You guys really know how to play in the second dimension

382 Dumao: Steal my role and sing my song!

About ten minutes later, Tang Hao received a red dress as a holy relic from Roman.

This dress looks inexplicably familiar, and you can still feel a trace of residual warmth when you hold it in your hand. It seems like it was just taken off? Then he subconsciously put it to his nose and smelled smelled a bit fragrant, especially on the chest, where there was a faint milky scent.

Although generally speaking, ordinary people cannot smell this milky fragrance, Tang Hao has received inhuman training after all, and his five senses are far beyond ordinary people, so he can smell smells that ordinary people cannot smell.

However, when they saw Tang Hao put the dress to his mouth to smell it, not even leaving the chest, Tohsaka Rin and Kuonji Yuju couldn't help showing contempt, as if they were looking at a pervert.

"I'm just verifying the quality of this holy relic. What do you look like?" Tang Hao expressed his dissatisfaction. He was very serious. After all, who knows who wore this dress... Oh, by the way, there are also Just to ask.

Da Bendan: Roman, who did you take these clothes off from? Why is it still fresh?

Dr. Roman: Flower of Rome.

Da Bendan: Oh, it’s Fat Caesar, right? But I’m thinking that this dress might not fit him well.

Dr. Roman: Are you serious?

Dabendan: Just kidding.

This dress belongs to Nero, the fifth-generation emperor who was called a tyrant in ancient Roman history. He was a male in history. He showed outstanding talents before he became emperor and had a good reputation among the common people. However, His private life was quite chaotic, and he was open to both men and women. Since he suppressed the Holy See during his reign, and his chaotic private life, he also had many black spots. He was an emperor who had mixed reputations and reputations.

Generally speaking, except for the problems in his private life, he is somewhat similar to Brother Zheng. After all, Brother Zheng was also blackmailed by Confucianism for more than two thousand years and has only improved recently.

Of course, Nero in the history of the moon became a woman just like King Arthur. The famous Red Saber was obviously tone-deaf, but full of love for art. Her singing voice was like a destructive treasure, and she was still a monster.

Thinking about it carefully, Roman did say not long ago that Mashu and Fujimaru Ritsuka have entered the second singularity, and now he has sent Nero's emperor's dress, which means... this is from the living Nero Did you take it off?

This holy relic seems a bit hardcore!

But then again, why a dress? Shouldn't it be something like a sword or a weapon?

Tang Hao was a little confused for a while, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was nothing wrong with it. After all... In a certain animation, Nero was completely naked as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he was naked in front of the male protagonist. There was nothing wrong with it. Sorry, it is perfectly normal for this immoral and shameless woman to do such a thing.

"Na na na, now that the holy relic is in hand, let's start the summoning." Thinking about it, Tang Hao couldn't wait to hand the dress to Youzhu. Although it is unlikely, but just in case... Nero summoned this time Also naked?

Thinking about it makes me a little excited.

"This..." Youzhu frowned slightly, always feeling a little unreliable, but anyway, she didn't have many requirements for the servants, and then placed the dress in the summoning circle.

As the summoning spell fell, the exciting moment finally arrived. Just like the golden light flashing when drawing a card, a figure gradually appeared in the dazzling light.

"Servant Nero Claudius, he came in response to the call..."

Tang Hao's eyes suddenly widened, until the light gradually faded away, and his excited expression gradually became dull... It was not a swimsuit, not a wedding, and not completely naked, it was the original Red Nero.

She has blond hair and dull hair, and is wearing a red dress. The front of the skirt is translucent. Although she has a 150 cm lolita body shape, her bust is quite strong, so that her upper body is a bit exposed, and her hands are He was holding a crooked long sword, which was very fancy. He didn't look like a swordsman, but like an archer.

Although Tang Hao didn't really expect Nero to appear naked from the beginning, he actually hoped that the one he summoned would be Hua Marry Nero, because the three skills of Hua Marry are very fun. They can not only give stars to the sky and flowers to the earth, but also Can give people love.

But the original version is okay, after all, he is a Gou Emperor.

In the summoning array, Emperor Gou's eyes quickly fell on Youzhu, he looked up and down a few times, and then showed a hearty smile, "Are you Yu's master? Well, you actually know how to summon Yu as a follower. You are really a knowledgeable magician. Master, I like you very much!"

It’s over, this unisex Emperor Gou has taken his fancy!

Tang Hao was shocked, but Youzhu didn't react at all. She originally had three attributes, and the expression on her face changed very little. She often didn't know what she was thinking. Of course, it was possible that she was not thinking about anything and was just in a daze. That’s all.

"Master, what's wrong? Why don't you speak?" Seeing that she didn't respond, Nero asked, "Is it because he was moved by Yu's heroic appearance and was so shocked that he lost the power of words? Mmmmm, this kind of thing The response was also very good!”

