Yuju Kuonji is such a person. She is taciturn and quiet, as if she is not a human being. At the same time, she lacks human emotions and has a basically disgusting attitude towards human beings. She chooses to live alone in order not to come into contact with anyone else, and lives in seclusion in modern times. This way of living makes her seem incompatible with this era, and she can be said to be a self-destructive person.

But at the same time, whether as a human or as a witch, Kuonji Yuju is quite far-sighted. Although she is old-fashioned and stubbornly sticks to her pride, she is not as dissatisfied with science and modern culture as other traditional magicians. Biased, on the contrary, it is precisely because she is out of tune with this era that she better understands the power of modern society and human technology, as well as the threats to herself. Therefore, every time she takes action, she will consider the results and possible consequences. .

In terms of personality, unlike Aoko, who is bold and free-spirited, Kuonji Yuju strictly follows the rules of a magician, is self-disciplined, and is good at observation and planning. .

Therefore, when she unexpectedly came to this era, she was not as clueless as Ryogimi. She immediately realized the anomalies in the environment and launched an investigation. Afterwards, she came to the Tohsaka family. He decisively took over this foreign hotel as his own.

Of course, she didn't have such thoughts at the beginning, but after detailed investigation, she confirmed her experience and chose the method that was most beneficial to her. Even so, she still tried her best to avoid conflicts with the original owner of this room, such as the way she dealt with Ryogi Mina, and her previous warnings to Tang Hao and Tohsaka Rin.

But in general, the results did not develop in the direction that Kuonji Yuju hoped. She did not want to have too much contact with this era, but she still inevitably interacted with people of this era.

The only thing that made her feel lucky was that the two people in front of her didn't have too many doubts about her words.

Of course Tang Hao would not doubt it. Anyway, there was an example of Ryogi Weina before him. Let alone Jiuyuanji Youzhu, he would not be too surprised if an Erqite ran out one day. As for Tohsaka Rin, she has gradually gotten used to it. Her intuition told her that the witch in front of her was not a good liar.

She was actually more concerned about the opponent's magic system than the origins of Kuuanji Yuju. This was the first time she knew of this kind of fairy tale style magic.

However, although Tohsaka Rin was curious, he would not pry. After all, exploring the details of a magician's magic is taboo at any time. It is like stealing trade secrets. Even the best friends may turn against each other.

"In short, I won't stay here for too long. As long as I can find a way back, I will leave immediately and won't cause you any more trouble." Finally, Kuonji Yuju said.

This was her compromise, but she also spoke from the bottom of her heart. She was used to living alone, so she was not used to getting along with strangers at all. Even if she lived together with Aozaki Aoko, she refused at first, but it was because of the conflict between the two families. She reluctantly accepted the relationship between them.

Therefore, she had no choice but to seize Tohsaka Rin's mansion.

"So, do you have a way to go back?" Tang Hao said with a smile, "You said you wanted to go home, but the distance between the two homes is not just Fuyuki to Sanshi, but 11 years apart. Do you really have any idea?"

"..." Kuuanji Yuju was silent again.

Of course she knows how difficult it is. Not to mention going back, just the fact that she traveled to the future 11 years later is incredible enough. This is an achievement that cannot be achieved by any magic. If it is possible... It's a magician!

Although she has been ridiculed as a magician who is more like a magician than a magician, she is only a magician after all.

There is always a way

If it were Qingzi, she would probably answer like this, but she really couldn't say such illogical words. As she thought about it, she couldn't help but feel a little autistic. Looking at the smile on Tang Hao's face, she felt that this smile Full of malice.

"I think it's better not to talk about this now." Tohsaka Rin saw that Tang Hao was chatting to death, and couldn't help but try to smooth things over, "Well, Miss Kuonji, since you have no intention of being our enemy, I I don’t mind if you live here temporarily, we are all magicians, and we can occasionally exchange magic experiences. As for the way to go back, there will always be a way to find a way."


Kuonji Yuju nodded slightly, and his eyes stayed on Tohsaka Rin's face for a few seconds longer.

Tohsaka Rin didn't understand what it meant and reached out to touch it, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, no." Kuonji Yuju immediately looked away, "I just think that you and a friend of mine look very similar. The shape of your face, the color of your pupils, and if you change your hairstyle, you would almost think that we are twin sisters."

"Eh? Really?"

"Well, even some of the adventurous... characteristics of the characters are somewhat similar." Kuonji Yuju nodded. He originally wanted to say bold, but felt it was not polite, so he changed his tune temporarily.

