

Soon she saw a figure standing among the trees dozens of meters ahead.


Qingzi felt a shiver in his heart, but it was a little strange. The figure had its back to the two of them. It was neither tall nor slender. It was wearing a set of slightly ancient clothes and had long black hair. It was unclear whether it was a man or not. female. Although he could feel that the other party was a magician, there was almost no sign of magic power. Instead, he seemed unusually quiet, with a vague feeling of being one with nature.

It was precisely because of this detached aura that she was completely unaware of this person's existence.

But Tang Hao discovered it.

This guy……

Qingzi couldn't help but take another look at Tang Hao, but when she saw that the other party was listening with his ears raised, she didn't think much more. She calmed down and listened to the movement in front of her. Gradually, subtle sounds floated over.

"Then let's start implementing the agreed plan, no matter how many generations it takes... the location is Fuyuki... of course... but before that... I have to entertain the intruders..."

When Qingzi heard this, before she understood what was going on, she suddenly felt a lightness in her body, but it was Tang Hao who grabbed her arm and quickly turned around and ran out the same way.

"Hey you……"


Before the two of them ran far, and Qingzi didn't even have time to speak, a figure moved in front of the two of them as if teleporting.

"Now that you're here, why rush to leave?"

It was the person I saw before, from the back just now, from the front now. He was wearing a men's kimono and had long black hair. His handsome face was even more beautiful than that of a woman. His face was calm, and his dark eyes were like ancient wells, as if nothing in the world could impress him.

"Such... such a beautiful man." Qingzi was startled, almost thinking that this man was a woman.

However, Tang Hao did not sigh at his beauty. His eyes were fixed on the other party's shoulders, his eyes showing unprecedented solemnity.

This guy... is very strong!

Not as strong as a magician, but as a martial artist.

This aura that was calmer than water made Tang Hao feel threatened. It was precisely because of this that he took Qingzi to escape, but he was still too slow.

"Who are you?" Tang Hao asked in a deep voice.

The black-haired man looked indifferently and said calmly: "Tohsaka Eito."

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