Nero raised the corners of his mouth, extremely satisfied.

Tohsaka Rin, on the other hand, held his chin and looked at Nero, frowning slightly, "Nero Claudius... If my history is correct, this name should be that of the ancient Roman Empire... the legendary one Tyrant, why...?"

"Hmm!" Nero nodded, "You have studied history well. I am the emperor of Rome. As for the title of tyrant, I don't hate it either."

So, why are the tyrants in history female?

Tohsaka Rin was a little confused for a moment, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so he asked instead, "So, what is your rank?"

Nero immediately patted his chest, raised his head and said, "I have the privilege of an ex-level emperor, and I can easily control any rank, ah... However, because I suffer from headaches, it is impossible to become a caster. If I ride a carriage, my butt It hurts, and I don’t want to be a rider, so my current rank is Saber, the strongest Saber, hmm!”

Nonsense, not only did you become a caster in FGO, you also learned how to fly a Gundam.

Tang Hao thought to himself, while Tohsaka Rin pressed his head, with an expression of envy and hatred, and murmured, "Ugh, saber, it is obviously my favorite class, but now I can summon it so easily... "

"Isn't that great? You already have a goddess anyway, and that one is one of the top three archers." Tang Hao said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Tohsaka Rin glared at him. It would be good to summon a goddess, but the problem is that the way this goddess appears is a bit unique, and she has to go into battle in person. She still wants Saber more.

On the other side, Yuju nodded towards Nero, "Saber, my name is Kuonji Yuju, about the Holy Grail War..."

"Hmm!" Before she could finish speaking, Nero stretched out his hand to cut off her words, "No need to say more, Master, Yu is a servant summoned by the Holy Grail. The moment he appeared in the world, the Holy Grail gave Yu this era. You also know what kind of game the Holy Grail War is. Don’t worry, as long as you have something to spare, you will be invincible and I will definitely win for you!”

Nero's confidence seems groundless, but this is indeed what she would say. Generally speaking, this guy is eloquent, outgoing, and likes to express himself. Compared with his strength, her own sense of existence is more important. A character who can be the center of attention.

In terms of personality, she can be said to be the complete opposite of Arturia.

"But before that, Yu still has a question..." Suddenly, Nero bent down and picked up the red dress in the summoning array, showing a puzzled look, "If Yu's judgment is correct, this should be Master should use it to summon Yu's holy relics... Hmm, although as an emperor, Yu's attire is indeed of the highest quality, but it is a bit exaggerated to say that it will not rot for a thousand years, and it looks exactly like what Yu wore before his life. What on earth... …”

When Youzhu heard this, he immediately looked at Tang Hao.

Realizing that Nero was also looking at him, Tang Hao coughed quickly and said seriously: "Your Majesty, have you ever heard of cosplay?"

"Cos?" Nero thought for a while, probably searching for modern knowledge in his mind, "I know that the so-called cos is to wear someone's usual clothes to express his love for that character..."

"Yes, that's it..."

"I see!" Before Tang Hao could finish speaking, Nero once again activated his inherent skill of interrupting others and said with a smile, "That's it, that's it. If you want to cosplay with Yu, then you must be Yu's fans. I didn’t expect that Yu would be summoned as a follower by his fans. It’s such a fate. It’s rare for you to have such intention. As the emperor, it is natural for Yu to express something, so I will take this opportunity to sing a song and let you do well. Listen to the sounds of nature coming from Rome!”


Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed. this shooting himself in the foot?

Seeing Nero scratching his throat and preparing to officially start singing, Tang Hao quickly ran out.

"Huh?" Nero was stunned and immediately called to Tang Hao, "Fans of Yu, where are you going?"

Tang Hao held his stomach and showed a painful expression, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry, I feel unwell and have to go to the toilet. I can't listen to your natural voice for the time being. You can sing to these two ladies first. Ouch"

With that said, Tang Hao pushed open the basement door and ran out without looking back.

As for Tohsaka Rin and Kuonji Yuju...he couldn't save them.

There was one less audience member for no reason, and Nero was a little disappointed, but, "Since I'm not feeling well, there's nothing I can do about it. It's such a pity. After all, Yu's singing can't be appreciated at any time. So, as the leader of this Holy Grail War, The opening song... Haha, slang, Kathieno, I have you, steal pants for a day, Padolu Padolu..."

A moment later, wisps of earth-shattering singing came from the basement of the Tohsaka family. It seemed to be vaguely mixed with the girl's wails and screams.

At this time, Tang Hao had just run out of Tohsaka House with sparks and lightning all the way, and he secretly felt lucky in his heart.

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