And in her heart, she couldn't help but think that since Tohsaka Rin and Aoko were so similar, and Aoko lived in her mansion and lived together with her, then she traveled through time and space and came to Tohsaka Rin's mansion. , is it really just a coincidence?

Perhaps, this is also part of fate.

"Is it really so similar?" Tohsaka Rin was quite surprised and asked curiously, "Then, what kind of person is your friend?"

Kuonji Yuju thought for a while and concluded: "A person who is like the wind."

"Like the wind? Hmm." Tohsaka Rin crossed his arms and twisted his face slightly, "Although it is a subtle metaphor, but I can somehow imagine that if the wind evolves, it will probably turn into a sandstorm."

On the side, Tang Hao blinked. Although he knew that Tohsaka Rin might be thinking of Ishtar, it seemed that it was not inappropriate to describe Aozaki Aoko as a sandstorm. After all, as a magician, Aozaki Aoko could do nothing but destroy. It is useless, and after becoming a magician... it becomes capable of destroying anything.

Just like a sandstorm, there are ruins wherever it passes.

But wait!

Aozaki Aoko's magic is time. If the timeline is disrupted, will it have anything to do with her?

Although according to Kuonji Yuju's experience, Aoko had not yet become a magician at that time, the magic of time can originally allow Aoko to travel through the entire timeline, whether it is to reach the distant past or the infinite future, or even from other places. He can easily pull in countless people on the timeline, and he can also cut off part of history like Goetia did... In terms of the use of time alone, Goetia is just a low-end version of Aoko.

And the point in time he came to was always the fifth battle. At this time, Aoko was already Obasan, who was twenty-seven or eight years old, and had already become a magician. So, if she did something at this point in time, Then it affects the past and future, causing chaos in the timeline... It is not impossible!

Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, I will write it down for now and hope that I won’t fight the magician when the time comes.

While Tang Hao wrote down this idea, he prayed secretly. If Aozaki Aoko is really to be an enemy, it will definitely be a more terrifying monster than Jin Shining. After all, it is just the servant version of Jin Shining that has obvious weaknesses, and That guy Aoko...does she have any weaknesses?

Not to mention her weaknesses, she can't even be conquered!

King Dumao, Two Ceremonies, Elquette and Aozaki Aoko, among the recognized four female protagonists of the moon, the first three have their CPs and can be conquered. Only Aoko, as the wife appointed by Mushroom, However, she will not be attacked by any male protagonist on the moon. It can be said that she is a woman with no weaknesses in her body.

In terms of cheating, it is even more terrifying than Gemstone Wengdu.

If Aozaki Aoko is really going to be his opponent then, he will have no other choice but to summon Zimei.

"By the way, Miss Kuonji, you just said that you have enemies that you need to deal with. Who is your enemy?"

Just when Tang Hao was thinking like this, Tohsaka Rin had already jumped to another topic, which also made Tang Hao come back to his senses and look at Yuju Kuonji.

Kuuanji Yuju let out a breath and was about to speak


Suddenly, a dull wolf roar came from the darkness outside.


Kuuanji Yuju stood up suddenly, and her calm face also showed a trace of unprecedented solemnity.

"She's coming! It's coming!"

"She? It?" Tohsaka Rin was stunned, and his gaze moved from Kuonji's face to the window. Although he had not yet accurately understood the situation, a trace of panic arose in his heart for no reason.

She and it, Kuonji Yuju is not wrong, because this does not refer to just one person.

"My enemy, her name is Aozaki Orange."

"Aozaki Orange...Aozaki family?!" Tohsaka Rin's expression suddenly changed. As a famous magic family in Japan, the Tosaka family manages Fuyuki's spiritual veins. Although it has always been looked down upon by Western magicians and belittled as country people. , but in Japan, it is already an upper-class famous family, so naturally it is not unknown to the Aozaki family who are also the managers of the spiritual veins of the three cities.

And if you want to trace the past, these two families actually have a bigger magician of origin!

The magic of the Tosaka family was inherited from the magic user Gem Ou, and the ancestors of the Aozaki family also had a magic user.

"That's right." Kuonji Yuju nodded slowly, "Konoko is a very good magician, but she is the abandoned heir of the Aozaki family because she is not qualified to be a magician. She and her sister hold a grudge. A fratricidal civil war has begun, but the enemy we face is not only Aozaki Orange, but more importantly, her familiar..."

"The golden wolf of Gensokyo who possesses the mystery of three thousand years, the killer of magicians!"


As if in response to Yuzhu's words, the roar of the wolf kept approaching in the darkness.

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